Dude, throwing out Prager U memes is not really proving a point. It is reenforcing mine.
your point?
In one paragraph you claim the right is paranoid about "the supposed threat of socialism"
And in the next paragraph you whining about the capitalist's " exploitation of the workers" like a true 1920s Marxist
Yeah no threat at all from someone who thinks capitalism exploits the workers ! ... ??? WTF ???
Your point is you can not be trusted and your ideology gave you away
Learn to proof read your posts and be aware when you ideology does your thinking for you
You are right, Kennedy would probably not recognize the Democratic party today. It's been 60 fucking years!
And you have not learned a god damn thing in all that time
Your utopian dream has been tried over and over again over the last 100 years and the result,?...........50, 100 maybe 200 million dead, starved to death, worked to death or just outright executed
Each evil regime started out with the good intentions you expose and each time.. enslavement and misery
And do not think your fooling anyone with the "Scandinavian model " crap.
They despise the ideology which rails about capitalist's " exploitation of the workers"
That being said, he probably wouldn't recognize the GOP either. I mean, what happened to the party of Law and Order?
Now they are basically working to embrace authoritarianism with Trump as the Dear Leader. What would Lincoln say, knowing many of the GOP embrace right-wing extremism and hold sympathetic views of white supremacy?CNN tells you
That is not the other half of America despite what CNN tells you
" The party of Law and Order? Try looking for law and order in a democrat run city like Chicago or Portland
And, maybe Kennedy would look at what's happened to the country in the last 60 years and recognize that a lot of things have changed. In his day the corporations actually paid their fair share of taxes. That ain't the case today. IN his time, the minimum wage meant you could actually live off of it. It sure as hell doesn't mean that today. As for Kennedy and gun rights, I'm pretty sure he would be appalled at how that turned out, with nearly any fuckwit being able to buy AR-15s and the like. Do you seriously think he'd not push for restrictions if there was a Sandy Hooks or Columbine in his day?
Well personally I would think he would be more upset about the bullet that went through his brain, , however he supported gun rights
and the number of dead bodies and destroyed lives your ideology caused ?
It is not even close
And there is the innovation, technological advancements, better medicines , improved standards of living and the reduction in abject poverty the capitalist system has delivered
Your side... the Lada, Chernobyl and repression of human rights
Basically, these are the stupidest memes possible.
Well they certainly got under your skin, so...................................... mission accomplished
I mean, look at all the shit we view differently compared to 60 years ago. Back then women were in the kitchen, everyone smoked, nobody used seatbelts, and a family could live off of one income. Things change. Kennedy, if he lived longer, likely would have changed many of his views that these memes hold.
Ah.... No
He was a man of principal and understood the value capitalism delivers and the misery your ideology creates
If it is the timeline that bothers you, perhaps something a little more modern?