John Derringer and Corus


Feb 15, 2013

And they failed to do that. Mind you, they can only protect the company if the guys at the top let them do their job. If HR gets cut off at the knees, which is probably what happened, well, that's on the big boys.
Yeah, but the big guys won’t pay the price, an escape goat at HR will


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Here's the thing, Corus HR could have/should have stepped in much sooner. There was talk that he had been sent to anger management training. But, like in many professions, stars get a much longer leash than anyone else. But, eventually, it's long enough to hang them. Derringer felt protected from management. He was doing well in the ratings book, and his bosses must have bent over backwards to keep him happy. So his behaviour festered and he probably became worse as time went on. If they punished him for his bad behaviour, he might have changed. A suspension might have done wonders. I mean, there are only so many prime radio gigs in the city/country, and few of them could pay what Q was offering.

Saying shit about Jennifer, Jacquie, Maureen or Anne....well, it isn't their fault. You gotta stop saying Derringer made them, or they weren't talented enough. Dealing with a bully will diminish anyone, and make it harder for them to shine....which might be why he acted like he did. Didn't want it to be Derringer & Halloway in the Morning! It's always been and always will be Derringer in the Morning!!!!!

I enjoyed listening to him once in a while. But I can totally see him being a massive asshole. It wouldn't be something you would see/hear on the air, he saved that venom for before/after the show and during commercial breaks. It was likely important to him to be seen as a fun friendly dude on the radio.

The final point here is that HR is useless like tits on a nun or the 'g' in lasagna. As we should all know, HR is to protect the company, not the workers. But, when there are serious allegations of harassment or bullying, they need to do something. It doesn't matter if it's the CEO. Not doing something opens them up to lawsuits with punitive damage.
I think that the concerns and decisions went well above HR . Corus is scrambling to contain this financially costly disaster, details of which are going embarrassingly viral. An internal investigation continues at Corus and an external independent investigation which will reveal who knew what and when did they know. Some shit has hit the fan already .

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Derringer's entitled elitist shitck got old with me very quickly, I have no idea what happened since.

On the flipside, I've always enjoyed Bob McCown's morose pov, I'm happy to report that he's now on Sirius/XM: Canada Talks (Ch 167).

Ink stained wretches of the world unite.



Member's member well known
Nov 23, 2020
JV's rant goes beyond JD, she sounds bitter as fuck she is getting old and that Lifestyle Reporting is dull to most of the viewing audience.

For what ever reason Corus/Global keeps Susan Hay on TV. I tune out when she is on the tube. She too is too old for TV and her stories are so damn boring...same as that bone head dick on CTV...Pat Foran...another joke
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
JV's rant goes beyond JD, she sounds bitter as fuck she is getting old and that Lifestyle Reporting is dull to most of the viewing audience.

For what ever reason Corus/Global keeps Susan Hay on TV. I tune out when she is on the tube. She too is too old for TV and her stories are so damn boring...same as that bone head dick on CTV...Pat Foran...another joke

Jennifer Valentine's Twitter video complaint is way beyond Derringer, but she definitely starts out about him and the bit about the vaping is all him too.

She will need to be prepared to give a statement to back up her claims with respect to JD now. Cite specific examples, etc. If she refuses, she could open herself up to legal action.

In that video she makes a lot of generalizations about older women in media being descriminated against. Nothing that has not been said before many times by many women. You lose your looks, you lose your job. Interesting because when they were young and gorgeous, they used their looks and their sexuality to their advantage. They had no problem with doing that back in the day when they were hot 20 something year olds. It was great. Now that they are older and showing their age they have lost what got them their job in the first place and they think it's unfair. Well yeah, getting old sucks big ones. No different than professional sports where 35 is too old. Not fair, but part and parcel with the territory. Or a man who is 50 ish and loses his job and noone will hire him because he's considered too old. Not fair again.

Valentine's big bitch though is the abuse she has suffered over the years. I get it, but such is life in the workplace. It occurred to me that women always seem to be the ones complaining about abuse in the workplace. Seldom if ever men. Men just accept it as part of the job description and get past it.
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
The system is rigged, a roulette wheel of a money maker with machismo, misogyny, tits and ass. The #metoo movement has put a wrench in the works as to what happens when actors are permitted to behave badly by their handlers and then get caught.
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Aug 8, 2013
Ironically, when Valentine used to work for City, back in the day, she dished out her own fair share of abuse as well. She had a reputation of being a diva and a bitch back in her Heyday.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
To me, my favourite morning show was Dean Blundell with Jason Barr and Todd Shapiro. Derrick Welsman was also funny with them. As soon as they added Billie Holiday, it was a disaster.
Pete and Geets on CFNY.
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Feb 8, 2017


My Thoughts:

  • Ryan Parker and John Garbutt are (probably) out of a job and are being sewered as complicit in the abuse she says she suffered at the hands of John Derringer. During her video statement, she wondered why ‘no one warned me?” They didn’t warn you or speak up because they were scared shitless, like Jenn was, of not being able to feed their families. For their long-tenured loyalty to an abusive co-worker, they now have to wear a color of misogynist shame? Jenn herself said she didn’t speak up for fear of losing her job, and when she did, Corus did her dirty. She publicly shared her half of the story without details or context, and good people in the middle are wondering how the fuck they will feed their families from now on. An idealist with a tiny brain would say, “Fuck those guys too! they didn’t speak up!” I don’t chastise women who don’t speak up, so I find it ridiculous to assume Ryan and John welcomed the same abuse they’ve been dealing with for years.
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
Society has to accept that, in general, highly successful people have flawed personalities.
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Member's member well known
Nov 23, 2020
JD is probably laughing all the way to the bank. He will pull in millions of dollars to settle this case.

JV will be forced out the industry in short order. No broadcaster with half an ounce of brains will give her a job. She just branded herself a major shit disturber. What a bitter old ....
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
JD is probably laughing all the way to the bank. He will pull in millions of dollars to settle this case.

JV will be forced out the industry in short order. No broadcaster with half an ounce of brains will not give her a job. She just branded herself a major shit disturber. What a bitter old ....

Corus will end up footing the bill, for bad management. Lesson learned?

JV has already been forced out of the industry. Because she made legit complaints. Again, Corus should have managed JD instead of letting him run wild.

JD may get a healthy severance. But the damage is done. He too is finished, and an impressive career and legacy destroyed.

Companies better figure shit out soon. It’s not 1980 anymore.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Corus will end up footing the bill, for bad management. Lesson learned?

JV has already been forced out of the industry. Because she made legit complaints. Again, Corus should have managed JD instead of letting him run wild.

JD may get a healthy severance. But the damage is done. He too is finished, and an impressive career and legacy destroyed.

Companies better figure shit out soon. It’s not 1980 anymore.
They both deserve it.
JV stepped on her fair share of people when she was climbing the ladder in her hey day at City. Many who worked with her would agree, she deserved all she got.
JD was an abusive asshole to everyone. Not just women. He was witnessed as being equally abusive to the two other guys that worked with him as well. He deserved everything that is happening to him.

Here is the stupid shit, as documented in the article that was referenced in an earlier post. The two guys that worked with JD are also fired. Careers ruined, because they didn't say anything. Guys who were equally abused and just wanted to keep their jobs by not rocking the boat, are now without a career because Valentine decided to go on a scorched earth crusade. She also didn't say anything while she was working, for fear of loosing her livlihood, and it wasn't until she was fired for other reasons that she finally did complain about JD. She was just as silent as the other two guys, for the same reasons they were. Yet she thought nothing of throwing them to the wolves, not only for her vengeance, but her vain attempt to bring some notoriety and press to her self. To further her career oportunities after all this. This just shows what kind of person she is. She thinks nothing of stepping on others to get her way, and is no better than JD himself.

I'm glad JD no longer has a career. I hope JV finds her career inevitably destroyed, and I hope the two poor guys who suffered the abuse from JD over the years, who were fired along with him, sue Valentine for Libel and take her for everything she is worth.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I'm a late comer to this thread but do looks really matter in radio?
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