...I posted sources that clearly identify several of their board as active members of the PFLP,
Your source is NGOMonitor, which is an Israeli propaganda outfit.
You might as well use the IDF as your source, oh wait, you did that too.
Again your elitist racism towards non-white people is showing.
Apartheid is one crime down from genocide, the settler colonialism of Israel is the epitome of racist crimes, basketcase.
Supporting BDS, equal rights and the end of the occupation is hardly 'racist elitism'.
But just like when he talks about Hamas terrorism, Franky only broke the rules because Israel made him.
The rules are broken every day on this board, but there are only a few cancel culture types who can't stand losing debates.
jcpro appears to be supporting violence against the PM, he's still here.
larue trolls and uses enough insults in every post he could be banned for almost every time he posts something.
Your anti-Semitism is clear since you think this Canadian (?) Jew is somehow required to compare Residential Schools to Palestinians/Israel simply because he's a Jew.
48% agree that “Accusations of antisemitism are often used to silence legitimate criticisms of Israel”
Where did I say he was 'required', all I said was that he did and it was incredibly cringeworthy.
Sort of like when you try to call out cantaro for Islamaphobia then turn around and defend shooting children and protesters, using missiles on residential buildings and apartheid rule.
That's also cringeworthy
When you keep referring to Hamas rockets as self defence and argue that random Jews are actually legitimate targets...
I never said that, that's just your attempt to brand me a 'savage' like you do all critics of apartheid to shut down debate.
But remember you think settlers are terrorists, so by your metric that would make them legit targets.
I've repeatedly described the militant settlers as terrorists.
Of course you also said this, and clearly this is a lie.
My house would start with treating the indigenous with respect.
But I'm sure you'll follow that by trying to argue that Palestinians aren't native to Palestine.
Strangely Canada doesn't think so.
Canada supported South African Apartheid for decades as well.
Nelson Mandela was labelled a terrorist.
For now, the NDP are the only party calling for an end to the occupation.
But that's a start and it will change.
When you lost the home crowd, the locals and the international community, how long do you think you can sustain apartheid?
The Canadian Jewish community does NOT support Israeli aggression