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Live 8


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
KBear said:
People have been throwing money at the children starving in Africa issue forever, and if anything, the populations have increased and situation has gotten worse. Forgiving debt sounds great, but what can be done to end this cycle? I don't think there is anything that can be done from the outside.
Live 8 was a boner. 20 years after Live Aid. You are right, and cyclical help won't solve anything. Bono and company should put their money where their mouth is. They received $12,000 each in gifts for just showing up. $1,800 watches. Give me a BREAK.

I would suggest most people went for the music, and not to actually do anything. Environment is a big issue, but all these concert goers left their trash behind on the ground. Disgusting. Not just Park Place, but Hyde Park, and Philly as well.

If the African countries got rid of their dictators, that would be a giant step in the right direction. Several Black people have spoken out that Paul Martin nor anyone else can solve this problem by throwing money a it. Forgiving the country's debt won't help the family that is starving. Nigeria has received over $4 billion from oil, from late 70s to 2004, and there is nothing to show for it.

Dr George Ayettey was on CTV's Question Period, and gave out distrubing stats. He would rather see dictators dealt with, and let African countries govern themselves democratically and deal with their own problems. They need to build their self esteem.

Opening up trade with these countries would do more good, than hand outs.


a muddy reclining Buddha
You got to first deal with the Dictators, Generals, War Lords, Civil Warfare, and Tribal Warfare before you can help the people. There are so many African countries and each ones got its own unique set of problems. The Americans tried to help Somalia and look what happened.... some thanks they got!
No one said it can’t be done but it’s not going to be easy.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
jost said:
BarrieFinale - appropriate politically charged rocker, Rockin in the Free World, to close the event, but embarrassing meltdown at the end, as previously noted
I like Neil Young and I like the song, but it's about homelessness in America ("red, white and blue"). Live 8 wasn't about homelessness, and wasn't about America. Also, this was supposed to be the Canadian contribution to Live 8, yet Neil chose a song about his experiences living in the U.S. I thought it was an inappropriate selection for the show, especially as a closing number.

As an aside, the thing I hate about "monster jam sessions" at charity events is that it's always some loser who's just lucky to be there, in this case that idiot from Buck Cherry, who hogs the mic and tries to steal the show.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
pussylicker said:
If the African countries got rid of their dictators, that would be a giant step in the right direction.
And how, exactly, can they do so when the West keeps on selling arms to the dictators?


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
Bud Plug said:
I like Neil Young and I like the song, but it's about homelessness in America ("red, white and blue"). Live 8 wasn't about homelessness, and wasn't about America. Also, this was supposed to be the Canadian contribution to Live 8, yet Neil chose a song about his experiences living in the U.S. I thought it was an inappropriate selection for the show, especially as a closing number.
Me thinks you are being too literal -- the song is about blithly going on and living life as if nothing is wrong becuase one is not directly affected by it. some specific references may be American but it is really more about how we in the "free world" are more than willing to enjoy the high life without care for those in the third world or the affects our high life may be having on the enviroment and the future.

As such I think it was a very apt closing number


New member
May 9, 2005
The Shake said:
And how, exactly, can they do so when the West keeps on selling arms to the dictators?
invite them all to a nice desert island and either a) arrest them all for crimes against humanity or b) nuke 'em


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
My hat is off to Pink Floyd

HMV has stated that the sales of Pink Floyd's greatest hits CD has gone up 1348% since Live8. Pink Floyd is giving all new money earned to Live8 relief. Funny thing is that now Madonna what's to do the same.

Why didn't she say this at the concert, or did she have to wait until someone else stood up and made us proud they are great musicians.

Thanks to Pink Floyd

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
rubme said:
By this comment I can see that you were not at the Sars concert.

AC/DC played for almost 1 hr the DVD has 4 or 4 songs. The guess who did 30 minutes, Rush did 30 minutes and the Stones did 45 min.

This is not on the DVD. The DVD sucked. I paid $10 used and still felt screwed.

The Quality is very good
It's NOT the DVD you see in the stores!!!!! That's why I bought it, it has the whole performances from Rush, AC/DC, and the Stones..none of the useless stuff like the other one./B]
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