Ashley Madison

International Holocaust Remembrance Day


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You must have a really sad view of Israel if you think ending apartheid will 'wipe it out'.

You must have a very low opinion of Palestinians if you think you can force them to become Israelis.

You keep complaining that Israel has better weapons than Hamas, PFLPP, PIJ and the like and you keep making excuses for their attacks. At no point have you ever promoted forcing Israel and the Palestinian to sit down and hammer out a deal. All you want to do is punish Jews.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
We are still waiting for you deal with your own Islamaphobic rep....
Parroting franky's dumb claims isn't a rep. I'm sure that in the minds of the obsessive, criticising anti-semitism means you're Islamophobic but that's your issue to work out.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes, I have condemned terrorism by both sides repeatedly on this board for years...
Sure, once in a blue moon you've been forced to admit that Hamas or whomever did something bad, always followed by "but Israel" usually complaining about things like Israel dared try to arrest violent people.

Meanwhile you obsessively condemn any Israeli action as terrorism or use some kind of other emotionally laded language countered by fact.

And usually instead of condemning terrorism committed by a Palestinian, instead you try to redefine terrorism or dismiss it out of hand because there are places you think Jews become legitimate targets just by being there.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You must have a very low opinion of Palestinians if you think you can force them to become Israelis.

You keep complaining that Israel has better weapons than Hamas, PFLPP, PIJ and the like and you keep making excuses for their attacks. At no point have you ever promoted forcing Israel and the Palestinian to sit down and hammer out a deal. All you want to do is punish Jews.
They already are Israelis, they just have no rights.
There is no state of Palestine and they live under Israeli rule.

All I'm arguing for is that they get basic human rights and you get rid of apartheid.
Why do you keep arguing that ending apartheid is 'punishing Jews'? That's an antisemitic trope, basketcase. Its a racist statement.
Apartheid is a government policy, it has nothing to do with the Jewish people.

You must have a very low opinion of Israel if you think it can't exist without apartheid.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Justifying vandalism of Jewish targets over Israel?
Still trying to claim that its antisemitic to say 'Free Palestine'?
That's an antisemitic statement, basketcase.
The occupation is illegal, arguing for the application of international law and the end of an illegal occupation is not in any way racist.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sure, once in a blue moon you've been forced to admit that Hamas or whomever did something bad, always followed by "but Israel" usually complaining about things like Israel dared try to arrest violent people.

Meanwhile you obsessively condemn any Israeli action as terrorism or use some kind of other emotionally laded language countered by fact.

And usually instead of condemning terrorism committed by a Palestinian, instead you try to redefine terrorism or dismiss it out of hand because there are places you think Jews become legitimate targets just by being there.
This coming from the guy who calls 'Defence of Children International' 'terrorists'?
Read the reports, basketcase.
Read Amnesty, HRW, B'tselem or whatever legit human rights org.
According to those reports Israel commits way more crimes against humanity and war crimes, that's why I talk about them more.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Prove it, shack.
Prove I lied anywhere.
Show where and how exactly I've been 'disingenuous or sleazy'.

I get it, you're angry. You're old and you had decades of being the oppressed minority. You probably were all for the BLM protests, like basketcase. You just didn't notice the PLM signs and the way BLM, PLM became part of the decolonization movement. You probably didn't take Meir and Olmert's warning of apartheid seriously, you were probably just happy to not be pushovers and maybe believed it was a desert and not a home for a diverse population.
But now you're the oppressor, now you're backing apartheid. You were warned for decades and did nothing.

So cry me a river.

But more importantly, stop supporting apartheid.
If you want to battle antisemitism, as I also do, you have to battle against all racism.
And apartheid is #2 on the worst possible expressions of racism.

Read some sleazy and disingenous reports from the good and brave Jewish and Palestinian people who work at B'tselem.
Browse through IJVCanada and other groups.
Then join me in a fight against racism, including antisemitism and the Islamaphobia and apartheid that Palestinians live under.

My point was about YOU.

Provide some posts where you condemn Pali violence PRIOR to when I challenged you. Then we can talk.

You have not yet done so or admit that you never have.

For once in your life, debate like a mensch when discussing Israel.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
My point was about YOU.

Provide some posts where you condemn Pali violence PRIOR to when I challenged you. Then we can talk.

You have not yet done so or admit that you never have.

For once in your life, debate like a mensch when discussing Israel.
I gave you two posts then you changed your terms and wouldn't accept them.
So now this is entirely about you.
You accused me of lying, so prove it or apologize.

Why can't you answer basic questions?
And why should I care about being slandered with accusations of racism by someone who supports apartheid?

I answer questions, state my views and back them up with reports by legit human rights organizations.
At this point you are just trolling.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Historian Dan Stones book Holocaust, an Unfinished History explores how the Holocaust was not solely a German project, but a pan-European crime with tens of thousands of active perpetrators all over the continent. From France, to Norway, to Holland, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine and Romania. The Germans had no problem finding eager collaborators in all continental European countries. It’s no wonder they’re trying to rewrite history to leave this part out.
There were a few exceptions who did not collaborate with the Nazis.

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
History of the Holocaust teaches us how one of the world's most civilized
people who had made monumental contributions to arts, science and
philosophy seminal to the advancement of civilization degenerated into
the evil mass murderers they were transpired. It is a lot more challenging
for history to explain why the Holocaust happened.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
By asking you to find a post (prior to being asked) to back up your claim? Failure on your part to do so, means that you're lying.

You're batting .000 right now.
Yes, you're trolling and you're lying.
I provided two denunciations then you changed the terms and demanded that they be 'previous' posts.
That's turned this into trolling.

Supporters of apartheid have no business accusing anyone else of racism.
Just as supporters of Israeli terrorism, which you've never denounced on this board, have no right to accuse anyone else.

Until you denounce apartheid and Israeli terrorism, you've lost this debate.
I fully denounce Palestinian and Israeli terrorism and fully support investigations by Amnesty et al on both sides.

Which leaves me as the only one who argues against racism and terrorism here and you as just a troll.



Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
I don't have a rep as being anti-Muslim even with your pretzel/Bizarro logic. Your argument is ridiculous and not worthy of a defense since I've never been accused.
You got some explaining to do.

What are they supposed to do when the Arabs follow their scripture and are told to drive the infidels into the sea?
This is Islamophobia 101.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Yes, you're trolling and you're lying.
I provided two denunciations then you changed the terms and demanded that they be 'previous' posts.
Did you post them for the 1st time before or after I said you'd never denounced Pali acts of aggression against Israel?


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Or this, you sad shack:
Did you post them for the 1st time before or after I said you'd never denounced Pali acts of aggression against Israel?
Given your obvious posting history, the indulgence in answering your questions is over. Answer the questions posed to you.

I suspect you will run again. As always, a cowardly shack of sit…..did I spell that wrong?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
They already are Israelis, they just have no rights.
More of your bullshit wanting to force Palestinians to do your will. They hugely reject becoming Israelis but you keep demanding they do so simply because you think it hurt's Israeli Jews.

if you were arguing for human rights, you'd have words for what Hamas and the PA are doing to Palestinians. If you were arguing for human rights you'd be supporting Palestinian voices that support human rights. Instead your racist elitism acts like they need you to tell them how to act and you keep trying to justify acts of terrorism.

And you still refuse to admit there are some Palestinians who commit acts of terrorism, still pretend Israel are terrorists for shooting back at armed gunmen, and still claiming Jews are legitimate targets simply by being in land you declare to be Palestinians (and not to mention you claim to support equal rights while also holding the view that some land should be Jew free).

It is absolutely astounding that in a thread about the Holocaust, you keep justifying targeting Jews because of some conspiracy theory that all Jews somehow control Israel and North American governments and idiotically go so far to try and deflect by claiming it's anti-semitic to condemn your antisemitism.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You mean the simple word “Palestine”? It’s like kryptonite to anti-Palestinians. Your reaction reveals its power.
Wow that's dumb. You're justifying anti-semitism by claiming it's a good tool to attack Jews. Thanks for admitting how disgusting your views are.

p.s. the only anti-Palestinian here is Franky who demands they do as he says and who feels they are too pathetic to be held accountable for their actions. On the other hand, I'm anti-Hamas because they are massively corrupt authoritarian religious zealots who reject peace and support attacks on civilians while seriously repressing the Palestinian people they claim to be fighting for. I'm anti-PA because they are even more corrupt, abuse human rights of Palestinians, pay salaries to convicted terrorists, and are too afraid to either be fully pro-peace or fully anti-peace. At least Hamas admits who they are and what they stand for.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts