The 14th amendment was written in a time before we had ILLEGAL immigration. It was created to give freed black slaves and indians a right to citizenship.
Today, with "Birther Tourism" and illegal immigration, there is no real definition of citizenship for them. Kind of a grey area thats being taken advantage of.
Nowhere in the amendment does it say that babies born to "Illegal immigrants" are entitled to citizenship.
Nowhere does it say they are not entitled. And that's how every President after Adam s got his citizenship, even though it wasn't written.
You're right about the 14th's history, but it's a history of using laws to deny obvious right and justice. The Amendment was the exception to that sorry record. People born in the country, perhaps second or third generation, who have known and had no other homes and no other citizenship cannot just be denied, to suit the selfish wishes of the privileged.
Except by criminal countries where justice is just a myth.