Joe the Plumber is "not even close" to earning $250,000

The Crunge

New member
Apr 21, 2008
Gyaos said:
Joe (who's name is Sam, owes taxes, is not a licensed Plummer, and WAS a Republican plant by Bob Sheiffer and John McCain) is going to vote for Vladimir Putin.

He was a plant and CBS's Bob Sheiffer was part of it. Debate 1 and 2 had more substance and intellegent questions. Debate 3 was allowed to go on about which candidate was a bigger baby and this Joe the Plumber plant. I'm telling you, Bob Sheiffer (aka: Shitter) has got to go. I hope they "get him" and arrest his old illegal US media ass, quite frankly. Way behind the times, he still thinks people sit at a table for dinner and listen to transistor radios while only the super elite watch broadcast television. He forgot about....duh....."cable TV" and Fred Flinstone re-runs.

Gyaos Baltar.
Wow! Are those really the thoughts that go through your mind. :eek:

Contrarily, the overwhelming view from most is that Schieffer did the best job of the 4 moderators. But keep on marching to that different beat, it's way more fun!


New member
Apr 1, 2007
The Crunge said:
Contrarily, the overwhelming view from most is that Schieffer did the best job of the 4 moderators.
I have to concur with this. I thought Schieffer was, head and shoulders, above the rest of the moderators. His questions were pointed and he gave the candidates ample room to take on one another. The format helped too. That whole "town hall" stuff might play well is Peoria, but it makes for a deadly-dull debate.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
The Crunge said:
Contrarily, the overwhelming view from most is that Schieffer did the best job of the 4 moderators. But keep on marching to that different beat, it's way more fun!
See how easily "Americans" are manipulated. The US is broke and Bob Shaffer spends 30 minutes on which candidate is a bigger baby. Then consistent talk about "Joe the Plumber", a plant. Not to mention that Shaffer hangs with Republicans, attends musical sessions with Republicans, is himself a Republican plant.

Tom Brokaw rocked the house. The questions were better and came from Americans. Like "The Health Care industry becomes very profitable. Do you support the Health Care Industry to be a commodity?" Not from Bob Shaffer, where he pockets the money of pharmaceutical commercials.

It's okay, the condom does not go on the toe. But Bob Shaffer would let you believe that inside his version of a "public school educational level debate."

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Apr 1, 2005
capncrunch said:
I have to concur with this. I thought Schieffer was, head and shoulders, above the rest of the moderators. His questions were pointed and he gave the candidates ample room to take on one another. The format helped too. That whole "town hall" stuff might play well is Peoria, but it makes for a deadly-dull debate.
I think they should run the debates like JEPOARDY! with Alex as moderator. Then you could have catagories like 'US tanking' ' 'war with Iran' ' tax cuts' 'Indian call centers' 'Ayers' 'Reverand Wright' 'vice presidents'
'Nancy Pelosi' 'what i would do if...'(bet no one picks this catagory till they have to) etc... Then we could see their onions as , say, Mccain says Ill have 'war with Iran' for 800 Alex. Or say, Obama plays it safe' - Ill have Nancy Pelosi for 100', Alex.

And there could be nice chitchat between rounds.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
I'll have "War in Iraq supported by John McCain" for $700 Billion, Alex.

Answer: Baghdad is a great, safe place like a walk in the park.
Question: What is "Cameras not showing all of the US Military protecting Senator McCain, lying asshole?"

Gyaos Baltar.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts