lets celebrate the demise of the Harper Regime


Active member
Sep 12, 2014
It may not be in his character but one thing all politicians have in common is a need to stay in office. I actually believe JT is one of the good guys, however misguided and naive I think he is. I don't think he is corrupt yet...that is a matter of time. At that point, he will screw us over, they all do. They have to in order to retain power because they all work backroom deals that com to light...we call them scandals and you are correct, Liberals certainly have a different approach on how they run the country.
You are right on the need to stay in office... if they all look at history... they should only stay in power for 8 years and then step down... similar to what the US system is. Misguided and naive... I think maybe... but he has a whole lot of "cream of the crop" Liberals behind him that he can rely on for advise to help him in his new position as PM... I was listening to Ontario Today a week before the election... and one gentleman came on and he said the reason he's voting for Trudeau over Mulcair is because Trudeau will be listening to his adviser's more than if Mulcair would listen to his for the pure fact that Mulcair just knows more about matters and issues since he's been in politics for so long.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Are you referring to the sponsorship scandal that the last Liberal Government was involved in? Every government that is in power for too long ends up with scandals. McGuinty said he wouldn't raise taxes and promptly did so right after being sworn in. But let's not focus on the past, we can't change that. What is you prediction on how long it will take JT to screw us?
McG began the screwing when he made that stupid pledge not to raise taxes, the cliché from another era that went, "No I really mean it, I will respect you in the morning!" comes to mind. Who would believe it? Except someone who already wanted McG elected?

Here's Fact One: Government is a cost centre. Can't be anything but. Why would we want it to take in more than it needs? So if you think paying for the goods and services you get is being screwed, then you're always gonna be taking it the hard way.

But unless you bitch about the cost of electricity every time you take a cold one outta the fridge, and never enjoy TV because it ain't free (it is if you're OTA. but that's another topic) and you're 'being screwed' to pay for a great big ROGERS sign when the old SkyDome sign was perfectly good, it's time to stop whining about what government isn't and get it into the shape you want.

If you want no increase, start by telling us what services and stuff you won't use any longer. Then maybe we can cut your bill for the stuff you do use. But cutting income first, or even holding the line when input costs have all risen is a rock-solid guarantee that you'll get a substandard product full of defects. You'd never dream of doing a family budget that way. But that is the bill of goods the last government sold you and all of us for a decade.

Time we got past the fantasy that there's a free lunch — or free sex — and realized we only get as good as we give. So if you're tired of feeling screwed, better stop with the "Screw you" stuff as your contribution.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
McG began the screwing when he made that stupid pledge not to raise taxes, the cliché from another era that went, "No I really mean it, I will respect you in the morning!" comes to mind. Who would believe it? Except someone who already wanted McG elected?

Here's Fact One: Government is a cost centre. Can't be anything but. Why would we want it to take in more than it needs? So if you think paying for the goods and services you get is being screwed, then you're always gonna be taking it the hard way.

But unless you bitch about the cost of electricity every time you take a cold one outta the fridge, and never enjoy TV because it ain't free (it is if you're OTA. but that's another topic) and you're 'being screwed' to pay for a great big ROGERS sign when the old SkyDome sign was perfectly good, it's time to stop whining about what government isn't and get it into the shape you want.

If you want no increase, start by telling us what services and stuff you won't use any longer. Then maybe we can cut your bill for the stuff you do use. But cutting income first, or even holding the line when input costs have all risen is a rock-solid guarantee that you'll get a substandard product full of defects. You'd never dream of doing a family budget that way. But that is the bill of goods the last government sold you and all of us for a decade.

Time we got past the fantasy that there's a free lunch — or free sex — and realized we only get as good as we give. So if you're tired of feeling screwed, better stop with the "Screw you" stuff as your contribution.
totally agree that governments are cost centres. they have to be in order to function and provide the services we all need/want. I have no issue wit this, the problem is costs that we incur for zero benefits, eg: gas plants etc. Overspending on things providing zero return then trying to tell us it was a good decision make me crazy. We elect idiots to run this country because we only have idiots to choose from. You wouldn't hire a part time drama / snowboard teacher to be the CEO of a major corp would you? Alternately, when you CEO becomes too corrupt, he needs to go...great choices, no wonder we're fucked.
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