Tunisian arrested with blade. If only our cops would treat these pigs the same way.
Police Charges at Pro Pal March in Rome, rally turns violent.

The first person arrested for the clashes of October 5 in Rome, during the Pro-Pal march. The State Police stopped him yesterday, October 17: he is a 41-year-old Tunisian citizen and was identified after the investigations started by the Digos of Rome and directed by the local Public Prosecutor's Office, the police said, "following the serious incidents recorded during the national demonstration, in support and solidarity of the Palestinian people, held last Saturday, October 5 in Piazzale Ostiense, in contempt of the formal denial opposed to the organizers" by the police commissioner.

Police Charges at Pro Pal March in Rome, rally turns violent.

The first person arrested for the clashes of October 5 in Rome, during the Pro-Pal march. The State Police stopped him yesterday, October 17: he is a 41-year-old Tunisian citizen and was identified after the investigations started by the Digos of Rome and directed by the local Public Prosecutor's Office, the police said, "following the serious incidents recorded during the national demonstration, in support and solidarity of the Palestinian people, held last Saturday, October 5 in Piazzale Ostiense, in contempt of the formal denial opposed to the organizers" by the police commissioner.

Corteo Pro-Pal, preso il primo violento: è un tunisino armato di lametta
Le indagini della Digos: preso uno straniero con l'accusa di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale. "Ha minacciato gli agenti in lingua araba"