Well, I guess this is addressed to Shack as he referenced my post regarding the $50,000,000.00. While I do not have that amount, although it is close ( albeit in Canadian funds ), I still respect a value for value transaction. Yes, I still use coupons from ther newspaper and I always make a deal when I can. I buy shoes at the Bay when they are 50% off, and chicken at the grocery store when it is on sale. I could buy and sell most people 50X over, but I will never, I mean never, blow money on a lousy transaction. I grew up poor; my family literally cooked road kill ( as long as it was fresch ). My grandfather was always shooting groundhogs and porcupines -- to put in Granny's stew. I learned the value of a buck, first hand. So, my attitude towards life has not changed; and I AM in that position Buddy!!! And I think it despicable that there are those out there who do not understand. This hobby represents and interesting microcosm regarding the study of human nature; discipline is sorley lacking and the chaos that results is destroying the world on many fronts.
There is something very offensive about those who will pay top dollar for crap. Yes, yes, I know the diatribe -- you can spend the money however you like, blah, blah. But, there is a sensibility out there, a reasonableness that is missing in the comments you find on this board. I do not think I am the only one who is disturbed by what he reads here. The girls like to hide behind a mask of subjectiveness and you guys let them off the hook and buy into their position.
Please start thinking with the head between your ears; brain cells are like muscle cells: even if you have not used them in a while, they fire up quickly.