The Porn Dude

incompetence OR by design?



Part ONE:

The Politics of False Claims
How Michael Brown Helped Bush Win Florida

Michael Brown, the embattled head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, approved payments in excess of $31 million in taxpayer money to thousands of Florida residents who were unaffected by Hurricane Frances and three other hurricanes last year in an effort to help President Bush win a majority of votes in that state during his reelection campaign, according to published reports.

"Some Homeland Security sources said FEMA's efforts to distribute funds quickly after Frances and three other hurricanes that hit the key political battleground state of Florida in a six-week period last fall were undertaken with a keen awareness of the looming presidential elections," according to a May 19 Washington Post story.

Homeland Security sources told the Post that after the hurricanes that Brown "and his allies [recommended] him to succeed Tom Ridge as Homeland Security secretary because of their claim that he helped deliver Florida to President Bush by efficiently responding to the Florida hurricanes."

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel uncovered emails from Florida Gov. Jeb Bush that confirmed those allegations and directly implicated Brown as playing politics at the expense of hurricane victims.

"As the second hurricane in less than a month bore down on Florida last fall, a federal [FEMA] consultant predicted a "huge mess" that could reflect poorly on President Bush and suggested that his re-election staff be brought in to minimize any political liability, records show," the Sentinel reported in a March 23 story.

"Two weeks later, a Florida official summarizing the hurricane response wrote that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was handing out housing assistance "to everyone who needs it without asking for much information of any kind."

The records the Sentinel obtained were contained in hundreds of pages of Gov. Jeb Bush's storm-related e-mails the paper received from the governor's office under the threat of a lawsuit.

The explosive charges of mismanagement of disaster relief funds made against Brown and FEMA were confirmed earlier this year following a four-month investigation by Richard Skinner, the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general. Skinner looked into media reports alleging that residents of Miami-Dade were receiving windfall payments from FEMA to cover losses from Hurricane Frances they never incurred.

Hurricane Frances hit Hutchinson Island, Fla., about 100 miles north of Dade County, on Sept. 5. Miami-Dade officials described damage there from heavy rain and winds of up to 45 mph as ''minimal,'' according to the Post.

Indeed. A May 14 story in thSun-Sentinel said: "Miami-Dade County residents collected Hurricane Frances aid for belongings they didn't own, temporary housing they never requested and cars worth far less than the government paid, according to a federal audit that questions millions in storm payouts.

Responding to those allegations, Brown held a news conference Jan. 11 blaming the overpayments on a "computer glitch" and said the disbursements were far less than the $31 million that was cited in news reports and involved 3,500 people. Moreover, to silence his critics who said that Hurricane Frances barely touched down in Miami-Dade, Brown cited a report by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to prove that there were legitimate hurricane conditions there and as a result that a bulk of the payments was legitimate.

But according to the Sun-Sentinel, NOAA had refuted the weather maps Brown claimed to have obtained from them. That report prompted Congressman Robert Wexler to send off a scathing letter to President Bush calling for Brown's resignation.

Bush rebuffed Wexler. However, the DHS' inspector general launched a probe to determine how widespread the problems were involving overpayments to Miami-Dade residents. In May, the inspector general released his report. What he found was damning.

"The review found waste and poor controls in every level of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's assistance program and challenges the designation of Miami-Dade as a disaster area when the county "did not incur any hurricane force winds, tornados or other adverse weather conditions that would cause widespread damage."

In identifying one of the overpayments, the inspector general's report said FEMA paid $10 million to replace hundreds of household items even though only a bed was reported to be damaged, the inspector general's report said.

"Millions of individuals and households became eligible to apply for [money], straining FEMA's limited inspection resources to verify damages and making the program more susceptible to potential fraud, waste and abuse," the report states.

Part TWO -below


part TWO:

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, chairwoman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, said during a committee hearing in May that Brown "approved massive payouts to replace thousands of televisions, air conditioners, beds and other furniture, as well as a number of cars, without receipts, or proof of ownership or damage, and based solely on verbal statements by the residents, sometimes made in fleeting encounters at fast-food restaurants."

"It was a pay first, ask questions later approach,'' Collins said. ''The inspector general's report identifies a number of significant control weaknesses that create a potential for widespread fraud, erroneous payments and wasteful practices.''

But the most interesting charge against Brown is that he helped speed up payments in Florida and purposely bypassed FEMA's lengthy reviews process for distributing funds in order to help Bush secure votes in the state during last year's presidential election.

Bob Hunter, director of insurance for the Consumer Federation of America, who was a top federal flood insurance official in the 1970s and 1980s and a Texas insurance commissioner in the 1990s, told the Post "that in the vast majority of hurricanes, other than those in Florida in 2004, complaints are rife that FEMA has vastly underpaid hurricane victims. The Frances overpayments are questionable given the timing of the election and Florida's importance as a battleground state."

FEMA consultant Glenn Garcelon actions certainly lends credibility to questions raised by Hunter.

On Sept. 2, 2004, Garcelon, wrote a three-page memo titled "Hurricane Frances -- Thoughts and Suggestions."

"The Republican National Convention was winding down, and President Bush had only a slight lead in the polls against Democrat John Kerry," the Sentinel reported in its March 23 story. "Winning Florida was key to the president's re-election. FEMA should pay careful attention to how it is portrayed by the public," Garcelon wrote in the memo, conveying "the team effort theme at every opportunity" alongside state and local officials, the insurance and construction industries, and relief agencies such as the Red Cross."

Gov. Bush received the memo Sept. 30, 2004 shortly before a swell of payments made its way to residents in Miami-Dade who did not sustain damage as a result of Hurricane Frances.

A couple of weeks before Gov. Bush received the memo from Garcelon, Orlando J. Cabrera, executive director of the Florida Housing Finance Corp. and a member of the governor's Hurricane Housing Work Group, said in a different memo to Gov. Bush that FEMA was allocating short-term rental assistance to "everyone who needs it, without asking for much information of any kind," the Sentinel reported.

In addition, "standard housing assistance," of up to $25,600, Cabrera wrote, is "liberally provided without significant scrutiny of the request made during the initial months; scrutiny increases remarkably and the package is far more stringent after an unspecified time."

The DHS audit report found that, under Brown, FEMA erroneously distributed to Miami-Dade residents:

$8.2 million in rental assistance to 4,308 applicants in the county who "did not indicate a need for shelter" when they registered for help. In 60 cases reviewed by auditors, inspectors deemed homes unsafe without explanation, and applicants never moved out.

$720,403 to 228 people for belongings based on their word alone.

$192,592 for generators, air purifiers, wet/dry vacuum cleaners, chainsaws and other items without proof that they were needed to deal with the hurricane. Three applicants got generators for their homes, plus rental assistance from FEMA to live somewhere else.

$15,743 for three funerals without sufficient documentation that the deaths were due to the hurricane.

$46,464 to 64 residents for temporary housing even though they had homeowners insurance. FEMA funds cannot be used when costs are covered by insurance.

$17,424 in rental assistance to 24 people who reported that their homes were not damaged.

$97,500 for 15 automobiles with a "blue book" value of $56,140. In general, the report states that FEMA approved claims for damaged vehicles without properly verifying that the losses were caused by the storm.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
There should be a ban on posting other people words. And force those here who hate to use their own words.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
harleycharley said:
yes and when people use their own words you still respond with stupid little comments that have nothing to do wit the substance of the arguments or issues.....

i have no problem with people bringing interesting articles to our attention.... they do it to start disucsion here. the only discussion you ever start is discussion of how dimwitted your comments are......

Why is it that when y ou have nothing to say you insist on personal attacks. You seem to have a history in this.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
papasmerf said:
Why is it that when y ou have nothing to say you insist on personal attacks. You seem to have a history in this.
Are you talking to the mirror again Smerf? Make your bed. I want your room clean as a whistle in a half hour!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Oct 20, 2004
papasmerf said:
There should be a ban on posting other people words. And force those here who hate to use their own words.
Why because you can't handle the truth?

Also, considering that YOUR own words are that of a fifth grader and you can barely write one sentence in English without screwing up, I would have thought that at least YOU would support posting other people's words.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
MrLuvr said:
Why because you can't handle the truth?

Also, considering that YOUR own words are that of a fifth grader and you can barely write one sentence in English without screwing up, I would have thought that at least YOU would support posting other people's words.

There we go with more personal attacks. Why do you do that?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
More Truth coming out on FEMA's Bungling

4 years ago after 9/11, Dubya vowed to make America 'safer & secure'!
Below is an example of how Dubya (and his Team 'W' Keystone Cops) have 'followed up' on his previously stated vows!
Sleep well America Dubya is at the helm!
......... :eek:

Paper: Internal docs show feds 'bungled' Katrina response

As the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency stepped down yesterday, government documents surfaced showing that vital resources, such as buses and environmental health specialists, weren't deployed to the Gulf region for several days, even after federal officials seized control of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, the (paid-restricted) WALL STREET JOURNAL reports Tuesday. Excerpts follow.

Separately, internal documents and emails from FEMA and other government agencies dating back to Aug. 31 and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show the extent to which the federal government bungled its response to the hurricane. The documents highlight serious deficiencies in the Department of Homeland Security's National Response Plan, a post-Sept. 11 playbook on how to deal with catastrophic events. Mr. Chertoff activated the National Response Plan last Tuesday by declaring the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina an "Incident of National Significance."

In one instance, federal environmental health specialists, who were charged with protecting both rescue workers and evacuees, weren't called in by the Department of Homeland Security until Sunday -- 12 days after the Occupational Safety & Health Administration announced it had teams from various agencies standing by ready to assist. Even now, with mounting evidence of environmental problems, the deployment is being held up by continuing interagency wrangling, according to officials at the National Institutes of Health, which also is involved in the effort.

In addition, FEMA's official requests, known as tasking assignments and used by the agency to demand help from other government agencies, show that it first asked the Department of Transportation to look for buses to help evacuate the more than 20,000 people who had taken refuge at the Superdome in New Orleans at 1:45 a.m. on Aug. 31. At the time, it only asked for 455 buses and 300 ambulances for the enormous task. Almost 18 hours later, it canceled the request for the ambulances because it turned out, as one FEMA employee put it, "the DOT doesn't do ambulances."

FEMA ended up modifying the number of buses it thought it needed to get the job done, until it settled on a final request of 1,355 buses at 8:05 p.m. on Sept. 3. The buses, though, trickled into New Orleans, with only a dozen or so arriving on the first day.

The part of the plan that authorizes OSHA's role as coordinator and allows it to mobilize experts from other agencies such as NIH wasn't activated by FEMA until shortly before 5 p.m. Sunday. The delay came despite repeated efforts by the agencies to mobilize.

Attempts by officials at NIH to reach FEMA officials and send them briefing materials by email failed as the agency's server failed.

"I noticed that every email to a FEMA person bounced back this week. They need a better internet provider during disasters!!" one frustrated Department of Health official wrote to colleagues last Thursday.

RAW STORY has also learned that the Journal has adopted a legal policy in which they now assert they have "reviewed" internal documents rather than "obtaining" them to protect the paper from government litigation.


New member
feminista said:

Part ONE:

The Politics of False Claims
How Michael Brown Helped Bush Win Florida
The article provides a contemporary look at how money, power and influence is used to gain more money, power and influence. I'm sure there's room for some discussion over-nd-above the name calling that was started by the smerf.

Interesting how Brown used fraudulent techniques to back his payouts to Miami-Dade. Seems to be his MO.

A sceptic might easily assume that this style of handling Federal government spending is the rule rather than the exception with Bush's administration. That being said, the fact that he gets away with it is more of a concern, because the pattern extends to making war as the leading edge of a business deal.

The picture we see is like a hologram...composed of thousands of tiny images, all the same.


New member
Oct 20, 2004
papasmerf said:
There we go with more personal attacks. Why do you do that?
OMG. No spelling errors! You actually managed to type two sentences without screwing up.

Those Remedial English classes must be helping you.

Don't worry, keep at it. English can be a challenging language sometimes. In a few years you might actually get up to a high school level of English proficiency!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
MrLuvr said:
OMG. No spelling errors! You actually managed to type two sentences without screwing up.

Those Remedial English classes must be helping you.

Don't worry, keep at it. English can be a challenging language sometimes. In a few years you might actually get up to a high school level of English proficiency!
Suprise, suprise, more personal attacks.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
MrLuvr said:
OMG. No spelling errors! You actually managed to type two sentences without screwing up.

Those Remedial English classes must be helping you.

Don't worry, keep at it. English can be a challenging language sometimes. In a few years you might actually get up to a high school level of English proficiency!
Well you are well ahead of have now officially graduated to the biggest asshat on this board...


New member
Oct 20, 2004
papasmerf said:
Suprise, suprise, more personal attacks.
Ooops, looks like you still need a lot more work... the spelling is SURPRISE.. not "suprise"..

Someone forgot to do their homework again..

Doesn't "surprise" me really. Guys like you are Bush's core constituency. Can't get a sentence out straight without making fools out of themselves.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
MrLuvr said:
Ooops, looks like you still need a lot more work... the spelling is SURPRISE.. not "suprise"..

Someone forgot to do their homework again..

Doesn't "surprise" me really. Guys like you are Bush's core constituency. Can't get a sentence out straight without making fools out of themselves.

Well you are consistant.


New member
Oct 20, 2004
papasmerf said:
Well you are consistant.
Did you mean "consistent" maybe?

Your are even stupider than I thought.

You make a FOOL out of yourself almost EVERY TIME you make a post!

I was mistaken, I don't think you will get to a high school level of proficiency.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
MrLuvr said:
Did you mean "consistent" maybe?

Your are even stupider than I thought.

You make a FOOL out of yourself almost EVERY TIME you make a post!

I was mistaken, I don't think you will get to a high school level of proficiency.

Well it is good to see you have a mission in life, to insult and attact.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
papasmerf said:
Well it is good to see you have a mission in life, to insult and attact.
it is attack


pops, get & use SPELLCHECK PLEASE!!!

You're just putting a bulls-eye on your back without it!.... ;)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
WoodPeckr said:
it is attack


pops, get & use SPELLCHECK PLEASE!!!

You're just putting a bulls-eye on your back without it!.... ;)

Yea, but he loves to fire.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
papasmerf said:
Yea, but he loves to fire.
You make it much too shooting fish in a barrel!
Ashley Madison
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