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Israel at war

Aug 24, 2023
Then Hamas was pretty fucking stupid to attack, knowing how the Gazans would suffer. That is, unless, they don't give a shit about their own people.

Stupid or bloodthirsty savages. Your choice. This is who you support.
It's been pretty numbing to me to see Israel viciously attacked, over 1400 dead and counting, yet all I have seen in the 9 days following this unprecedented massacre has been some of the worst anti-semitism of my lifetime.
I suspect this is a waste of my time because you're hopeless biased, but you do know Rabin and Barak offered them nearly 1967 level territory with East Jerusalem coming back to the Arabs as well. Remind me, what did Arafat say? I'll use an anti-Israel source for this one too - The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/may/23/israel3

So please give us all a fucking break with your screams of apartheid, like you're the parrot of Roger Waters. These schmucks choose death, destruction and martyredom because making a real peace with Jews is a bridge too far for them.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I think this is a fake tweet. I looked all over the Jerusalem Post twitter, and couldn't find it??
Here's the article, took 15 sec of googling.

Here's a soldier saying civilian Palestinians are targets.

Here's a video of the IDF calling Palestinians 'human animals'.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
That was not a precision attack, that was levelling an entire neighbourhood in one of the densest cities in the middle east.
If you're so sure of the your moral position you should join a call for both sides to be investigated for war crimes/terrorism.

This, to you, looks like a precision attack on a military target?

You literally see buildings standing all around it.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's been pretty numbing to me to see Israel viciously attacked, over 1400 dead and counting, yet all I have seen in the 9 days following this unprecedented massacre has been some of the worst anti-semitism of my lifetime.

I suspect this is a waste of my time because you're hopeless biased, but you do know Rabin and Barak offered them nearly 1967 level territory with East Jerusalem coming back to the Arabs as well. Remind me, what did Arafat say? I'll use an anti-Israel source for this one too - The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/may/23/israel3

So please give us all a fucking break with your screams of apartheid, like you're the parrot of Roger Waters. These schmucks choose death, destruction and martyredom because making a real peace with Jews is a bridge too far for them.
There was never a legit offer for a two state solution. The closest was the 'napkin map' offer from Olmert, where Olmert refused to put the offer in writing. Rabin was killed by an Israeli Jew for his attempt at peace, the Oslo Accords, which Israel used to stall for time while moving 500,000 settlers into the land they said was going to Palestine. 'Facts on the ground' as Netanyahu called them.

Palestine has been under military occupation for 54 years. Only the military occupation can decide when the occupation ends, not the victims of the occupation unless they fight and retake their land.

This is why we must call for a ceasefire and the end of apartheid and occupation.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
For those who dont know, Israel always used to give advanced warning before they levelled a building holding Hamas.
Their enemies do no such thing, however. They will intentionally kill as many civilians they can.

Such precision too (y)



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You literally see buildings standing all around it.
So its not genocide because they didn't kill everyone yet?

I'm calling for a ceasefire and the end of apartheid.


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Feb 11, 2009
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Lets sum up Left-wing logic:

  1. Hamas treat LGBT people like dirt. Sometimes they are killed or imprisoned.
  2. Hamas subjugates women and considers them 2nd class citizens.
  3. Hamas doesnt believe in fair elections (they havent had an election since 2006).
  4. Hamas doesnt allow free speech.
  5. Hamas doesnt believe in democracy
  6. Hamas kills and rapes women and children.

But yeah, lets support them instead of Israel

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Obviously Frank besides not answering a simple question. To name just one occasion when a terrorist has warned civilians to leave. And can’t so pretends the question wasn’t asked.

Frank and Hamas supporters don’t remember 9/11 either. Nor the US response. Nor what other countries thought and did. Nor what the UN has to say about terrorism and terrosist.
Shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the United Nations Security Council passed a Resolution declaring terrorism a threat to international peace and security and introducing binding obligations on States.to take a plethora of steps, including criminalising terrorism, securing borders, (insert word fences) cracking down on terrorist financing, cooperating on cross-border law enforcement, addressing misuse of the Internet, and preventing radicalisation in prison
Frank and sympathetic friends might also want to read this part.
In its 66 year history, Israel has not known a single day free from terrorism and the threat of terrorism isn’t theoretical but prevalent and persistent. Out of necessity, we have established a longstanding practice of experts in the field of counterterrorism, extending also the way of assisting to victims of terror.
n its 66 year history, Israel has not known a single day free from terrorism and the threat of terrorism isn’t theoretical but prevalent and persistent. Out of necessity, we have established a longstanding practice of experts in the field of counterterrorism, extending also the way of assisting to victims of terror.

When you poke bears, they will reach a point when they say we are done playing nice and maul you.

deal with it.
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Aug 24, 2023
There was never a legit offer for a two state solution. The closest was the 'napkin map' offer from Olmert, where Olmert refused to put the offer in writing. Rabin was killed by an Israeli Jew for his attempt at peace, the Oslo Accords, which Israel used to stall for time while moving 500,000 settlers into the land they said was going to Palestine. 'Facts on the ground' as Netanyahu called them.

Palestine has been under military occupation for 54 years. Only the military occupation can decide when the occupation ends, not the victims of the occupation unless they fight and retake their land.

This is why we must call for a ceasefire and the end of apartheid and occupation.

Saying bullshit like this makes it impossible to take you seriously.
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Franky and friend are crying Gaza is an "open-air prison"... yeah...brought to you by Gaza's friendly neighborhood terrorists....
how many suicide bombings over the years has Hamas inflicted on civilians? I only started 2003 because I'm lazy...

Tel-Aviv central bus station massacreJanuary 5, 2003Southern Tel Aviv23Carried out by two members of the Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, with the help of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Haifa bus 37 suicide bombingMarch 5, 2003Carmeliya neighborhood, Haifa17Carried out by Hamas member and attributed to Hamas, yet never acknowledged.
Kfar Saba train station bombingApril 24, 2003Kfar Saba113PFLP claimed responsibility jointly with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.[14][16]
Mike's Place suicide bombingApril 30, 2003Mike's Place pub, Tel Aviv3Carried out by Hamas using a British Muslim citizen of Pakistani descent and together with al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
Jerusalem bus 6 bombingMay 18, 2003Jerusalem7Hamas claimed responsibility.
Afula mall bombingMay 19, 2003Afula shopping center3Hamas claimed responsibility.
Davidka Square bus bombingJune 11, 2003Downtown Jerusalem17Hamas claimed responsibility.
Shmuel HaNavi bus bombingAugust 19, 2003Shmuel Hanavi, Jerusalem23Hamas claimed responsibility.
Tzrifin bus stop attackSeptember 9, 2003Bus stop near Tzrifin army base9Hamas claimed responsibility.
Café Hillel bombingSeptember 9, 2003Hillel Cafe, Jerusalem7Hamas claimed responsibility.
Maxim restaurant suicide bombingOctober 4, 2003Haifa21Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Geha Interchange bus stop bombingDecember 25, 2003Geha Junction4Over 20 injured. PFLP claimed responsibility.[14][16]
3rd Erez Crossing attackJanuary 14, 2004Gaza Strip4Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade and Hamas claimed joint responsibility.
Gaza Street bus bombingJanuary 29, 2004Rehavia, Jerusalem11Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade and Hamas claimed responsibility.
Liberty Bell Park bus bombingFebruary 22, 2004Liberty Bell Garden, Jerusalem8Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade claimed responsibility.
Ashdod Port massacreMarch 14, 2004Port of Ashdod10Double suicide bombing. Carried out by Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade together with Hamas.
Beka'ot checkpoint bombingMay 22, 2004Beka'ot checkpoint, Jordan Valley, West Banknone1PFLP claimed responsibility.[14][17]
Beersheba bus bombingsAugust 31, 2004Downtown Beersheba on buses 7 and 1216Hamas claimed responsibility.
Sinai bombingsOctober 7, 2004Sinai peninsula, Egypt34Suicide bombing at two Sinai holiday resorts frequented by Israeli tourists: thirty-one died at the Taba Hilton and three at Ras a-Satan. Among the dead were 12 Israelis; over 120 were wounded. The attack was masterminded by Iyad Saleh and carried out by a Palestinian group.
Carmel Market bombingNovember 1, 2004Tel Aviv330PFLP claimed responsibility.[14][18]
Karni border crossing attackJanuary 13, 2005Karni crossing, Gaza Strip6Carried out together by Hamas with Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and Popular Resistance Committees.
Stage Club bombingFebruary 25, 2005Tel Aviv sea promenade5Carried out together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and with Hizballah involvement.
1st HaSharon Mall suicide bombingJuly 12, 2005Netanya5Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Hadera Market bombingOctober 26, 2005Hadera7Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
2nd HaSharon Mall suicide bombingDecember 5, 2005Netanya5Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
1st Rosh Ha'ir restaurant bombingJanuary 19, 2006Near Tel Aviv old central bus stationnone32Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Kedumim bombingMarch 30, 2006Kdumim, West Bank4Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
2nd Rosh Ha'ir restaurant bombingApril 17, 2006Near Tel Aviv old central bus station1168Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
Eilat bakery bombingJanuary 29, 2007Eilat3Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claim joint responsibility.[19]
Dimona bombingFebruary 4, 2008Dimona19The Damascus leadership of Hamas claimed responsibility, but it has been argued they knew nothing of it, and that the operation was undertaken at the initiative of Hamas leaders in Gaza.[20] [21]
Kerem Shalom suicide bombingApril 19, 2008Kerem Shalom border crossing, Gaza Stripnone13Three Palestinian suicide bombers broke through the border fence to attack the Kerem Shalom IDF post, blowing themselves up and wounding several Israeli soldiers. Hamas claimed responsibility.[22][23]
Ma'ale Adumim attempted bombingOctober 11, 2015Jerusalem01Palestinian female bomber detonates a bomb in her car after being stopped by traffic cops, on the road from the Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Adumim to Jerusalem.[24]
2016 Jerusalem bus bombingApril 18, 2016Jerusalem020A member of Hamas was involved, but Hamas, while praising the act, did not claim responsibility.
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