If you could move anywhere in the world


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
I would have seasonal locations....

December through mid-April in the Caribbean somewhere (British Virgin Islands).

mid-April through June in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

July through September in southern Ontario - GTA or Georgian Bay

October and November in Arizona
The problem with this is that either you need to be retired, or have a job you can do (or busines you can operate) while travelling according to the seasons. My job requires me to have a fixed place of business where I am present. My job also requires mastery of the local language of business - which limits me to French and English speaking cities. This rules out most of the places I have loved as vacation sites. I also have come to enjoy and expect a certain level of material comfort.

Paris was great to visit, but unless you have lots of cash, you'll be living in a small apartment. Toronto may be expensive, but Paris is more expensive, and my inquiries a few years back led me to believe that without established contacts in the city, you'll be hardpressed to find a high-paying job that would affored you the lifestyle you enjoy in Toronto or any other large Canadian city.

I loved southern Spain, but the economy is in the shitter - tourism is the only thing they have going (and that has collapsed). In any case I'm not in the vacation condo construction business or the hotel business and I'd anticipate having a very hard time earning a living there.

I could earn a good living in any of the Caribbean tax havens. But I don't care for hurricane season and I don't like working for tax cheats.

New Zealand is beautiful, but they regularly lag well behind Australia in economic performance. I don't know how they are dealing with today's crises, but during their downturn 20 years ago, the job market was more or less closed to foreigners. Now if you are coming in with enough cash to support yourself or you are starting a business, NZ could be promising. If you're looking to draw a paycheque from an employer, it may not be the best move.

This is why my choice would be

Dallas TX - (in a few years, once the economy has recovered)

Winters are shorter and milder. Good economic opportunity (I expect oil to be booming once the economy recovers). No state income tax. Decent sports town (although I hate the Cowboys).


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Hawaii - beautiful scenery, American conveniences, asian chicks.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
scouser1 said:
Montreal-history, culture, open mindedness, great nightlife and swarming with hot women.
I agree with all of the above (I live in Montreal) - what you left out was an economy that lags behind the rest of Canada, during both good times and bad.

If you don't have to worry about money, Montreal is a great city (and housing is cheaper than in the Toronto area), but average salaries in many lines of work are considerably less than in Toronto.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Australia. Just a very relaxing place. IMO although its alot like NAmerica, its still the opposite of here lol. Beautiful ladies, nice weather, less stress


Always Looking for Fun
Feb 18, 2004
Summer's in Ontario Cottage Country

Fall in Las Vegas

Winter in Bahama's

Spring in Italy - Touring all the Fine Winery's.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Hmm, although in fact I wouldn't move. Hypothetically Sydney, Australia a beautiful city particularly if you like to sail; Sankt-Peterburg, Russia at least in the Summer a beautiful city with many, many problems - a bad place unless you are from a big city to look for a wife, but for SPs that doesn't matter, still I'm very fond of the place; the Crimea is lovely except in the height of the summer; much of the rural British Isles. Closer to home, Western Alberta, Nova Scotia.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Belize in the winter; carribean laid back charm with some of the stability of canada thrown in.

Summer: northern Italy, where I'm from....a festive atmosphere, terrific food, proximity to the mountains of switzerland and austria (especially the Salzkammergut lake district of austria, a hidden gem), clean and fresh air to recharge the batteries.
Jan 19, 2004
Getting there a step at a time...

The Mediterranean coast of either Spain or France.

Great Food, stunning scenery, and the culture of Europe at your fingertips.

Mostly, far far away from the penance of this putrid, miserable Canadian Winter (spits on the ground!)


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
Brazil: Carnival, Capoeira, an 8-1 woman to man ratio, and a country obsessed with fitness and sun worship.

Plus I could explore the Amazon which is something I've always longed to do.


New member
Mar 23, 2007
Spadina and King-downtown
The Spanish colonial city of Antigua in Guatemala or Italy.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts