This is naive.
There is a lot of Windows software which only works with Windows XP and earlier Microsoft operating systems. New laptops do not have motherboards that are compatible with WinXP, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to find the older ones; most are in landfills by now.
What prevents computer manufacturers from making new models which won't execute the applications currently used to read digital text? Nothing at all; that sort of 'progress' happens all the time. I don't think people can buy a Windows Office Suite on CD anymore, they only sell digital downloads, with monthly or annual licensing fees. Every time Microsoft releases a new version of their software, that add some new features, and remove some others. Older software and operating systems were designed to obey the user's commands; newer ones tend to do most of the work and offering 'helpful suggestions', and the user is reduced to choosing from the options offered, rather than making their own decisions. This stifles creativity and original thought.
When more advanced text reading apps are created, many currently available titles won't be made available, and many others, like the Roald Dahl and James Bond books, will have been altered. Try comparing the text of The Holy Bible in any online version to a printed copy more than 50 years old - the two will be substantially different.
Every day, we see activists on both the politically Left and Right trying to restrict everyone from having access to intellectual property which conflicts with their view of how things should be. It's not a stretch of the imagination for Governments to prevent citizens from reading or writing anything critical of their policies; that's already the norm in places like China, Russia and North Korea.