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Joe the Plumber is "not even close" to earning $250,000

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
So whats hes worry about paying higher taxes. :confused:

These uneducated voters are something else. You would think Joey would be worry that people will not be able to afford his services. Likely the jobs he gets are when something breaks, not a $25,000 kitchen upgrade. His house isn't too fancy either.

Joe is 34 years old and likely in perfect health, so hes not worry about having good health insurance.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Senator Obama says that his tax increases won't hurt the economy further, and won't effect those making under $250,000 per annum. If he becomes President we shall have to see how accurate those statements are, I fear they will prove not to be.

The Crunge

New member
Apr 21, 2008
Aardvark154 said:
Senator Obama says that his tax increases won't hurt the economy further, and won't effect those making under $250,000 per annum. If he becomes President we shall have to see how accurate those statements are, I fear they will prove not to be.
I fear that your fear is based on absolutely nothing. You simply can't take the man at face value. Or is it a mistrust of politicians in general (and that should include both the blue ones and the red ones)?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
Senator Obama says that his tax increases won't hurt the economy further, and won't effect those making under $250,000 per annum. If he becomes President we shall have to see how accurate those statements are, I fear they will prove not to be.
Yet you don't fear what your idiot Dubya has done over the last 8 years?!?!?!.....:rolleyes:


New member
Oct 25, 2004
Joe the Plumber

Maybe he isn't making $250K now, but he wants to buy and grow a plumbing business, which in his estimation, will cause his income to be greater than $250K (I guess he will use an S Corporation to hold the business). If he is going to pay higher tax if he is successful, maybe he won't go ahead and try to create jobs. Is that really what the US wants?

From what I can tell, small business is the driver of job creation.

Secondly, why create a disincentive for people to earn a living where their income is greater than $250K? Don't they already pay more than 90% of the tax revenue anyhow?



New member
Jan 19, 2006
DonQuixote said:
Remember Bush's desire to privatize social security.
Imagine the mess we'd be in if that happened.
Indeed true Don, and that's just one reason why I opposed it.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The Crunge said:
You simply can't take the man at face value.
That's true, I look at his past voting record and statements, and then what he is saying now and there is a significant disconnect. Which is the "real" man? You obviously say the current one, I say the one of the record. I only hope that you are correct.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
That's true, I look at his past voting record and statements, and then what he is saying now and there is a significant disconnect. Which is the "real" man? You obviously say the current one, I say the one of the record. I only hope that you are correct.
Yet you aupport and apologize for Dubya, who has had a far wider 'significant disconnect'!...:rolleyes:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Joe The Plumber, a Rove Plant?

Say It Isn’t So, Joe! Wurzelbacher Not A Real $250K Plumber?

Steve Young | October 16, 2008 · Filed Under 2008 Election, Barack Obama, John McCain

Joe The Plumber, aka Joe Wurzelbacher, the Toledo plumber who became the hot topic of the last Presidential debate due to his rope-line confrontation with Barack Obama’s over the Democratic candidate’s tax plan, may not be a plumber, and may not be planning to buy a plumbing business where he will be netting $250,000 a year.

He isn’t in the Toledo Yellow Pages, he isn’t registered to vote and it’s more likely that his existence as a plumber buying a $250K business is as sincere as Sarah Palin asking Joe Biden if she can call him “Joe.”

Isn’t it interesting that Joe is buying a business that is making a profit of exactly $250K, the Obama tax break minimum. If we’re talking a business that is bottom lining at $250K, a standard business acquisition falls into the 4 to 1 investment area, which would call for Joe

is buying a business that is making a profit of exactly $250K, the Obama tax break minimum. A normal business acquisition falls into the 4 to 1 investment area, which would call for Joe to come up with $1,000,000 to purchase his $250K business. If that plumbing business had assets like trucks, equipment and offices, the cost could be far more.

Add to that Wurzelbacher doesn’t appear in the Toledo Yellow Pages listings, yet has been able to put together at least a million to invest, especially in these dire economic times, you begin to wonder whether Joe is a plumber or did someone in the McCain campaign find him in central casting?

Most important, if he is really a plumber, where’ the ass crack?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
These uneducated voters are something else.
Actually he sounds like the kind of voter we should have. interested, does research on his own, and participates in the process even to the extent of getting involved in a Presidential debate.

What frankly is more interesting is the amount of effort being spent on trying to prove that he really isn't what he said he was.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I wonder if he'll enjoy having his social security cap lifted or raised....

A left leaning Congress and a Chicago Democrat in the WH = higher taxes for those who already pay high taxes, no doubt about it.


S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
The guy owns back taxes, has no plumbers license, doesn't earn anywhere close to $250,000 the "business" he was talking about is run out his boses home--yep, seen it on TV, just a nice looking home in Ohio, nice but not fancy rich.

So this "business" doesn't even have its own shop--just a shop van with tools and a few employees.

Joe was the guy who tried to put Obama on the spot when Obama was going door to door last Sunday. He lied and is now on the spot. The local plumbers union never hear of the guy--all those unions are backing Obama by the way. The normal wages a plumber makes is $45,000 a year.

McCain did bring his name up--like hes the guys Obama will tax more, that can not be farther from the truth. This is why people are on his baxk now..Becareful what you say, you never know when you be a "Joe the Plumber" to be honest.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
The guy owns back taxes, has no plumbers license, doesn't earn anywhere close to $250,000 the "business" he was talking about is run out his boses home--yep, seen it on TV, just a nice looking home in Ohio, nice but not fancy rich.

So this "business" doesn't even have its own shop--just a shop van with tools and a few employees.

Joe was the guy who tried to put Obama on the spot when Obama was going door to door last Sunday. He lied and is now on the spot. The local plumbers union never hear of the guy--all those unions are backing Obama by the way. The normal wages a plumber makes is $45,000 a year.

McCain did bring his name up--like hes the guys Obama will tax more, that can not be farther from the truth. This is why people are on his baxk now..Becareful what you say, you never know when you be a "Joe the Plumber" to be honest.
I don't see how he "lied." ANY Presidential Candidate should be prepared to answer politely asked questions about their campaign platform from any citizen.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
I don't see how he "lied." ANY Presidential Candidate should be prepared to answer politely asked questions about their campaign platform from any citizen.
Excellent idea!
Pass those pearls of wisdom on to McBush and his lipstick wearing pitbull!
They both have problems answering questions at all!....:rolleyes:


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Good Obama/McCain picture, Woody. I watched that debate and thought when McCain made that face and move to CBS' Bob Sheifer before sitting down, I said "Huh?"



Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Joe the plumber ...

Should run for something himself "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for YOU!!" Like we don't know who he's going to be voting for!:rolleyes:


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Joe (who's name is Sam, owes taxes, is not a licensed Plummer, and WAS a Republican plant by Bob Sheiffer and John McCain) is going to vote for Vladimir Putin.

He was a plant and CBS's Bob Sheiffer was part of it. Debate 1 and 2 had more substance and intellegent questions. Debate 3 was allowed to go on about which candidate was a bigger baby and this Joe the Plumber plant. I'm telling you, Bob Sheiffer (aka: Shitter) has got to go. I hope they "get him" and arrest his old illegal US media ass, quite frankly. Way behind the times, he still thinks people sit at a table for dinner and listen to transistor radios while only the super elite watch broadcast television. He forgot about....duh....."cable TV" and Fred Flinstone re-runs.

Gyaos Baltar.
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