I finally had a chance to meet with Miss Jolee recently, after a long time of wanting to get to KW to see her. I don't think there's anything I can tell you guys that you don't already know, really just to echo the review back from the New Year done by another hobbyist from the GTA: if I lived in or close to KW I would be seeing her as often as possible. Holy crap does that girl know what she's doing! Probably the best gfe I've had in a very long time, if not the best.
Sorry it's not much of a "review" so to speak, but I am wondering why you b@#$%$@s in KW always seem to luck out with people like Jolee?
Sorry it's not much of a "review" so to speak, but I am wondering why you b@#$%$@s in KW always seem to luck out with people like Jolee?