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InfoWars' main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned...Hahahahahahaha


Jun 19, 2013

Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language

By Liam Stack

Aug. 15, 2017

President Trump angrily denounced the so-called alt-left at a news conference on Tuesday, claiming that the group attacked followers of the so-called alt-right at a white supremacist rally that exploded into deadly violence in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday.

“What about the ‘alt-left’ that came charging at the, as you say, the ‘alt-right’? Do they have any semblance of guilt?” he asked. There was “blame on both sides,” he said. “I have no doubt about it.”

Both phrases are part of a broad lexicon of far-right terminology that has become important to understanding American politics during the Trump administration. Many of these terms have their roots in movements that are racist, anti-Semitic and sexist.

Here is a brief guide to the meaning of those expressions and others used by white supremacists and far-right extremists.


The “alt-right” is a racist, far-right movement based on an ideology of white nationalism and anti-Semitism. Many news organizations do not use the term, preferring terms like “white nationalism” and “far right.”

The movement’s self-professed goal is the creation of a white state and the destruction of “leftism,” which it calls “an ideology of death.” Richard B. Spencer, a leader in the movement, has described the movement as “identity politics for white people.”

It is also anti-immigrant, anti-feminist and opposed to homosexuality and gay and transgender rights. It is highly decentralized but has a wide online presence, where its ideology is spread via racist or sexist memes with a satirical edge.

It believes that higher education is “only appropriate for a cognitive elite” and that most citizens should be educated in trade schools or apprenticeships.


Researchers who study extremist groups in the United States say there is no such thing as the “alt-left.” Mark Pitcavage, an analyst at the Anti-Defamation League, said the word had been made up to create a false equivalence between the far right and “anything vaguely left-seeming that they didn’t like.”

Some centrist liberals have taken to using this term.

“It did not arise organically, and it refers to no actual group or movement or network,” Mr. Pitcavage said in an email. “It’s just a made-up epithet, similar to certain people calling any news they don’t like ‘fake news.’”

On Tuesday, Mr. Trump said the “alt-left” was partly to blame for the Charlottesville violence, during which a counterprotester, Heather D. Heyer, was killed.


The “alt-light” comprises members of the far right who once fell under the “alt-right” umbrella but have since split from the group because, by and large, racism and anti-Semitism are not central to its far-right nationalist views, according to Ryan Lenz, the editor of Hatewatch, a publication of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Members of the alt-right mocked these dissidents as “the alt-light.”

“The alt-light is the alt-right without the racist overtones, but it is hard to differentiate it sometimes because you’re looking at people who sometimes dance between both camps,” he said.

The two groups often feud online over “the Jewish Question,” or whether Jews profit by secretly manipulating the government and the news media.


“Antifa” is a contraction of the word “anti-fascist.” It was coined in Germany in the 1960s and 1970s by a network of groups that spread across Europe to confront right-wing extremists, according to Mr. Pitcavage. A similar movement was seen in the 1980s in the United States and has re-emerged recently as the “alt-right” has risen to prominence.

For some so-called antifa members, the goal is to physically confront white supremacists. “If they can get at them, to assault them and engage in street fighting,” Mr. Pitcavage said. Mr. Lenz, at the Southern Poverty Law Center, called the group “an old left-wing extremist movement.”

Members of the “alt-right” broadly portray protesters who oppose them as “antifa,” or the “alt-left,” and say they bear some responsibility for any violence that ensues — a claim made by Mr. Trump on Tuesday.

But analysts said comparing antifa with neo-Nazi or white supremacist protesters was a false equivalence.


“Cuck” is an insult used by the “alt-right” to attack the masculinity of an opponent, originally other conservatives, whom the movement deemed insufficiently committed to racism and anti-Semitism.

It is short for “cuckold,” a word dating back to the Middle Ages that describes a man who knows his wife is sleeping with other men and does not object. Mr. Lenz said the use of the word by the “alt-right” often had racial overtones.


S.J.W. is short for “social justice warrior” and is used by the right as an epithet for someone who advocates liberal causes like feminism, racial justice or gay and transgender rights. It is also sometimes used to imply that a person’s online advocacy of a cause is insincere or done for appearances. It became widely used during “GamerGate,” a controversy that began in 2014 over sexism in video game subcultures.

Mr. Lenz, whose organization has specific criteria for which groups it classifies as Nazi organizations, said the right used the phrase “to rhetorically address the fact that the left sometimes calls anyone who disagrees with it Nazis.” He said the alt-right had created the term so its followers had a similar blanket term to deride the left.

Blood and Soil

Video taken at the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville on Saturday showed marchers chanting “blood and soil.” The phrase is a 19th-century German nationalist term that connotes a mystical bond between the blood of an ethnic group and the soil of their country.

It was used as a Nazi slogan in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s and since then “has been transported to neo-Nazi groups and other white supremacists around the world,” Mr. Pitcavage said. It is one of several Nazi symbols that have been adopted as a slogan by some members of the “alt-right.”


Globalism is sometimes used as a synonym for globalization, the network of economic interconnection that became the dominant international system after the Cold War. The word has become more commonly used since Mr. Trump railed against globalism frequently on the campaign trail.

For the far right, globalism has long had distinct xenophobic, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic overtones. It refers to a conspiratorial worldview: a cabal that likes open borders, diversity and weak nation states, and that dislikes white people, Christianity and the traditional culture of their own country.

White Genocide

White genocide is a white nationalist belief that white people, as a race, are endangered and face extinction as a result of nonwhite immigration and marriage between the races, a process being manipulated by Jews, according to Mr. Lenz. It is the underlying concept behind far-right, anti-immigration arguments, especially those aimed at immigrants who are not white Christians.

The concept was popularized by Bob Whitaker, a former economics professor and Reagan appointee to the Office of Personnel Management, who wrote a 221-word “mantra” on the subject that ended with the rallying cry: “Anti-racist is code word for anti-white.”

Mr. Pitcavage said the concept of white genocide was often communicated online through a white supremacist saying called the Fourteen Words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

The saying was created by David Lane, a white supremacist sentenced to 190 years in prison in connection with the 1984 murder of the Jewish radio host Alan Berg.

The alt-right (shortened for Alternative Right)[note 1] is a far-right movement that opposes multiculturalism and social justice movements (or what they call "Cultural Marxists" and "SJWs"). The movement is made up largely of young Internet-dwellers; it is itself the merger of traditional white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, and far-right internet groups (such as the neoreactionary movement and right-wing elements of the Gamergate movement). The alt-right consensus generally rests at the juncture of those three groups. The alt-right is also united by its support for U.S. Republican President Donald Trump. The term originated with Richard Spencer's white nationalist magazine/blog Alternative Right, nicknamed "AltRight".

The alt-right wholeheartedly embraces the overt racism, misogyny, neo-Nazi affectations, bullying and trolling of chan culture as a lifestyle. You'll find them on /pol/, /r/The_Donald, My Posting Career or The Right Stuff; they make up a sizable fraction of the more radical and uncouth sections of Gamergate. They're also the ones who popularized "cuckservative" as a term of abuse for those on the right who are deemed not racist enough.

Whether they are primarily neoreactionaries who are into white nationalism or white nationalists dressing their ideas up with neoreactionary jargon is probably a distinction without a difference. The term "alt-right" has come to be more generally used for Trump supporters who think swastikas are good; in this context, it's just a hip name for white supremacists.

The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right fringe hate groups. Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist, frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism, nativism and Islamophobia, antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia, right-wing populism and the neoreactionary movement. The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists and neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

White supremacist Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism and did so, according to the Associated Press, to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, neo-fascism and neo-Nazism. The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 United States presidential election.

The alt-right has its roots on Internet websites such as 4chan's /pol/ and 8chan, where anonymous members create and use Internet memes to help express their ideologies. Commentators have stated that it is difficult to tell how much of what people write in these venues is serious and how much is bait and intended to provoke outrage. Members of the alt-right use websites like Alternative Right, Twitter, Breitbart and Reddit to convey their message. Alt-right postings generally support the policies of Donald Trump and Mike Pence and oppose non-white immigration, multiculturalism and what they see as political correctness. The movement grew in 2015 and 2016, but started declining in power and membership in 2017 and 2018 following a decline in popular opinion. Republicans and conservatives such as President Donald Trump, Ben Shapiro, Ted Cruz, Cory Gardner, and members of the conservative Heritage Foundation have condemned the alt-right for its racism, antisemitism, and prejudice. The Trump administration has included several figures who are associated with the alt-right, such as Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. In 2016, Bannon described Breitbart as "the platform for the alt-right", with the goal of promoting the ideology. After Trump's election, other candidates for office, such as Roy Moore and Paul Nehlen, ran with the support of the movement.

According to a Southern Poverty Law Center report published in February 2018, over 100 people have been killed and injured in 13 attacks by alt-right influenced perpetrators since 2014. Political scientists and political leaders have argued that it should be classified as a terrorist or extremist movement. The SPLC report expressed strong concern about the alt-right, claiming that its ideologies are radicalizing young, suburban white males and helped inspire the 2014 Isla Vista killings, the Charleston church shooting, the Quebec City mosque shooting, the vehicle ramming attack at the Unite the Right rally, the Umpqua Community College shooting, as well as other lower-profile attacks and acts of violence. In 2017, terrorist attacks and violence affiliated with the alt-right and white supremacy were the leading cause of extremist violence in the United States.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
No problem, I have limitless patience. Our original and only debate is based on your statement:

p.s. You are aware, aren't you, that YouTube already removed one of the two strikes against InfoWars, following their appeals (and YouTube's acknowledgement regarding misapplication of its policy to right wing sites)?
I've repeatedly challenged you to provide proof of your statement. I believe when you get backed into a corner you tell lies and I believe the above post is as example.

1. Blah, blah, blah.
5. I'm not arguing that CNN got the story wrong. I'm arguing that they got the story right, and amended it to keep it right.
The above has nothing to do with our original debate and since they've already been already addressed, I'm not going to bother again. This is you just trying to distract.

Did you actually ask "why InfoWars would overstate ......"? lolololololol snort lolololololol. What hasn't Infowars lied about? Why would Youtube issue a denial, it's not Youtube's job to correct Infowars' lies.

So, you are now saying CNN's current story is completely correct. Then that proves you lied. Youtube never "issued a second strike and later removed it" and Youtube never "acknowledged misapplication of its policy" as it applied to a strike as you originally claimed and I challenged. When can I expect that apology?

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
So, you are now saying CNN's current story is completely correct. Then that proves you lied. Youtube never "issued a second strike and later removed it"
Yes, I'm saying CNN was correct when they reported 2 strikes, and then correct again when they corrected their article to reflect that there was only 1 strike after 1 of the 2 was removed. Apparently, according to InfoWars, this happened quite quickly. I guess it wasn't worth CNN writing an entirely new article to update the one they published.

Great job CNN. Unlike you, they can perform simple math.

But that's enough repetition of the same basic point for my taste. You don't get it. You don't want to get it. It's pointless to continue this particular exchange. You don't believe the InfoWars report. You think they lied about how many strikes they had, and when they had them, even though there is no credible reason why anyone would exaggerate how close they are to account termination. You don't provide any reasonable alternative explanation for the update of the CNN article. And all that sits quite nicely in your mind. And I'm a liar because I accept the InfoWars report on their strikes, and interpret the CNN report as confirmation.

You don't even know what a lie is (just like you don't actually know what a personal insult is). I'd say LOL, but your particular foibles don't amuse me. I find them tedious.


Mar 12, 2004
This is the first post where we responded to one another.

Allow me to continue:
My complete response and all subsequent responses to each other in their totality:

OK accuser. I dare you to find any insults I hurled, childish, racist or otherwise.


At least no insults there. Simply trying to avoid being exposed but due to good work by others, a major fail.

My first negative comment below but it wasn't even aimed directly at you. I was trying to help you bond with your fellow alt-righters and painted you all, admittedly, with the same brush.

4 insults in one post.
And I have answered your question. I not only did not claim you initiated insulting, but this post undeniably shows that you actually did.

Which brings us here:

It is now on record for all to see. YOU initiated the insulting, so now you are not only an insult initiator but you are a BIG, FAT, LIAR. (Can stating a fact be considered an insult?)

Your line up there is very apt. Time for you to man up.

Holy shit,... nothing better to do with your life,... ???

You initiated insulting directed at me,... in replies to the psycho,... !!!
And,... "I was trying to help you bond with your fellow alt-righters"

Plus,... I give a shit about some work done by a psycho I have on ignore,... !!!

And STILL no replies to,... !!!

,...So are you saying the definition I quoted is false,... ???
Care to elaborate,... !!!

,... And still no quotable definitions from you,... !!!

,... A quick question for you,... why would you call a Canadian,... alt-right,... ???

And for fuck sakes,... grow a pair.

All of your replies are about your hurt feelings,... with no content.

Until then you supply some content,... you're done.


Mar 12, 2004
For those who still have their collective heads buried in manure,... read a quote from managee

"The “alt-right” is a racist, far-right movement based on an ideology of white nationalism and anti-Semitism. Many news organizations do not use the term, preferring terms like “white nationalism” and “far right.”

The movement’s self-professed goal is the creation of a white state and the destruction of “leftism,” which it calls “an ideology of death.” Richard B. Spencer, a leader in the movement, has described the movement as “identity politics for white people.”

It is also anti-immigrant, anti-feminist and opposed to homosexuality and gay and transgender rights. It is highly decentralized but has a wide online presence, where its ideology is spread via racist or sexist memes with a satirical edge.

But calling a Canadian an Alt-right,... is not an insult.

It does though,... make our resident Islamic terrorist supporter,... Alt-right.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Says the guy who started and drove a 500 post thread arguing that Blacks were on average genetically intellectually inferior to whites and Orientals and who classifies Jews as a separate genetic group.
This is crazy. Science has no political affiliation. If you think that Asians are superior to Whites just because they have a higher average IQ, that's your opinion.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Holy shit,... nothing better to do with your life,... ???

You initiated insulting directed at me,... in replies to the psycho,... !!!
And,... "I was trying to help you bond with your fellow alt-righters"
Totally lame. You have no integrity and you have no balls. At least everyone sees it.

Guess you couldn't man up. I am not surprised.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Yes, I'm saying CNN was correct when they reported 2 strikes, and then correct again when they corrected their article to reflect that there was only 1 strike after 1 of the 2 was removed. Apparently, according to InfoWars, this happened quite quickly. I guess it wasn't worth CNN writing an entirely new article to update the one they published.
You are lying again!

TIME FOR MY ZINGER Butt Plug. I've been saving this!:
Have you heard of a tool called the Wayback Machine on the internet? It archives old copies of web pages and in many cases, it has copies of every revision of a page posted to the internet. The tool can be used to address questions like exactly this one.
The current CNN headline (same as OP posted on Feb 27th: InfoWars' main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned
The earliest CNN headline from February 23: InfoWars is two strikes away from being banned from YouTube

Bottom line:
- You lied when you implied you saw an earlier CNN report
- You lied when you stated CNN reported two strikes then changed to 1
- You lied when you stated YouTube already removed one of the two strikes against InfoWars
- You lied when you stated YouTube's acknowledgement regarding misapplication of its policy to right wing sites)

"Apparently, according to InfoWars, this happened quite quickly" - you kill me! So according to Infowars CNN published an incorrect title (article?) that no-one other than Infowars saw??? So, your only source of proof on this issue is Infowars!! lololololololololololololololololololol Infowars incorrectly reported (more likely they lied) that they had 3 strikes within 3 months, but that was never true - look at the Youtube news. I can provide 2 or 3 possible reasons why Infowars said that, but we both already know you are only trying to desperately save face.

In a pathetic attempt at Ad hominem, you criticize other people's logic, claim they circular think and their understanding of the english language. You insult people continually. Yet you've been caught in your lies.

You still owe me that apology. If you are that kind of man.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Holy shit,... nothing better to do with your life,... ???

You initiated insulting directed at me,... in replies to the psycho,... !!!
And,... "I was trying to help you bond with your fellow alt-righters"

Plus,... I give a shit about some work done by a psycho I have on ignore,... !!!

And STILL no replies to,... !!!

,...So are you saying the definition I quoted is false,... ???
Care to elaborate,... !!!

,... And still no quotable definitions from you,... !!!

,... A quick question for you,... why would you call a Canadian,... alt-right,... ???

And for fuck sakes,... grow a pair.

All of your replies are about your hurt feelings,... with no content.

Until then you supply some content,... you're done.
This poor boy is becoming unhinged!

For the record he's actually commented to other Terbites about my posts that weren't previously copied. He's also called others "cowards" for putting him on ignore.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
For those who still have their collective heads buried in manure,... read a quote from managee

"The “alt-right” is a racist, far-right movement based on an ideology of white nationalism and anti-Semitism. Many news organizations do not use the term, preferring terms like “white nationalism” and “far right.”

The movement’s self-professed goal is the creation of a white state and the destruction of “leftism,” which it calls “an ideology of death.” Richard B. Spencer, a leader in the movement, has described the movement as “identity politics for white people.”

It is also anti-immigrant, anti-feminist and opposed to homosexuality and gay and transgender rights. It is highly decentralized but has a wide online presence, where its ideology is spread via racist or sexist memes with a satirical edge.
Again: Word definitions evolve. For example GAY has gone through many iterations. Your own URL provides a history of the evolving meaning of alt-right.

But calling a Canadian an Alt-right,... is not an insult.
You are the only person on this thread trying to make that comparison. No-one else cares.

It does though,... make our resident Islamic terrorist supporter,... Alt-right.
Ah yes, your ongoing feud with LT56. Nothing to do with this thread. Nothing to do with the definition of alt-right. Just FAST's constant need to fight with someone and inability to control his anger.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
This is crazy. Science has no political affiliation. If you think that Asians are superior to Whites just because they have a higher average IQ, that's your opinion.
Believing that there is a genetic IQ difference amongst different human populations puts you firmly in the al-right camp of the right wing.
Thanks for confirming that one.

This would be a prime time for FAST to come out and say he finds claims about genetic intelligence levels true or false, and to fully identify whether he's alt-right, or just extreme right.


Mar 12, 2004
Totally lame. You have no integrity and you have no balls. At least everyone sees it.

Guess you couldn't man up. I am not surprised.
And just what do you want me to "man up" to,... ???

You STILL have not provided any content as to the definition of alt-right.

You STILL have not provided any content to disprove the quote I provided, and the quote managee provided.

You STILL have not provided any content as to why a Canadian would be called alt-right.

Just continuing more childish insults.

At least you haven't resorted to the psycho's constant lying,... so that at least makes you a cut above the psycho.

PS: The quote that I and manage provided, confirms our resident Islamic terrorist supporter,... is alt-right.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
This is crazy. Science has no political affiliation. If you think that Asians are superior to Whites just because they have a higher average IQ, that's your opinion.
No, no, no. YOU think that Asians have a higher average IQ. This is what you went on and on about when everyone else was saying that the evidence was inconclusive and funded by Far Right racist groups.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
And just what do you want me to "man up" to,... ???
You lied when you said I was calling for a ban on guns.
You lied about me starting the insulting.

I showed the whole conversation and it is undeniable that you were the first to hurl an insult directly at the other person.

All the other drivel you are spewing has nothing to do with your claim that I started the insulting. Just more diversion because you cannot back up your claim.

MAN UP. You look worse each time (if that is even possible) you try to weasel out.

Admit you lied and I may consider addressing your diversions. BTW, I am not holding my breath. You have no honour.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
You are lying again!

TIME FOR MY ZINGER Butt Plug. I've been saving this!:
Have you heard of a tool called the Wayback Machine on the internet? It archives old copies of web pages and in many cases, it has copies of every revision of a page posted to the internet. The tool can be used to address questions like exactly this one.
The current CNN headline (same as OP posted on Feb 27th: InfoWars' main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned
The earliest CNN headline from February 23: InfoWars is two strikes away from being banned from YouTube

Bottom line:
- You lied when you implied you saw an earlier CNN report
- You lied when you stated CNN reported two strikes then changed to 1
- You lied when you stated YouTube already removed one of the two strikes against InfoWars
- You lied when you stated YouTube's acknowledgement regarding misapplication of its policy to right wing sites)

"Apparently, according to InfoWars, this happened quite quickly" - you kill me! So according to Infowars CNN published an incorrect title (article?) that no-one other than Infowars saw??? So, your only source of proof on this issue is Infowars!! lololololololololololololololololololol Infowars incorrectly reported (more likely they lied) that they had 3 strikes within 3 months, but that was never true - look at the Youtube news. I can provide 2 or 3 possible reasons why Infowars said that, but we both already know you are only trying to desperately save face.

In a pathetic attempt at Ad hominem, you criticize other people's logic, claim they circular think and their understanding of the english language. You insult people continually. Yet you've been caught in your lies.

You still owe me that apology. If you are that kind of man.
Let's see how this goes.

I looked at the Waybackmachine versions of the CNN page. Thank you for your reference to that tool. You are right. The correction of the title related to clarifying that it was InfoWars main channel that had received a strike, and not InfoWars in its entirety. All versions of the CNN article referred to a single strike. As a result, I agree that I misinterpreted the update notice on the page. I read it in conjunction with InfoWars own reporting, and as a result read it in a way that the reporting was consistent.

However, I never said I'd seen the previous version of the CNN page. In fact, I made it clear that I hadn't. I relied on my interpretation of the update in conjunction with InfoWars reporting. As it turns out, the CNN article does not confirm (or refute) InfoWars reporting on the number of strikes it had received, the timing of those strikes, or the removal of a strike. It simply tells us how many strikes were registered against InfoWars at the time of publication by CNN (and presumably at the time of the update). Nor did I claim that I had independently confirmed InfoWars reporting, apart from what I agree is my (incorrect) interpretation of CNN's updated article.

At this point, I agree that the only reporting I have seen on InfoWars second strike and its removal is InfoWars own coverage. I assume you don't require a link for that coverage.

However, I still don't have any reason not to accept InfoWars own reporting on this issue. I couldn't find any page/tool at YouTube which allowed me to view the strike history of a channel. Is there a way to do this? If so, please let me know. InfoWars has reported: 1) that it initially received 2 strikes, 2) that second strike was withdrawn following their appeal, and 3) that a third strike (raising their total to 2 again) was subsequently registered in relation to a struck video which had previously struck, successfully appealed, and reinstated.

What you have persuaded me of so far is that I misinterpreted the CNN update. Can you persuade me that InfoWars has misreported on its strike history?

Since I have done you the courtesy of admitting where you were right and I was wrong, will you do me the courtesy of agreeing that I was wrong, rather than lying to you?


Mar 12, 2004
You lied when you said I was calling for a ban on guns.
You lied about me starting the insulting.

I showed the whole conversation and it is undeniable that you were the first to hurl an insult directly at the other person.

All the other drivel you are spewing has nothing to do with your claim that I started the insulting. Just more diversion because you cannot back up your claim.

MAN UP. You look worse each time (if that is even possible) you try to weasel out.

Admit you lied and I may consider addressing your diversions. BTW, I am not holding my breath. You have no honour.
What the fuck are talking about now,... I made no comments about you banning guns,... lie.

You initiated insulting directed at me,...when replying to the lying psycho,... denying that,... is another lie.

So now this is you "manning up",... you are a joke.

I made no claim,... I posted a definition,... you have posted NOTHING.

You STILL have not provided any content as to the definition of alt-right.

You STILL have not provided any content to disprove the quote I provided, and the quote managee provided.

You STILL have not provided any content as to why a Canadian would be called alt-right.

Just continuing more childish insults.

For shit sakes grow up,... you have no content to reply,... so you come up with this,...


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What the fuck are talking about now,... I made no comments about you banning guns,... lie.

You initiated insulting directed at me,...when replying to the lying psycho,... denying that,... is another lie.

So now this is you "manning up",... you are a joke.

I made no claim,... I posted a definition,... you have posted NOTHING.

You STILL have not provided any content as to the definition of alt-right.

You STILL have not provided any content to disprove the quote I provided, and the quote managee provided.

You STILL have not provided any content as to why a Canadian would be called alt-right.

Just continuing more childish insults.

For shit sakes grow up,... you have no content to reply,... so you come up with this,...
LOL at Fast..... Panties in a twist.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What the fuck are talking about now,... I made no comments about you banning guns,... lie.

You initiated insulting directed at me,...when replying to the lying psycho,... denying that,... is another lie.

So now this is you "manning up",... you are a joke.

I made no claim,... I posted a definition,... you have posted NOTHING.

You STILL have not provided any content as to the definition of alt-right.

You STILL have not provided any content to disprove the quote I provided, and the quote managee provided.

You STILL have not provided any content as to why a Canadian would be called alt-right.

Just continuing more childish insults.

For shit sakes grow up,... you have no content to reply,... so you come up with this,...
You are tedious. I have proved my points. You deny, deflect and disgrace yourself.


Mar 12, 2004
LOL at Fast..... Panties in a twist.
Nope,... but just a little frustrated with children here,...

It also appears that you also have nothing intelligent to add to the topic,... so enjoy your moment of notoriety,... such as it is.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Nope,... but just a little frustrated with children here,...

It also appears that you also have nothing intelligent to add to the topic,... so enjoy your moment of notoriety,... such as it is.
LOL!! I'm not frustrated. This has been fun but the novelty has worn off and it is now boring. I am interested in a discussion where I am actually intellectually challenged.
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