Looking for info on escort drivers

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
I think whoever hires you should buy the GPS if they insist you have one.

The Perlys guide is good enough for me. :thumb:


Ebony Porn Star Delight
Sep 17, 2011
website coming soon
I have seen this thread a few times and others like it and pretty much ignore it and shake my head. it also goes with the constant emails probably some of us indies get on a regular basis. There is always going to be someone out there who thinks they can be a driver for SPs. Since I have been indie I have hired 2 drivers. One had a job that paid the bills which eventually lead him to take on a position overseas. the second was a driver for multiple agencies around the city and other indepedents the second came with lots of references.

Those were my best expereinces with drivers, drivers from agencies I have been with are a whole different story. if you really think you want to be a driver try applying to agencies and see which one will hire you before you can venture out to indies. Probably why I am chiming in now posting my piece about people posting they want to be drivers is that I kind of want to give them a wake up call about it. I am getting the feeling they want to be drivers to get cheap trills as they see in reviews.

There is no glamour being a driver. if fact I would say being a driver is probably pressure type job where you have to at the ready to jump if shit goes off. this does not mean sleeping in your car or trying to squeeze in your errands while you drop off a SP at her call. you pretty much have a cat ready pounce on trouble virman. Sure some drivers have set up their car in a way that makes them comfortable, with laptops with internet access and a dvd player and etc. but the minute that phone goes off saying something is wrong you better be in the area ready for that SP to be running in your car.

There could be nights where your hearing stories from SPS about what client they say and how disgusted about them which means you end up being the ear they dump on. and if your working with an agency that ends in the wee hours of the night. you might end up driving SPs around for take-out and other errands they might have.
Yes doing delieverys for any of the restaurants out there would be alot better ,or even running your own dial-a-bottle service I get flyers for those all the time.

There is a website http://torontodriver.com/ I don`t know if they are still in business but if your service give them a call and see what they say about how the job is.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
And u have proof beond a reasonable doubt how? You can charge me with runnin a criminal enterprise the tick is to prove it in a court of law and how are u going to that? Oh officer he he had in his car some women that were escorting? How do u know they were did u pay to have sex with them? And u can prove this right? Dam no.
And when they bust the incall first and then you, they've got all the proof they need to make your life very unhappy and your insurance company unhappy with you*. You're quite correct: In your Centre of the Universe View, they aren't after you and they couldn't likely get you. But you wouldn't be the centre, just the sidebar pick-up from the real bust.

*Although their position on 'driving for hire' while insured as a private vehicle is bad enough, I expect they'd cancel you without recourse if the car was used for criminal acrtivity, under the Code.
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