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Justin Trudeau Gaslights the Public, Denies He Ever Forced Anyone to Get Vaxxed


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Justin Trudeau Gaslights the Public, Denies He Ever Forced Anyone to Get Vaxxed
FRIDAY, MAY 05, 2023 - 14:26
by Ben Bartee republished by The Daily Bell

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:
Effeminate government mommy Justin Trudeau recently took the opportunity to gaslight Canadians about his brutal, unprecedented vaxx mandates.

Watch (all apologies for the lack of embed; it’s because of a weird ongoing war between Substack and Twitter. Just click the link.)

“There are potential side effects… While not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, I chose to make sure all the incentives…were there to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated,” Trudeau counterfactually claimed.

This is, of course, a flagrant lie,

as Trudeau directed his government to mandate vaxxes for all government employees.

But what would one expect from a “basic dictatorship admirer”?

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Risk assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccination
A major scientific journal has published research linking COVID vaccinations to retinal vascular occlusion, with vaccinated individuals at “significantly” greater risk of developing blood clots than unvaccinated individuals. The paper published in Nature harvested data on some 95,156,967 people. Of those, 7.3 million met the criteria for inclusion in the study. They found that “two years after vaccination, the chances of all subtypes… of retinal vascular occlusion increased significantly in the vaccinated cohort.”
It can be a very serious condition, sometimes leading to the formation of abnormal new blood vessels that can “cause pain and a dangerous increase in pressure inside the eye” or even blindness. There is currently no treatment available that can unblock retinal veins, with treatments for the symptoms of RVO including things like injecting anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs and corticosteroids directly into the eyeball.
“The overall risk of retinal vascular occlusion in the vaccinated cohort was 2.19 times higher than that in the unvaccinated cohort at 2 years,” the Nature paper observed, with “no disparity was detected between brand and dose of vaccines.”

Swell, another disease the experimental poison brings to the table...******* assholes.

FYI. When the mainstream media & politicans like Trudeau says “Trust the sciences. “ run of your life.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Is anyone actually stupid enough to consider dailybell a news source?
True believer, eh? Going after the messenger not the message. Yes, people were forced to undergo an experimental treatment.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
PM Justin Trudeau = Public Moron.. shoots more shit than all the world famers can shovel
He's getting more and more dangerous though. He actually has been programmed to believe what he is saying.

It's imperative that he be removed from office as soon as possible before he damages this great country forever.


Aug 23, 2001
He's getting more and more dangerous though. He actually has been programmed to believe what he is saying.

It's imperative that he be removed from office as soon as possible before he damages this great country forever.
Here's a pin up photo for you to jerk off over, Orry.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Actually, I attacked the message too. I know reading isn't your strong suit, but it really wasn't that long of a reply.
LOL Science deniers!! Yeah You can “Trust the fake science” !! Liberals lie by calling you science deniers by demonized you!
Never trust the fake science by the politicians or mainstream media or by people like you!! !

Published in the journal Heliyon, comprises a review of 43 previously published studies on exposure to CO2, mask-wearing, and pregnancy.

The study notes that even short-term exposure to concentrations of CO2 as low as 0.3% caused brain damage, increased anxiety, and impaired memory in both pregnant rats and young mice in one study.

In another, when male mice were exposed to 2.5 percent CO2 for four hours, testicular cells and sperm were destroyed. The equivalent amount for humans would be 0.5 percent of CO2 over the same time period.

Yet another experiment discovered that stillbirth and birth defects occurred in pregnant rats that were exposed to just 3 percent CO2, which would be equal to 0.8 percent for humans.

The study also points to research that found just five minutes of mask wearing resulted in CO2 levels increasing to between 1.4 percent and 3.2 percent.

While they note that the review provides ‘circumstantial evidence’ only, the researchers allude to a surge in stillbirths during the pandemic, saying that masks could have contributed.

Swedish researchers previously found that the stillbirth rate increased from seven per 1000 births to 21 per 1000 births after the pandemic, while a leading UK hospital saw a four-fold increase in its stillbirth rate.

Circumstantial evidence exists that popular mask use may be related to current observations of a significant rise of 28 percent to 33 percent in stillbirths worldwide,” the German researchers asserted.

They also note that research indicates “reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance of two full standard deviations in scores in children born during the pandemic.”

Dr Kevin Bass, cell and molecular biology PhD, has a detailed thread on the study, which can be linked through to below:

PS. FYI : I trust the real science that is supported by facts and that proven beyond a reasonable doubt not questionable science with iffy data, not the fake science that bent or skewed to meet a political agenda ( liberal agenda or corrupt by money or skewed toward greed for pharma industries that is based on profits motive )!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Is anyone actually stupid enough to consider dailybell a news source?
I agree with Justin, He never forced Anyone Canadian person to get vaxxed, He was forcing Everyone to be vaxxed. Justin is playing with semantics. If I was a Foriegn and had to go to Canada, to be let in I had to have the Vaxx, a positive Test would not do, then Justin did Force me to be vaxxed.

Maybe Foreigners should challenge Justin

He should be made to pay for the damage he has caused the Canadians, I was hoping the Quebec part to rise up like the French are doing against Macron

Try to gas light everyone!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017

Even when the retinal occlusion occurs it's is temporary, persists for about 12 weeks according to the study. And then there's the fact that the unvaccinated are at much higher risk of death. But the science deniers don't like to mention that part.
Yeah trust the fake science, motivation is based on propaganda and profits

Yeah trust the fake science, motivation is based on propaganda and profits too!

EXCLUSIVE: Whatever happened to Pfizer's covid vaccine trial in pregnant women?
The trial began in 2021. But over a year after the last woman was enrolled, the company just admitted it still doesn't have the data.
When covid-19 vaccines were granted emergency authorization in Dec 2020, there was consternation over whether pregnant women should be vaccinated.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women were excluded from the original Pfizer and Moderna phase III clinical trials, so any recommendation to vaccinate them was a gamble.

The world was dealing with a novel vaccine technology, tested under ‘warp speed’ conditions, and no long-term safety data to speak of.

For this reason, the WHO did not widely recommend the covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy because of insufficient safety data. But not everyone agreed.

In January 2021, soon after the vaccine roll-out commenced, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its website saying that the mRNA vaccines were “unlikely to pose a specific risk for people who are pregnant.”

Professional societies such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) both advised that covid-19 vaccines not be withheld from pregnant or lactating women.

Similarly, the UK’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) released a statement saying that “COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended in pregnancy.”

So, as the months passed, hundreds of thousands of pregnant women globally, rolled up their sleeves to receive the vaccine, despite the absence of any clinical trials.

The message from authorities was clear - the harm from covid-19 infection outweighed any harms from the mRNA vaccine – but in truth, they couldn’t possibly have known.

PS. Pfizer has confirmed it stopped its clinical trial analyzing COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy in pregnant women early.
Again trust the fake science ! Any reasonable logically person would prefer vaccine safety and efficacy to be done in preganant women fully to the end of the study and not end it early and lied about sayings bullshit like “ the harm from covid-19 infection outweighed any harms from the mRNA vaccine – but in truth, they couldn’t possibly have known.“
Let the public know the truth !
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Is anyone actually stupid enough to consider dailybell a news source?
Originally published via Armageddon Prose:
Original author that published this article in Armageddon Prose as indicated in the original outposet … The dailybell just republished


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
LOL Science deniers!! Yeah You can “Trust the fake science” !! Liberals lie by calling you science deniers by demonized you!
Never trust the fake science by the politicians or mainstream media or by people like you!! !

Published in the journal Heliyon, comprises a review of 43 previously published studies on exposure to CO2, mask-wearing, and pregnancy.

The study notes that even short-term exposure to concentrations of CO2 as low as 0.3% caused brain damage, increased anxiety, and impaired memory in both pregnant rats and young mice in one study.

In another, when male mice were exposed to 2.5 percent CO2 for four hours, testicular cells and sperm were destroyed. The equivalent amount for humans would be 0.5 percent of CO2 over the same time period.

Yet another experiment discovered that stillbirth and birth defects occurred in pregnant rats that were exposed to just 3 percent CO2, which would be equal to 0.8 percent for humans.

The study also points to research that found just five minutes of mask wearing resulted in CO2 levels increasing to between 1.4 percent and 3.2 percent.

While they note that the review provides ‘circumstantial evidence’ only, the researchers allude to a surge in stillbirths during the pandemic, saying that masks could have contributed.

Swedish researchers previously found that the stillbirth rate increased from seven per 1000 births to 21 per 1000 births after the pandemic, while a leading UK hospital saw a four-fold increase in its stillbirth rate.

Circumstantial evidence exists that popular mask use may be related to current observations of a significant rise of 28 percent to 33 percent in stillbirths worldwide,” the German researchers asserted.

They also note that research indicates “reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance of two full standard deviations in scores in children born during the pandemic.”

Dr Kevin Bass, cell and molecular biology PhD, has a detailed thread on the study, which can be linked through to below:

PS. FYI : I trust the real science that is supported by facts and that proven beyond a reasonable doubt not questionable science with iffy data, not the fake science that bent or skewed to meet a political agenda ( liberal agenda or corrupt by money or skewed toward greed for pharma industries that is based on profits motive )!
No wonder that Doctors, Dentists and Nurses, all have had "Still Births" and "Birth Defects" to their babies, as they wear their masks on a regular basis and have been doing it before the Pandemic started. Just waiting for those Statistics to be posted!! :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
LMAO! You're relying on randoms from Twitter for your news. I wasn't aware the public education system in Canada was this bad, how did you end up this stupid?
I rely on tweet that publushed journal that have been peer reviewed! Dont rely on fake main stream media that lies like Hunter Biden laptop ! Must have struck a proving you wrong when you can’t rebuttal my post! And the only rebuttal you can do is call me stupid!
Published in the journal Heliyon, comprises a review of 43 previously published studies on exposure to CO2, mask-wearing, and pregnancy.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
LOL Science deniers!! Yeah You can “Trust the fake science” !! Liberals lie by calling you science deniers by demonized you!
Never trust the fake science by the politicians or mainstream media or by people like you!! !

Published in the journal Heliyon, comprises a review of 43 previously published studies on exposure to CO2, mask-wearing, and pregnancy.
Wow, that's the stupidest claim ever.
You think masks aren't permeable?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
: said:
LMAO! You're relying on randoms from Twitter for your news. I wasn't aware the public education system in Canada was this bad, how did you end up this stupid?
Dumb bells, dittiots, they come out of the woodwork...

Oh! Armageddon Prose sounds so much more reputable LMFAO! You just made it sound even stupider 😂😂😂

SUNDAY, MAY 07, 2023 - 09:20 AM
Authored by Marnie Cathcart via The Epoch Times

Canadian parents have become more likely to question routine childhood vaccinations since the pandemic, according to research.

A child receives a COVID-19 vaccine in a file photE. ( Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Immunization rates “have declined since COVID-19” according to research commissioned by the federal government and conducted by Ekos Research Associates. The resulting report, “Childhood Vaccination Marketing Campaign Survey 2022,” was delivered to Health Canada on Feb. 15, 2023, and was first obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter.
“This public opinion research will inform the development of the new multi-year Childhood Vaccination marketing strategy to promote the safety, effectiveness, and importance of vaccines,” the report said.
Only 39 percent of respondents said they accept all recommended childhood vaccines and have no doubts or concerns about vaccinating their child—a drop from 48 percent in 2017.
One in three parents (33 percent) indicated they accept government-recommended vaccines, but have “minor doubts and concerns.”
Another five percent of parents said they are going along with childhood vaccines but “have many doubts and concerns.”
Nearly 20 percent of parents said they have refused or delayed getting vaccines for their children, and another 3 percent have refused all vaccines. These two numbers combined have doubled from 12 percent in 2017 to 22 percent in 2022, said the research.
Those who had doubts and concerns about vaccinations cited side effects as the most prevalent concern (42 percent), followed by allergic reactions (29 percent), lack of testing (29 percent), and distrust of the pharmaceutical industry (28 percent).
Twenty percent of those surveyed indicated their concern about vaccines stemmed from a lack of trust in “the government” in general, while others had concerns about too many vaccines within a short period of time (17 percent), or objected to a general requirement for too many vaccines (12 percent).
The research results were derived from an online survey conducted in October 2022, with 1,228 Canadians, including 1,035 parents with children aged newborn to six years of age, and 193 women currently pregnant or planning a pregnancy within 12 months. The results were compared with research from 2017.
The survey also asked parents if their children had received any COVID-19 vaccines.
Forty-two percent reported that their child had received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccines while 11 percent of parents said their child had three doses.
On average, and depending on the child’s age, approximately one in four indicated they would refuse COVID-19 vaccinations for their children (29% for children under six months; 30% for children six months to under five years; 26% for children five years and older),” said the report.
Post-COVID, when compared to pre-epidemic data from 2017, 72 percent of parents said they “accept all recommended vaccines” compared to 82 percent before COVID.
Forty-two percent of parents now said they fear that vaccines “cause side effects” compared to 24 percent before COVID. Pre-pandemic, 14 percent of parents were concerned about vaccines, which has now risen to 31 percent who said they are concerned.
While 10 percent of parents refused or delayed getting their child certain vaccines before the pandemic, that percentage has risen to 19 percent following COVID.
Data from Canada’s Public Health Agency data indicates just 40 percent of children under 12 are considered fully vaccinated against COVID. The government said the low uptake stemmed from parents feeling “not enough research on the vaccine has been done in children.”

PS. See post#14 . Smart parents are questioning the science preaching by the mainstream media & the pharm& politicians & they aren’t blindly following their advice or policy! They are smart they are doing their own due diligence!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Ya don't trust the science, trust substack instead LMAO
Dude 80% of Canada is vaccinated against Covid. Gtfo.

Read the article ..Gtfo!
Data from Canada’s Public Health Agency data indicates just 40 percent of children under 12 are considered fully vaccinated against COVID. The government said the low uptake stemmed from parents feeling “not enough research on the vaccine has been done in children.”
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