Discreet Dolls

Is it time to rethink the anti-bullying rules?


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
dcbogey said:
So why wasn't the instigator charged?
This is Canada.

They should have given both boys a five minute suspension for fighting. The instigator should have gotten an extra two minutes for instigating and maybe two more for the racial slur (unsportsmanlike conduct).

vsailor said:
Agree 100%

There was a guy who kept shoving, pushing, smacking me at school. I said we should settle it after school, away from the school and we did, just the 2 of us....became friends after that.
Happens alot...

And this...
tboy said:
There were two that continually picked on me, stole my bike.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Cycleguy007 said:
LOL yeah, the picking on me was ok, but the BIKE? lol

Don't worry, it was only a POS supercycle lame ass thing my parents bought me. Unfortunately I got it back hehehe.


Jan 10, 2008
At My Desk
My son was being bullied at school by an older kid, so one day this kids steels his shoe and throws them over the fence(it's winter and by the way my sons in grade two and this kids in grade 5) teacher on duty tells my son to go get his own shoes. In the mean time an older family friend (grade 7) sticks up for my son and gets into a fight. He gets suspended. So I go to the school to see if I can help to get this family friend back in school and the father of the original bully tries to bully and threaten me in front of the principle...bullies either come from a bullying environment or an environment that encourages bullying..in other words the parents are just as much to blame as the kids


The LoLRus

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
enduser1 said:
But if you stand up to a bully and really "go for it" the bully will always back down.


Its been my experience that the real tough guys dont go around bullying people, they dont have to prove themselves.
Its the wannabe's that bully.
Stand up to them and they fold like a deck of cards (usually that is).

If they dont fold like a deck of cards, run!!!!! :eek:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
iprint said:
My son was being bullied at school by an older kid, so one day this kids steels his shoe and throws them over the fence(it's winter and by the way my sons in grade two and this kids in grade 5) teacher on duty tells my son to go get his own shoes. In the mean time an older family friend (grade 7) sticks up for my son and gets into a fight. He gets suspended. So I go to the school to see if I can help to get this family friend back in school and the father of the original bully tries to bully and threaten me in front of the principle...bullies either come from a bullying environment or an environment that encourages bullying..in other words the parents are just as much to blame as the kids

See, this is why I'm sort of glad I never had kids. I'd be at the school everyday fixing things. For eg: I'd drive to school with my kid, ask him to point out the teacher that said that, then go up to the teacher and say: Are you the teacher that told my son to retrieve his shoes that another kid threw over the fence? yes? How'd you like it if I said to YOU: go retrieve your TEETH from the other side of the fence? Now go apologize to my son....NOW

teachers are supposed to look out for our kid's well being and if they forget that, then they might need a refresher course.......


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
The charges occured because the police support and encourage racism. They practice it themselves. Look at the demographics of the York Regional Police force. An officer I know has confidentially admitted that in cases like this, the better or more preferable policy is to wrongfully punish a member of a racial minority than try to "preach" special values to a community that supports them.


Jan 10, 2008
At My Desk
WhaWhaWha said:
The charges occured because the police support and encourage racism. They practice it themselves. Look at the demographics of the York Regional Police force. An officer I know has confidentially admitted that in cases like this, the better or more preferable policy is to wrongfully punish a member of a racial minority than try to "preach" special values to a community that supports them.
Bull sh*t, It was a one punch fight, that was the only assult period, that is why that charge was laid. I could call you every name inthe book but if I don't touch you, you can't touch me.

I don't condon the bullying and see this as a failure in the school system to protect the other kids and to punish all bullys and make it an inconvince to the parents of the bully so that maybe they will do something about it insteed of saying "way to go son"


Jan 16, 2004
Coco Bongo
If all the facts of the story are true, the bigger problem here is the school administration and the regional police. Not the bully. Kids will be kids and you will have a bad apple in the bunch.

If the Korean kid was indeed punched in the mouth by the bully, he has a right to defend himself. I'm sure there may have been other options, but when you're faced with a situation like that, you have to make quick decisions, and the Korean kid chose to defend himself. Unfortunately, the bully's nose was broken with that punch. But did the Korean kid decide to continue and pound on the bully afterwards? No. It took one quick punch for him to make his point and that was it. If he did continue to pound on the bully, then I can certainly see assault charges being filed against the Korean kid.

By having the school suspend the Korean kid and the police charging the Korean kid with assault with no charges to the bully, what example are we setting for the Korean kid and the Bully?

If I was the Korean kid, I would feel hopeless that society has turned its back on me in a time when I needed help the most. I would feel that the next time I'm faced with this situation again, I'd have no choice, but to turtle, and take the beating.

If I was the bully, I would feel that what I did was acceptable because, hey, I'm not the one that got into trouble so I didn't do anything wrong. Since it's okay to do this, why not continue to do so? Hey, it feels good.

So fast forward 10 years.

You'll have what could have been a bright and intelligent Asian man who is now a shell of what he could have been. Shy and afraid to talk to others because in the back of his mind, he doesn't want to upset anybody that's caucasian.

You'll also have a caucasian man who thinks the law does not apply to him. What started off as bullying in high school has now turned to assault, rape, and perhaps murder even?

So if the school administration and the regional police do not set the right example now, these kids will both grow up with issues that will be much more difficult to correct at a later stage in life.

A bully can be tought the differences between right and wrong and grow up to be a very good human being. But somebody has too teach him that or else he'll never learn.

I imagine racism exists in a small percentage of our population, but unfortunately, it is still a big issue. Hey, it exists in the Canadian Armed Forces. I wonder why there aren't many minority people serving our country in the military. Is it because they're not welcome there?


Jan 16, 2004
Coco Bongo
Oh, forgot to mention.

Although I am a proud Canadian, the example the school administration and the regional police set makes me not so proud right now.

But... The 400 other students that walked out and protested the result of what happened make me very proud to be a Canadian. I give these kids my support and hope that they can set an example for the school and the police.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
police charges over a two punch fight? thats sad. the principal should have dealt with it.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
iprint said:
Bull sh*t, It was a one punch fight, that was the only assult period, that is why that charge was laid. I could call you every name inthe book but if I don't touch you, you can't touch me.
The bully threw the first punch.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
johnhenrygalt said:
This is Canada.

They should have given both boys a five minute suspension for fighting. The instigator should have gotten an extra two minutes for instigating and maybe two more for the racial slur (unsportsmanlike conduct).
This is a punishment I could agree with. :D


Jan 10, 2008
At My Desk
dcbogey said:
The bully threw the first punch.
Yah .. sorry reread the article and caught the part about the push, just don't by that the charge was based on race, more likely on damage>


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
Isn't Keswick where there have been several instances of white kids pushing Asian fishermen into the water?
Feb 21, 2007
The charge against the Asian student should never have been laid. Or, both individuals should have been charged. What the Asian student did was a proportional response.

Being a fat kid in public and high school, I was bullied (although by today's standards, I would have only been considered of average size). One kid who bullied me unmercifully is now serving a life sentence in Penetang for beating his girlfriend/mother of his unborn child to death with his bare hands, and stuffing her body in a rain barrel. He was four grades ahead of me in public school, and the bullying went on for four years till he was expelled permanently in grade 7.

The other bully in my high school life, I took out getting off the school bus. It was a sneak attack but it stopped the bullying. I swung my very heavy gym bag, knocked him down, got him down, and went ape shit on him. Even his loyal buddies wanted no part of me that day. After that, he left me alone, and we even became sort of friendly, as we ended up on the school soccer team together.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
squash500 said:
Yes you're right.
And the local police are not persuing these cases. A pattern of human rights violations.
Perhaps it's time to overstep the local constabulary and call in the feds.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
enduser1 said:
But if you stand up to a bully and really "go for it" the bully will always back down.

Not if there's no chance of beating him. Tho' I do agree with you if you and the bully are evenly matched; his cowardice (which is the root of being a bully) will cause him to back down.
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