So he is still lying about saying it is according to Lancet even though it has been shown multiple times that this is a misrepresentation, basically a lie.The ridiculously flawed study in the opinion section of the Lancet was only intended to estimate how many people died. It says absolutely nothing about who was responsible for those deaths. You invented that. It's another lie.
When you flat out provide a link to Lancet and cut and paste their explanation and someone keeps posting it, it must be one of two things
1: He is so consumed with hate that he doesn't give a fuck, as long as it furthers in his mind the extermination of the Jews in the middle east much like how his neo Nazi fellow travelers repeat the same lies and bullshit no matter how often it is debunked.
2: He is fundamentally retarded and unable to understand something very simple.
I am pretty sure it's 1, but maybe with some 2 thrown in. Considering how many times he makes bad argumentation even when he has been instructed like for example when you accuse his terrorist buddies of something he counters often not with some sort of rebuttal but with some other attack, which does nothing to disprove the initial claim.
And before anyone loses their shit about insult, there is no other inference that can be made from his continued lies when it's been debunked clearly and without question... by LANCET
I also notice skimming that he makes reference to the pope aka King of the Pedos. Charming. I guess any ally in his campaign of hate.