King Kong is gonna be King Bomb! Heaven's Gate II

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
I just don't understand why Hollywood can't make an original film anymore?

The last time I was blown away with an original film was probably "Pulp Fiction". I could be wrong, but it is the last one I can think of.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
homonger said:
I don't remember if they showed the dinosaurs in the 'Jurassic Park' trailer or Superman flying in the original 'Superman'' trailer, but those would be the analogies..
For "Jurrasic Park", they didn't. In fact, it was the special effects that sold the movie by not touting them in the trailer. Ended up so very successful. I remember seeing the dinos for the first time and wondered if they were really real.

For 'Superman", many trailers just focused on the giant S and the push for Marlon Brando. Superman did well, because it was again, a great script, great acting (Jackie Cooper, Marlon Brando (push), Gene Hackman and of course the discovered Christopher Reeves) and great music (John Williams). There's a new Superman movie coming, so it should be interesting how it does.

Never saw "E.T." in the trailer and all the promos 'til way after the release. Huge success. Ditto with "Independence Day" and the like. Even "Godzilla 1998" never had the beast shown, and it did well, even though that film sucked.

King Kong has none of the above. The actors are assholes and not believable, in my case. Especially the blonde. They need viagra pills at the door for this one. I just hate seeing a waste of all this money for some New Zealander's promoted version of an "American Dream". How 'bout one for an American. What do Americans not know that this bumb (Peter Jackson) does? Well, I think Peter Jackson does not know much.



New member
Jan 23, 2004
A bit long, yes. But still worthwhile

I enjoyed the film. Kong looked quite real to me. But the middle part of the film, that took place on skull island, was too drawn out for my taste. It'll make its money back.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
A lot of haters out there. All the reviews I've read have been positive (maybe with the exception of the length).


Active member
Jan 22, 2005
I enjoyed the film. Kong looked quite real to me. But the middle part of the film, that took place on skull island, was too drawn out for my taste. It'll make its money back.
You may be the only one here who's actually seen the movie, so your comments are the only ones I'm giving any weight to...

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Watched the orginal 1933 version two nights ago. Considering the time frame the special effects were quite good. Will most definetly go to see the new Kong movie. Even if it makes a monkey out of me.


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
Sirlancealot said:
What is it your obsession to trash this movie?
I was thinking the same thing. Really odd since he hasn't actually seen the movie. I plan to see it regardless.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I LOVED the part on Skull Island. That was the best part of the movie, IMO. Excellent, excellent film. Its box office take will improve as word of mouth spreads.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Jackblack has lowbrow appeal and he never disappoints me. I hope this isnt the first time. Though, I will probably see the Producers before I see Kong. springtime... for Hitler.... in Ger-many.... Winter.... for Poland... and France..."


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Sirlancealot said:
What is it your obsession to trash this movie?
I've never had any eagerness to see King Kong cause I never did like the original movies. There's tons of other trash out that far outweigh King Kong, but I don't see you boycotting them Gyaos.
I don't like the risk with Kong and the over-pump of Peter Jackson as if he's some Jack Nicholson, but I'm not boycotting it. Kong will get it's money back as a break even with DVD and foreign receipts, before China starts bootlegging it.

But if you want a movie that I am boycotting, it's "Memoirs of a Geisha" in which that director (Rob Johnson) said he couldn't find any Japanese to fill the roles, so he ended up with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Part II. That is total BS, and I'm fully boycotting that film. It's disgraceful to both the Japanese and Chinese, and the story is not true to actual memoirs of real geishas.

He couldn't find anyone from Japan to fill Japanese roles? Yeah, and I'm Curly Howard ressurected from the dead.



Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
With ticket prices and concession stand prices being what they are, and since some of us don't go alone, choosing a film does represent a substantial investment of our seasonal entertainment budget. So choosing unwisely means investing badly and can lead to disappointment or a sense of loss.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Gyaos said:
I saw the trailer and I can tell you right now, I have absolutely no interest to see a 3rd rehash of a big ape taking big turds on New York or on his smelly island. They have already showed the ape months ago and are over-showing this meatheaded hairy moron now. In fact, the blonde bimbo actress is NO WHERE NEAR as good looking as Jessica Lange or Mae West in their respective films. Since we saw tits in those films, once they show her tits in this farce, if I'm even inside this 3 hour version of another Disney's Mighty Joe Young (which also sucked), I'm out. Been there, done that. If there are no tits, an even bigger ripoff. And let me just say there is no one who will ever match the great performance by Charles Grodin in the '76 version.

In a business point of view, a 3-hour version of a "been there done that", computer generated hairy shithead which will never spark audience emotions, without a piss break included, is a just a loss of money. This is no "Jaws". And this is no "Kong" that scared the life out of kids during 1933 education standards.

In other words, while I vent, this film is gonna not just suck, it's going to be a disgrace. Peter Jackson, who IMHO, is a horrible director and really didn't have all the hands in the Lords of the Rings trilogy, shows how much he actually sucks.

Give him the script to The Blair Witch Project if he wants to make remakes.

Thanks. Gyaos
Someone sure has a burr up his butt over a soon-to-be-released movie. Why don't you wait til you have actually seen it before you rip it to pieces?


New member
Feb 22, 2004
WhaWhaWha said:
With ticket prices and concession stand prices being what they are .... choosing a film does represent a substantial investment of our seasonal entertainment budget.
Of course you're right, going to the movies is kinda expensive these days, and I refuse to be gouged at those over-priced concession stands.

Still, at maybe $20 for 3 hours of entertainment, it ain't quite as dear as half-an-hour spent with my favourite gal ...


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I don't use box office returns as a meaure of whether a movie is good or not but it seems like a lot of people have been interested in King Kong. Not my cup of tea but I'm sure as far as special effects go its probably top notch.

As for the Memoirs of a Geisha. That's the dumbest thing I've heard. Were all the people in Schindler's List german and or jewish? What about Ben Kinglsley as Ghandi? What about Patrick Steward playing a frenchman Captain Picard? Anyways, the list goes on.

My guess is that a lot of the problems there stem from animosity that the Chinese and Japanese still harbour for each other. But from a film goers perspective it's plain stupid. From an actors perspective I'm sure many would like to be considered for roles other than just their real ethnicity.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
frankcastle said:
My guess is that a lot of the problems there stem from animosity that the Chinese and Japanese still harbour for each other. But from a film goers perspective it's plain stupid. From an actors perspective I'm sure many would like to be considered for roles other than just their real ethnicity.
I agree, I don't think it is that huge a deal that Chinese actors are playing Japanese. Ziyi Zhang and Michelle Yeoh are known names, and for what it's worth, Japanese actors do play most of the other roles. It sure as hell beats Mickey Rooney playing an Asian as he did in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'.


Aug 27, 2005
frankcastle said:
That's the dumbest thing I've heard. Were all the people in Schindler's List german and or jewish? What about Ben Kinglsley as Ghandi? What about Patrick Steward playing a frenchman Captain Picard? Anyways, the list goes on.
Fuck lets not forget Tom Cruise as the Last Samurai. LOL

As they said on Chappelle's show, the comedian Paul Mooney said, "I have a movie for you, how about the Last Nigger on Earth, starring Tom Hanks." LOL :D


Proverbs 23:27 ; )
Oct 16, 2005
Another Plane Of Existence
It's gonna make it's money back easy.

I saw it Friday night and wow... it is one helluva entertainming movie. You'll hardly notice the 3 hours. Action is practically non-stop and when Kong busts out... he busts out!

It's tough to compare Titantic to Kong, they're not the same kinda movie, romance really makes things slow (and generally suck) but in the case of Titanic, it picks up when the iceberg hits. Pearl Harbour sucked big time, until the bombing started, so the rule being: leave romance out of it.

There is romance in Kong, but it's not the typical stuff you're used to, especially since it's between a giant gorilla and a blonde chick.

Action. That's all I'll say about that.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
frankcastle said:
As for the Memoirs of a Geisha. That's the dumbest thing I've heard. Were all the people in Schindler's List german and or jewish? What about Ben Kinglsley as Ghandi? What about Patrick Steward playing a frenchman Captain Picard? Anyways, the list goes on.
At least Ben Kingsley (birthname is Krishna Bhanji) is ethnically half Gujarati Indian.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
PHNINE said:
Fuck lets not forget Tom Cruise as the Last Samurai. LOL
Actually, Ken Watanbe plays the titular character. Cruise plays an American who is sympathetic to the samurai.
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