The obvious conclusion as to why you are so reluctant to post the results of other polling companies is that the results clearly contradict the point you were trying to make. As such, I have no need to do any of my own research. You've provided me with the information I was asking about. Thank you.
If the other polls had 50% accuracy you'd be posting them in bold and enlarged font instead of your very defensive response. The comparison to other polls may be irrelevant to you but they are extremely relevant to people who want to rationally know what your number in a vacuum means. You are obviously trying to denigrate Ipsos' validity but without us knowing how they compare to other pollsters, you have failed.
This sounds like you're giving props to Ipsos for their 17% accuracy in results. That's not unlike a potato chip company boasting that their newly improved product causes 23% less anal leakage than the previous version.
What I posted:
"From wikipedia, re Ipsos:
Polling accuracy
During the 2021–2022 United States election cycle, in the last 21 days before each election, Ipsos polls only correctly predicted winners 17% of the time, according to a FiveThirtyEight analysis of elections for state governor, U.S. Senate, and House of Representatives."
To obtain the information YOU wanted, all YOU had to do was go to wikipedia, search for Ipsos, scroll to the polling accuracy paragraph, then click on link #29, which would bring you to this page:
Let’s give a big round of applause to the pollsters. Measuring public opinion is, in many ways, harder than ever — and yet, the polling industry just had one of…
At that point, you could have scrolled to the paragraph titled
The most and least accurate pollsters of 2021-22
and seen for yourself that, of the 33 pollsters listed, Ipsos was more accurate than only two others.
The obvious conclusion is that your foot is now in your mouth, again.
Thank you for my early evening dose of schadenfreude.