Those are facts only in your hateful mind. History shows that this is how the UN works. From Wiki:[
UN 3779 - zionism is racist. Which is now the view of 38% of Canadians.
Wiki lists hundreds of UN resolutions calling out Israel, all of which Israel ignores.
You now admit that the body count is fictitious, The dead have not yet been counted.
No, Shazi.
There are about 40,000 counted dead and likely over 186,000 in total according to the Lancet.
Once again you cannot refute the points I made to back up my claims:
Your claims are the desperate claims of a nazi trying to prove that Jews wanted to move to concentration camps.
You have attacked the UN, the ICC, ICJ, Amnesty, HRW, B'tselem, Al Jazeera, CBC, BBC, AP, Haaretz and so many others.
You are desperate and live in a tiny world where you only believe AIPAC and the IDF.
It is idiotic for you, Geno, to attempt to pretend that Hamas is not mostly to blame.
The occupation of Palestine is 75 years old, its been the problem way before Hamas ever existed. If you get rid of Hamas another resistance will form.
The problem is zionism and the illegal occupation and settler colonization of Palestine.
That must stop.
If I'm lying, show me the resolutions.
The only smirking I do is because of how you are made to look foolish and how easy it is to expose your lies and hypocrisies. I am laughing at YOU, Geno, not the deaths.
You are laughing with glee at the genocide of Palestinians. At the killing of women and children, at the mass starvation of all of Gaza.
If we are an ugly minority, with which I disagree (well, we may be ugly facially), you should have no problem conducting a poll to see if anybody has more credibility than you. Between me or you? Or between you and basketcase? Show the strength of your conviction, Geno, of how noble you are. Conduct a comparative poll.
Its your idea, post a poll if you like, see if I care.
But if you want, feel free to ask if everyone agrees that this baby had it coming and deserved to be killed with American bombs so that some American zionist can take their land.