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Looking for good mens suit...


Jul 30, 2002
I just wanted some recommendations right now before I make a purchase of a few mens suits.

I am looking for off the rack so please dont tell me to get a tailored suit...I know those are the best, but they are not really an option at present for me.

How are the house brand suits at Korrys? I think they are called Roberto or something....what about Toms place??

My budget is about $1200 for a suit BUT if I can get two nice ones with good cuts within that price range then even better....I am not including shoes, shirt, tie which have a separate piggy bank that will be used.

I was planning on getting a Boss suit at the Hugo Boss by Yorkville or Holts or maybe Harry Rosen but now just want to get the best value without any compromise on quality.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
It's not the suit that impresses, it's the man.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
Can't beat Harry Rosen for selection and service. Tom's Place in Kensington Market is also good for suits. Less so for sports jackets. Best stuff is on the third floor. They have tailors also.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Agree with Harry Rosen's.

There is also Tom's Place in Kensington Market and Korry's on the Danforth.

Tom's is probably the most price competative of the three.

If you aren't worried about having this year's suit, you could try Harry Rosen's outlet store in the Heartland Centre in Mississauga. Better pricing and the same stuff the main stores carried 5 or 6 months ago. Brittania, just east of Mavis on the south side.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I agree too, menswarehouse stuff is absolutely garbage. Remember: you get what you pay for.....

Korry's has a great rep and I too have purchased HR suits in the past and they still look great today (although I don't have much call for a nice suit doing renovations lol).

You might also want to look around the dufflaw/dufferin Lawrence area. I seem to recall many warehouse outlets there and think there was even an HR outlet there at one point.

When I had to wear suits I would buy one or two that you could mix and match the jackets with slacks. That way it doesn't look like you're wearing the same one(s) day in and day out.

Also don't discount some really good ties. I remember the office days and while a really nice suit looked good, people really noticed the tie. Even to this day I notice someone's tie before I notice the suit.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
I always go to Harry Rosen and get one of the female sales people to help choose. They have a better eye for what looks good on a man.


Oct 25, 2004
Check out Great Stuff on Queen West, they carry Tiger suits from Sweden. Very nice cuts and nice quality.

Or have a look at GotStyle on King West.

Both places offer classic suits with a modern take.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Harry Rosen's outlet store at Heartland Town Centre in 'sauga has some pretty good deals if you can find your size.

Tom's place has some great stuff upstairs. Korry's is also highly recommended but never been there.

You can negotiate at these two and may also get them to throw in shirts, ties etc for free or close to free depending on your purchase.

The Hugo Boss's I've found do fit well off the rack but if you wish for impeccable fit, Bespoke is the way to go.

Harry Rosen can do a Made to fit for you at your price range(from $1200) and Tom's can do it for you starting for less depending on the suiting material.

Remember to go all wool 150's or greater and you should be fine.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Harry Rosen's at the Heartland Centre, Britannia and Mavis. I've picked up suits there for as low as 699 including alterations. Only downside is the hit and miss on what you are looking for.


Feb 29, 2004
When did Mark's Workwearhouse start selling suits? I have never seen a suit in that store nor have they ever advertised suits in their flyers.

I am surprised asn and tboy didn't mention McD's when it came to suits


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
With $1200. as a budget I'd say Harry Rosen's. Ask to see the Arnold Brant line and the sales dude will do the rest. AB line ranges from $500.on sale to $1000ish. Great line and you'll save a few hun instead of Boss.


New member
Jan 16, 2004
I recently bought two suits at Korry's. I liked the material and fit, although I sprung for some minor alterations. Their tailor is good, and they will make it fit right. I got two of the Roberto, and actually liked the feel better than the Hugo Boss. All for under $1200, including three ties.


DrRogers has left the Bld
Agree on Korry's and Tom's upstairs

AdrenalinJunkie said:
I recently bought two suits at Korry's. I liked the material and fit, although I sprung for some minor alterations. Their tailor is good, and they will make it fit right. I got two of the Roberto, and actually liked the feel better than the Hugo Boss. All for under $1200, including three ties.
Korry's is a great place to shop - one of my favorites - one of the few stores that still gives service and has real tailor's on the premises to make it fit properly. If Saul is there, you're in for a treat but be prepared to part with more $$ than you planned to because he is an old time salesman.

At Tom's walk past the 75% off suits on the main floor and go upstairs - the guys there are good salesmen and will make sure you get fitted properly all at good prices -

Rosen's is overpriced and the stuff they clear at Heartland is old stuff that they couldn't move in the stores - unless you work for Revenue Canada stay away from Rosen's clearance store. If you have the lines go to Rosen's on Bloor and spoil yourself.

There are also a number of small old time taylors that wil hand taylor a suit for you at an affordable price. Do some research as you are doing here and they will be found.



Jan 31, 2005
drrogers said:
There are also a number of small old time taylors that wil hand taylor a suit for you at an affordable price. Do some research as you are doing here and they will be found.
Not the original poster's question (which IMHO has been well answered) but mine: What does a bespoke suit sell for, and where would you buy one? There's a couple of places in the financial core, I think Tom's also does it? Suggestions? Experiences?


Oct 28, 2001
Next to the money pit.
Bespoke Prices

fuji said:
Not the original poster's question (which IMHO has been well answered) but mine: What does a bespoke suit sell for, and where would you buy one? There's a couple of places in the financial core, I think Tom's also does it? Suggestions? Experiences?
Well Fuji,

In Toronto, a bespoke using Dormeuil (pronounced door-may) fabrics will start from at $800 and up. The king of bespoke are from English tailors from Saville Row. Here's one link to get you an idea of what the standard rate for Saville Row tailor is currently billing. Note: the prices are in UK pounds, so multiply by two to get a rough idea what the Canadian prices would be.

Go to Queen and Spadina and walk toward bathurst on Queen Street. This area is the textile location in Toronto where virtually all the tailors purchase fabric from. As for a referral to a tailor to custom make you a suit to fit you. The tailor they supply will be charge a cheaper rate than the tailors in the financial district.


Jan 31, 2005
So, the kings on Saville Row are charging around $4000 for a two-piece suit, or around $3000 for just the jacket. I might want to go for just the jacket, and find something pretty versatile. I'd likely wear it often just with a nice shirt and pants, but without a tie. I'm not a very formal guy, and my job doesn't require it--but I do like to dress up now and then.

So, say I found someone to make one in Toronto for me for half that price. Is there going to be a noticible difference in quality? How much do you pay just to say "Saville Row"?


Jan 16, 2004
Hit up Holt Renfrew Last Call up at Vaughan Mills. I've bought my last two suits there, spent no more than $500 a piece on them, and they're both "name" suits. You might have to do a bit of looking to find a Boss or Armani (they do exist there), but it's worth the trip if you can find one.


Oct 30, 2005
Uzo said:
I am looking for off the rack so please dont tell me to get a tailored suit...I know those are the best, but they are not really an option at present for me.
Only wear off-the-rack if it fits - if you are fortunate enough to have body dimensions that fall into the 'normal' range and OTR fits you well, then by all means go with it.

However, if you are outside of the standard range you will find that most OTR won't fit exactly and it's simply not worth spending $1200 on something that doesn't flatter you (not when you can spend the same or only a little more, and get something fitted).

That's the reason why several posters have suggested tailored suits in spite of your request otherwise.
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