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Is soccer really a man's sport?

Is soccer a man's sport?

  • Yeah it's a man's sport.

    Votes: 52 58.4%
  • Fuck no it's for wussy men and 13 year old teenage girls.

    Votes: 37 41.6%

  • Total voters


May 23, 2006
for men or wussies?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
It is a mans sport, but it can also be played by women. The exchange of jerseys after the game being the highlight.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
why soccer isn't a man's sport?

It's because every time a player gets nudge he goes down faster than a prostitute. I saw a Portugese player get hit in one shin but held both shins in pain. They get touched in one area and all of a sudden they are injured somewhere else. Without all the "diving" that occurs, I could watch soccer.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
hammertm said:
The diving and faking of injuries is really annoying.
agreed. But I voted Yes because I respect the players for their great stamina and ability. Anyone who has tried to play it on a field of any size knows how tough it is.

If they'd just cut out the diving and soft fouls...


May 23, 2006
I said no because....

- real men don't takes dives crying in agony because another player brushed their jersey they are wearing
- all these 0-0 games are indecisive, just like women
- the players cry like women when they don't get a call from the referees


Feb 23, 2005
AndrewV1 said:
I said no because....

- real men don't takes dives crying in agony because another player brushed their jersey they are wearing
- all these 0-0 games are indecisive, just like women
- the players cry like women when they don't get a call from the referees
I play for a football (soccer) team. Why not come and take a poll amongst us and see if we are a bunch of women lol


May 23, 2006
franky66 said:
I play for a football (soccer) team. Why not come and take a poll amongst us and see if we are a bunch of women lol
Should I come and watch a game? Are any of your teammates good enough or able to score at least ONE goal or do you just run around chasing the ball and fall down every so often grabbing your shin and crying in (fake) pain?

Look at the poll results so far. My sentiments are echoed.


Feb 23, 2005
AndrewV1 said:
Should I come and watch a game? Are any of your teammates good enough or able to score at least ONE goal or do you just run around chasing the ball and fall down every so often grabbing your shin and crying in (fake) pain?

Look at the poll results so far. My sentiments are echoed.
oh we would score lots of goals for sure. We also would like to see you call us a bunch of women to our faces.

So what if the polls say what you want it to say. This is a CANADIAN site. Why not to the poll on a Russian or German or British site? HUH?

How many people follow hockey again? 20million? Well billions follow football. Let us take a poll worldwide to see which sport people think is a pile of garbage. Football or Ice Hockey.

What result would you expect?

David Beckham 23

I'll bend it like........
AndrewV1 said:
Should I come and watch a game? Are any of your teammates good enough or able to score at least ONE goal or do you just run around chasing the ball and fall down every so often grabbing your shin and crying in (fake) pain?

Look at the poll results so far. My sentiments are echoed.
I would like to see how many have actually played in a mens league.


Feb 23, 2005
David Beckham 23 said:
I would like to see how many have actually played in a mens league.
this is just an exercise in futily by Canadians who can't stomach the fact that world loves what they dont like and that the world couldnt care less about a sport they hold dear to their heart.

Hell even my daughter's nation are current Olympic and World Ice Hockey champs(irst country to hold both titles at the same time) and made it to the second round of the World Cup of football having also placed 2nd in 58 and 3rd in 94. That's gotta be upsetting


May 23, 2006
franky66 said:
oh we would score lots of goals for sure.

How many people follow hockey again? 20million? Well billions follow football. Let us take a poll worldwide to see which sport people think is a pile of garbage. Football or Ice Hockey.
A bunch a guys porking one another in the bum on the soccer field is not what I call "scoring lots of goals" sorry to say.

And stop calling it football and trying to make it sound more of a guy's sport. It's soccer. Football on the other is a real tough man's sport - real body contact, get it?


Feb 23, 2005
AndrewV1 said:
A bunch a guys porking one another in the bum on the soccer field is not what I call "scoring lots of goals" sorry to say.

And stop calling it football and trying to make it sound more of a guy's sport. It's soccer. Football on the other is a real tough man's sport - real body contact, get it?
its is called futbol aka football.

listen, stay behind your PC and act all tough. If you want to test out your toughness come chat to we. We are a mostly Jamaican and Caribbean so we dont do bottoms. Not into battyman bizniz.

Anything else?

You are mouthy little man. You can only sit behind your PC and mouth off calling big men wussies. You and I both know you wouldnt do so in public for fear you be made an example of.

David Beckham 23

I'll bend it like........
AndrewV1 said:
A bunch a guys porking one another in the bum on the soccer field is not what I call "scoring lots of goals" sorry to say.

And stop calling it football and trying to make it sound more of a guy's sport. It's soccer. Football on the other is a real tough man's sport - real body contact, get it?
I have a sweeper on my team that loves to see people bleed. I'm sure he would love you.

BTW, Tie Domi is a pretty good soccer player.
Last edited:


Feb 23, 2005
Don said:
It doesn't help futbol's manly image when its current poster boy and most famous star is a man currently marketing his new cologne!

Beckham is made a poster boy thanks to women not by real football fans. also he is a poster boy thanks to his wife and her former profile.

I would enjoy watching Vinnie Jones kicking Andrew's teeth in and asking who the wuss is. I would also love if Andrew boy could go mouth of a bunch of jamaican, colombians and russians who love football so dearly. Go call them wusses instead of mouthing off on a message board


Feb 23, 2005
boffo said:
I don't like to watch soccer because it's boring to look at.

But , playing it is a different matter completely. I played it a lot growing up and it was a blast.
how strange that billions of people would watch a boring sport :D


Apr 7, 2005
Anyone else see that Argentinian player at the end of the German game? I saw the highlight on TSN while waiting for CFL highlights and was basically forced to watch it. During the little pushing and shoving match after the game an Argentinian player came running in and looked as if he was really going to lay a beating on someone. Just as he arrived into the little scrum he stopped, hopped like a real fag, and slapped (I speak the truth SLAPPED!!!) a guy in a suit in the chest like Nathan Lane in that Birdcage movie. What a flaming retard!!!

Soccer is for girls between the ages of 9 and 13 and no one else.

Someone says well why is it so popular? It is a poor man's sport in a world where the majority of humans live in poverty. It is loved worldwide because it's the only thing that can be played anywhere. All you need is a ball or something ball-like. Try playing hockey in the Sahara. The main reason it is so popular among parents in Canada is it is a relatively safe and cheap game to play. Children rarely get hurt playing soccer as opposed to hockey or football.

I voted for the second option because if the men who play soccer had any testicles they'd be playing a contact sport like football, basketball, hockey, or rugby. I lump soccer in there with baseball, golf, and tennis.

Now before I get the obligatory,"well come play soccer with me and my teammates and it'll be rough or soccer played right is dangerous" please don't. First explain to me why soccer players pull their socks above their knees? I can think of only two reasons: 1) so they don't get little boo-boo scrapes on their knees and 2) it feels really luxurious like a pair of silk stockings just without the garter belt.

Soccer is for pussies.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
franky66 said:
how strange that billions of people would watch a boring sport :D
It is tougher to appreciate a sport if you didn't really grow up with it. I get into similar arguments with people and baseball. People who didn't grow up with it say how boring it is and so on. Remember the dumbass comments Bryant Gumbel made about how the Winter Games are a joke because they don't have the best athletes becase there are not enough black people participating. I'd like to see his ass on a pair of skates and a stick and tell me hockey players aren't good athletes. He never did thus he doesn't know. I used to be guilty of similar comments against cricket and table tennis and they have millions and millons of fans (though mainly in Asia)
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