Looking for info on escort drivers


Feb 20, 2004
Like I said if u have 2-3 girls in your car u can make about 20 an hour and no downtime. That not bad. But if u have one girl it not worth your time.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Like I said if u have 2-3 girls in your car u can make about 20 an hour and no downtime. That not bad. But if u have one girl it not worth your time.
But don't forget from that $20 you have to deduct: Gas and maintenance plus any other extra costs you incur while ferrying your charges about. And how often are you getting paid those $20/hr consecutatively? Work every other hour and your income goes down to $10/hr.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
I think this idea of endless 'freebies' is more in the mind of the fevered hobbyist imagining himself as an escort driver than the actual reality.

The agency is a business, and having horny drivers hassle the SPs for sex would harm their business, so why put up with it?


Feb 20, 2004
The job is like extra cash spending money more like it. You can not do this for a living there no way. As to being arrested what the charge? I'm just driving around last time I look that not a crime? Let say even if the ladies are know? Again what is the charge? U have to prove a crime. But again you can work hard and make 10.25 and get tax on it but still I think this job is better then that. But again this is not a real job just something to make some extra 50 to 60 for 3 to 4 hour work.


Apr 24, 2005
But again this is not a real job just something to make some extra 50 to 60 for 3 to 4 hour work.
Beggars probably make as much or more than that. I saw an interview with a beggar a few years ago and he said he makes around $200-$300 a day.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I think beggars have better luck getting freebies from the ladies as well, especially if they can play harmonica.

But pizza drivers score best of all.


New member
Mar 23, 2007
I think every pooner should be required to be a driver for an SP. My how that would change the level of respect pooners give SP's.


Feb 20, 2004
And u have proof beond a reasonable doubt how? You can charge me with runnin a criminal enterprise the tick is to prove it in a court of law and how are u going to that? Oh officer he he had in his car some women that were escorting? How do u know they were did u pay to have sex with them? And u can prove this right? Dam no.


Feb 20, 2004
Also in all fairness this did not happen to me because I did Bo work that late, but since u will be driving around at night cops will run your plates and if you get 3 ping then maybe they can ask you what your doing. Not sure on that one. No probable cause but who knows. All in all I think it a decent job 2 night a week more like something to do. But if you need money and no worries ya just deliver food. I think it like 7.00 and hour plus tips.
May 22, 2008
i recently had the opportunity towards the end of last year to drive for one of the great escort companies on this board. not going to name it because i'm not sure if it is something they would want me to. but it was great and fun. there really wasn't any drama though you can sometimes tell you need to watch what you say because the was only ONE instance where i felt that if i wasn't careful this one girl was going to go off. but for the most part the girls are pretty nice and fun to talk to and deal with. never once did i approach the girls for sex though i'm sure its definitely prohibited. reason why i didn't continue being a driver was purely a financial thing. its good extra cash on the side. if you have nothing to do and you can keep yourself entertained with books and portable laptops its great. but my problem was the fact that my car required premium gas and i basically ended up not making much at all. so if you don't drive a hybrid in MY OPINION it may not be worth it. but overall the experience was pretty awesome. for those who are worried about the so-called "crazy" SPs, chances are its just as much as the "crazy" driver's fault too with the exception of situations here and there beyond the driver's control like it is if you were a taxi driver and unfortunately picked up a bad apple time to time.

so for those who are still looking to still become a driver, its fun but you kinda need to take it seriously and not fuck with someone's business.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
You could be charged with things happening that are beyond your control or knowledge.

Suppose the agency is charged because they were unknowingly dealing with a minor? Suppose a client is being busted for drugs while one of the girls shows up? Suppose a client becomes violent and you're expected to get the girl out of his place?

If the police are in the mood to shut down the agency, they'd find information on file that linked you to them. Sure, these things are unlikely to happen but are you being paid enough to take any risk at all?

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
i.so if you don't drive a hybrid in MY OPINION it may not be worth it.
This is the whole thing, I drive a 4 cylinder car that is very fuel efficent. I was offered a position by an agency (not going to name which one either) that offered me $40.00 a run. My mentality was " okay, if I do this twice a week and do two runs per shift, that's and extra 160.00 a week. As long as there not sending me out to Barrie or somethling it should be worth my time. One of my problems is, I don't have GPS and I was nervous that if it took me a little longer to find the place then the SP is used too, she might freak out on me....lol.

If I actually made some money doing this, then I wouldn't mind buying a GPS.
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May 10, 2005
Would you get hired as a driver if you only want to work day time hours? Or are you always on call?

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Things are tight for me finacially so Ive been trying to think of part-time work I could get into and I forgot about this idea. Still looking to speak with anyone that has done this and knows if it's possible to make a few bucks a week?


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Things are tight for me finacially so Ive been trying to think of part-time work I could get into and I forgot about this idea. Still looking to speak with anyone that has done this and knows if it's possible to make a few bucks a week?
Like every one has said before, it depends on the hours your already working at your day job, who you work for, how long you'll want to be 'on call', and whether the money is enough to cover your time and gas. Its not something we can tell you will be worth it because non of us know you or your situation in real life.
That being said, you DO have to have a GPS. You can't run the girls late because clients won't like that, and if your chronically late there is possibility for a bad review (like girls from so and so never show up on time) which is not good for business.
GPS are really cheap these days, and if you can't afford to fork out 70 bucks for one, order GPS on your smart phone. I have a reliabe program from my provider that cost 3 bucks a month. When I was driving girls (yes I am a girl myself) wewere always on time. And yes, you do have to be protection for these girls so you should have the fight instinct in you, not the freesze or flee like some people do in tight situations. I have a temper to match any mans, and even though im small compared to a man I have a very very well trained protection dog who helps me in sticky situations, and worked out great for security. I did this part time, and it was worth it for me!

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Like every one has said before, it depends on the hours your already working at your day job, who you work for, how long you'll want to be 'on call', and whether the money is enough to cover your time and gas. Its not something we can tell you will be worth it because non of us know you or your situation in real life.
That being said, you DO have to have a GPS. You can't run the girls late because clients won't like that, and if your chronically late there is possibility for a bad review (like girls from so and so never show up on time) which is not good for business.
GPS are really cheap these days, and if you can't afford to fork out 70 bucks for one, order GPS on your smart phone. I have a reliabe program from my provider that cost 3 bucks a month. When I was driving girls (yes I am a girl myself) wewere always on time. And yes, you do have to be protection for these girls so you should have the fight instinct in you, not the freesze or flee like some people do in tight situations. I have a temper to match any mans, and even though im small compared to a man I have a very very well trained protection dog who helps me in sticky situations, and worked out great for security. I did this part time, and it was worth it for me!
Well I do have a full time job and the hours are kind of scattered. I get every other weekend off so I was just kind of hoping to do it every other weekend. If felt I could make a few bucks a week I would pick up a GPS no problem.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Well I do have a full time job and the hours are kind of scattered. I get every other weekend off so I was just kind of hoping to do it every other weekend. If felt I could make a few bucks a week I would pick up a GPS no problem.
Move on buddy, it's been a year and a half and you haven't done it yet.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
I think the fantasy of being an escort driver is much more appealing than the reality.
Dec 11, 2008
Mississauga Base location
I have hired drivers ......on occasion, one of them became very close even came for Sunday Family dinners .
Also left with Tupperware for lunch the next day
I don't think , I've ever FARTED in his car , he has taken grocery shopping, But I have paid extra .
Nor have I EVER needed security..... I do my homework on where I'm going before I go , If I don't feel comfortable I don't go . If there was an issue while was there , I'd leave .....

I have an education in LAW you cant be charged any thing if your driving lady . However, if that's all your doing is driving her
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