Ladies, How did you get started in the Business


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
I don't know if there has been a thread about this or not. I have talked to 2 SP's that I was a regular with and asked them how they got started. Not WHY they started, as most if not all say," To make money", But How.
The two I talked to had different answers.
The first one said that her boyfriend, later to be Husband, for a while, talked her into becoming an MPA and that was her introduction, she branched in SPing to support herself and her kids.
The second one said that a girlfriend of hers, confided to her that she was working for an agency part time. This peaked her interest and decided to give it a try and she's still at it.
Any one have any different ones.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Most of them got into the biz with these first words. "The envelope please".


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
great bear said:
Most of them got into the biz with these first words. "The envelope please".
They were up for Oscars?


New member
stumbled accross some site called TERB (completely accidently)... did some reading....realized the income and shift flexibility would make getting through university easier...talked to some people in the chat room.... a very nice man from the chat room "broke me in". I gave him basically a NR in a hotel (still can't believe I did it - I had only seen one naked man in my life prior to that night.... I was completely green.... thank goodness that client was an incredibly nice guy). Met some MP owners...researched where to lots of reviews..... got my name out a bit....worked briefly in a few c-level a short while I ended up at what I consider the best spa in the GTA :)

I'm probably in the minority (getting in on my own) - most girls I know had a friend introduce them into this little world.

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco

I think my story is kinda fun...i will give an abbreviated version (I'm saving the juicy details for my book ; )

I think it all started when I was 16...
As a teenager, I fantasized about dancing. It seemed so subversive and so naughty and so fuck-the-system
but I never had the balls to try it. (cept once, as a patron, being called god, that was fun!) In reflection, I imagine I was pretty naive to how much work it actually is!

When I was 20 I moved to the interior of BC and I lived with an amazing woman and activist. She was one of the most sex-positive and slutty people I have ever met. We talked for hours about sexwork, polyamoury, and slutiness in general. She schooled me and gave me tonnes of sex positive books to read. Carol Queen, Dossie Easton...
We indulged in all sorts of porn critique, she turned me on to strap ons..g-spot orgasms...

I was Ms.Long-term-relationship at the time, and living with her opened my mind to the possibility of fulfilling, emotionally open, CASUAL sex. I had a number of flings for the next few years and it was really eye opening!

I found I was able to be with people I hardly knew, and still connect with the beauty in them, ie. have a sense of love for them, even though we had just met. This gave my encounters some meaning that wasn't there before. Living in a small snowboarding town in BC it was great to be able to spy the hot backpacking out of towners, and feel free enough to accost them for a night. Sure beat the drama of small town dating too!

Four years ago, I moved from that small town to Toronto. I realized that if ever in my life, this was my chance to try it out. Toronto was large enough to offer anonymity, which is important. I was single. I was constantly horny ; ) I got myself a one bedroom apartment as a leap of faith, and began my research online. Even took Jenn Angel out to dinner so that I could ask someone who knows a few questions! (she was a sweetheart, by the way, and very encouraging!)

Placing my first ad on the late GTAC, I will never forget the thrill of my first client!

Has sexwork been all that I thought it could be? Honestly, I never in all my dreaming years ago realized how fun and positive an experience it would be....
This is an excellent thread

I hope more ladies feel encouraged to post on this, it's really interesting to find out how you started and it also at times give a reflection of your service, I find it's increasing my to do/to meet list as well. :rolleyes:


Mar 6, 2005
What? Nobody got started to support their habit, or did their habits start after they got into the industry.


Aug 27, 2005
How did you get started in this business?

Lancslad offered me $3CDN to hold his hand. Then tried LFK, but didn't even offer any tip, so I refused. Cheap bastard. :cool:


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Alexa Taylor said:
Umm, if someone had a 'habit', do you honestly think they would admit it here? :rolleyes:

I'm not going to tell my story or justify reasons why I'm here.. it's too boring.... Besides, I think a lot of people want to hear about 'other' various aspects of how a woman enters into this business. e.g. I was on drugs, homeless, runaway teenager, etc, etc. It provides them with sensationalized, corrupt, scintillating and titillating tall tales of what they think the business is all about including other examples such as the seedy side or the "Sex, drugs, rock n' roll" theory. I can't say I've experienced either. This is only how one perceives it to be from what they see and hear. I don't think a lot of people ( and maybe a few here) and those I have talked to over the years don't want to hear: "I did it for the money" or "I'm here to make money for my own selfish reasons." For them, it has to be a much deeper reason because the subject of prostitution in mainstream society is still somewhat taboo. This is a business folks and a lucrative one and those who are smart will do well.

I'm here for one sole purpose.... and that's to do my job properly with class, sensuality and above all, an aim to please.
I could be wrong but I think you just told us how and why you got into the business.


Registered Pooner
Mar 2, 2004
area code four one sex
I fell over drunk in an alley way
this alley way was off of church street

I woke up 3 hours later with a soreness I hadn't felt before and my pocket stuffed with 20 dollar bills

the rest is HIStory as they say...


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Alexa Taylor said:
My post will soon rub people the wrong way...
Not at all, it's a given that money is the main reason most of us go to work. It's good you've found something that suits you, Alexa.

Now I want all the women to start feeding our fantasies about how you really got started, make something up if it isn't exotic enough. :p


Aug 27, 2005
There is nothing wrong with what you are saying Alexa. Individual motivations can obviously vary from lady to lady, however like it or not, the common denominator is money. What one does with that money is their own business regardless if I agree or not. I have heard many stories from SP's regarding why they started. Some stories are sad, and some are pretty much what most would expect to hear. I am in no place to judge these stories, and have always taken them at face value. The one thing I can say though is that every story is unique, just like how every person is unique. So I am always interested in listening. You'd be suprised at how much you can learn from someone just by listening instead of asking.

With all of that said, there is a major difference between why and how someone started in this industry. The more interesting question is how they get out...


New member
Jan 26, 2005
PHNINE said:
...You'd be suprised at how much you can learn from someone just by listening instead of asking....
You will be even more surprised, Lord PHNINE, at how much you can learn from both asking and listening instead of just asking or listening. ;) LOL!!!
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