local women - are they all that cold??

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
Holy shit, you guys are bitter
Clearly you've been fucked over, and that sucks, but obviously you've taken your bad experiences and extrapolated them to the entire population of women, and that is the recipe for an incredibly lonely life

I can definitely empthasize with what you guys are saying, and there's a small grain of truth in your stories, but to make blanket statements about the general population is ridiculous and explains alot about why you guys can't find civilian love
I've been rejected a million times by girls all over, and yeah hobbying is easier sometimes than putting up with some of the bullshit, but you gotta keep on trucking and you can't let yourself become misogynist and angry

To give you a brief example
Of my close university group, we're all about 23-26, one couple who met in high school and then reconnected in university, I went to their wedding this past Janaury, two couples have been together since first year (about 5-6 years), one guy has been with his current girlfriend since he was sixteen, another women friend of mine, who did act a bit like the women you described above in her early university years, has been with her current boyfriend for a year and a bit, and another couple is headed to the altar next March after three years of dating. None of these women are from foreign countries, and they're all 'Toronto women' as ridicioulous as that label is

Now the cynical people will say 'sure but how many of these guys in the relationships are happy, and not whipped' or 'gee, I wonder how many times the girls have cheated on these poor saps', and while, as a single guy I'll needle them about being whipped, and I can't 100% gurantee there hasn't been any kind of cheating going on, all of these couples are happy.
My point is for every example of some woman treating the men like shit, and cheating and whatever, there's just as many examples of women who truly don't give as much as what the guy does as they do his personality and who are faithful
Sappy yes, true, also yes

You can't get bitter and you can't lose hope
Many of us have lost hope a long time ago...and we've taken the necessary steps to having happier lives...by NOT dating Toronto women, moving to other cities, and dating foreign women. We don't hate women, but we do hate what they've become in this city.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I don't understand?

Surely, among you men, there cannot be anyone uglier than yours trully! In fact, to quote Rodney, I'm so ugly that my mother had morning sickness after I was born. And yet, I don't have a problem with the local women.

Mind you I half to keep myself in top physical condition - to compensate for my face. And, I dont meet women at meat markets, I'm certain to get destroyed. However I do many activities in the community (conservation, coaching....) and the women are, at the very least, cordial toward me. So I have no complaints.

Things could be worse.

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My friend Samantha is about to get married and is already cheating on her fiancee with a work buddy. They go to a hotel every once and a while to fuck. He has no idea, and thinks she is the woman of his dreams.

How many men on here on cheating on their wives. Glad to know it is okay for them but not for women.

My friend Amy, went on a school trip abroad for 10 days away from her live in boyfriend of three years. after the trip she decided to stay a bit longer to get tag teamed everyday by the locals unprotected. She bragged to me about this. She came back and then cheated on him with a supervisor, fucking them in their bed when he was at work trying to pay the bills

Again, I know men who have used the material bed for their activities. What is worse, him paying for it or her doing it for free.

Another one of my friends. Nancy, went away and cheated on her boyfriend, She bragged to me about it at a house party her boyfriend threw for her birthday.

I am sensing a pattern here. Are you upset that these women are smart enough to get away with right under the nose and almost infront of their stupid ass boyfriends who have no clue

Jessica and Tara, went away on a trip I was on, Tara wanted to have sex with me, while she had a boyfriend back home, within days of being there. Jessica, cheated on her boyfriend with a guy on the trip she met only seven days earlier.

and no man cheats freely or paid while on vacation away from his wife. I will tell you a story. An old SP friend and I went to an all inclusive resort. She fucked a guy there who was on vacation with his how family. He would put the kids to bed, leave the wife in the room and go fuck my friend. Happens all the time

Karen, once bragged to me that her ex-boyfriend was a pimp.
Do you forget you are on a board full of hookers, pimps and johns. Why are we going to think this is bad

Sara, cheated on her boyfriend away on a similar trip as well.
blah blah blah, smae old bullshit
Another went to Cancun with her girlfriends, was married, and fucked the local boys.

there is an international section here, you should check it out and see how many men if not more are doing the same thing

Trust me, girls in Toronto are really bad. I'm actually moving away from Toronto, and a big part of that reason is because the girls are so fucked up here, and I don't want to waste more of my youthful time on them. I guarantee when I move to the States, I'll find the whole package. Each time I visit, I meet them all the time.

Anyways, good luck guys, regardless of my rant, I sincerely hope you all find the happiness you're looking for. Peace.
It is not just Toronto women you are going to find these things with. Husbands can be busting their ass, but so are women. Working, taking care of the kids, and the house. The men take family money to spend on sex, women just find it for free. That is the only difference.

Everything you have said about women, can be said about men too. So I ask, why are women cold bitches, but men are not fucking assholes? Let's make it equal. Everyone is fucked!


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Cities like Montreal, Minneapolis, and Winnipeg are not small, and women there are much nicer than in Toronto. For the life of me I can't understand why women here are such bitches, sad but true.
Hmmmm just a thought but perhaps it is because the MEN in Montreal, Minneapolis and Winnipeg treat the women better ...... could it be?


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
I'll give some personal examples about why I think girls in Toronto stink

I won't use real names but here goes:

My friend Samantha is about to get married and is already cheating on her fiancee with a work buddy. They go to a hotel every once and a while to fuck. He has no idea, and thinks she is the woman of his dreams

My friend Amy, went on a school trip abroad for 10 days away from her live in boyfriend of three years. after the trip she decided to stay a bit longer to get tag teamed everyday by the locals unprotected. She bragged to me about this. She came back and then cheated on him with a supervisor, fucking them in their bed when he was at work trying to pay the bills

Another one of my friends. Nancy, went away and cheated on her boyfriend, She bragged to me about it at a house party her boyfriend threw for her birthday.

Jessica and Tara, went away on a trip I was on, Tara wanted to have sex with me, while she had a boyfriend back home, within days of being there. Jessica, cheated on her boyfriend with a guy on the trip she met only seven days earlier.

Karen, once bragged to me that her ex-boyfriend was a pimp.

Sara, cheated on her boyfriend away on a similar trip as well.

Another went to Cancun with her girlfriends, was married, and fucked the local boys.

That's all I can think of at the moment, And those were the ones that either bragged to me about it, or I witnessed first hand. Out of maybe the 20-30 girls I talk to on a regular basis, they represent 30%-50% of the girls I know. I don't even know about the other 50%. But these guys bust their ass to provide for them and to take them out, and they cheat on these guys and brag about it to me.

Trust me, girls in Toronto are really bad. I'm actually moving away from Toronto, and a big part of that reason is because the girls are so fucked up here, and I don't want to waste more of my youthful time on them. I guarantee when I move to the States, I'll find the whole package. Each time I visit, I meet them all the time.

Anyways, good luck guys, regardless of my rant, I sincerely hope you all find the happiness you're looking for. Peace.

Perhaps your buddies are just dumbasses who should pick their women better.......seems to be the advice given to Women who have lying, cheating, scumbag, asshole SO's,,,,I'm Just Saying......:p


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Ever notice that the guys complaining about not being able to find a good woman often have a stellar attitude towards them?

Perhaps the problem isn't with the women?

Just sayin...
GASP You aren't blaming the MEN for the way Women treat them are you?????? Give your head a shake man, what are you thinking. Geez ;)


New member
Jun 2, 2007
Guys on the other hand have it very hard. We have to work and work and work in order to get some civilian action and when we do get it, we are constantly having to maintain a great effort to keep our SO legs open for access.
maybe if you thought of your SO as a human being instead of a mere toy for your sexual pleasure, and took pleasure in getting to know her and enjoying her company instead of thinking as these activities as WORK, she would fuck you more often.


New member
Sep 4, 2004
Many of us have lost hope a long time ago...and we've taken the necessary steps to having happier lives...by NOT dating Toronto women, moving to other cities, and dating foreign women. We don't hate women, but we do hate what they've become in this city.
Thank you!! :)
That's it... my secret is out...

GASP You aren't blaming the MEN for the way Women treat them are you?????? Give your head a shake man, what are you thinking. Geez
Ya he may lose his man card for comments like that one! LOL
No kidding, let's hope word does not get out that our beloved CG actually LIKES Women.......
or even worse.........

has respect for them. OMG!
SSSHHHHHHHH Geez, this is NOT the place to 'out' him.
Thanks a lot Ladies! :eek:


Jun 6, 2009
To quote Heney Youngman, one of our greatest thinkers;

when asked, how's your wife?

As compared to what?

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
Interesting to see how the women on this thread have taken absolutely no ownership for their despicable behaviour...instead of admitting that there is something inherently wrong with how cold women are in this city..they get extremely defensive......typical.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Interesting to see how the women on this thread have taken absolutely no ownership for their despicable behaviour...instead of admitting that there is something inherently wrong with how cold women are in this city..they get extremely defensive......typical.

Ummm what despicable behaviour are we to ownership for hon? I personally have done nothing wrong but I do feel that I should speak up for myself and others that also have done nothing wrong.
If this were a 'man bashing' thread would you not feel the need to defend yourself and other men that are honourable and trusworthy?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Interesting to see how the women on this thread have taken absolutely no ownership for their despicable behaviour...instead of admitting that there is something inherently wrong with how cold women are in this city..they get extremely defensive......typical.
why should they be responsible for the behaviour of other women?
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