Well, thats very interesting, since MM admitted to Wolf Blitzer the other night that he was part of the 1%. Guess capitalism is working pretty well for him. Guess YOU missed that one pekkkerhead. Where's that squealing noise coming from anyway???? roflmao.
Isn't the judgement of whether any thing works based on how well it does overall, not just in rare instances?
The fact that Michael Moore could go from borrowing cameras while he was on $85/week unemployment to to millionaire status says lots about his ability and nothing about capitalism. By your standard Michael Phelps being a terrific athlete would mean Americans shouldn't worry that their kids are obese.
Self-made millionaires crop up in all systems. If they're such a good thing then wouldn't we be trying to maximize their numbers instead of encouraging the already rich to accumulate way beyond their means? Wouldn't two hundred senior execs at a million apiece be better than one CEO at $200 mill?
Would anyone really say, "Heck, a million a year isn't enough of a paycheque. Think I'll just go fishin' and let the economy collapse"? Does anyone think there'd be no one to replace the guy who did? Or the economy really would collapse?
Moore's polemic is not so much on capitalism in general but on the uniquely selfish and pervertedly sociopathic form it's taken in the US. Other countries do it better, because they recognize it's only economics, not a whole social system. When you try to stretch it to be both, it's like an all-junkfood diet. Tastes good and kills you from within.