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I thought

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Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Well Ashley it is a big deal.. We are now at the point of being afraid to say anything. I travelled in China in 1985. This country is getting disturbingly close to China. Thanks. Oh, yes I will fight it. Anyone else got the balls? Re-visit the so called Human rights commissions here et. Good luck.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
C'mon Mable

Mable said:
Well Ashley it is a big deal.. We are now at the point of being afraid to say anything. I travelled in China in 1985. This country is getting disturbingly close to China. Thanks. Oh, yes I will fight it. Anyone else got the balls? Re-visit the so called Human rights commissions here et. Good luck.
Mable - I see where your coming from, but I think it's your good lawyer side that's causing your better sense to suffer a little.

Say for instance, you were at your neighbor's house and slamming the neighbor's (hot & tight) 19yr old daughter for something. Would you claim discrimination or your rights to free speech were being repressed because the neighbor asked you to shut the hell up and leave? I don't think so - you might be a little preturbed that you weren't given the opportunity to vent, but other than that, what's to be gained by continuing to try piss-off the neighbor? Got my point? Give it up dude and enjoy Terb on it's own terms. No harm in backing away from an argument you shouldn't win.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Well Jabba maybe I should win or not. I am not sure I understand your comments. Let me absorb them for a bit and I will get back to you. What is refreshing about you is that you have not attempted to shut me down. You may disagree and that is ok. I respect you for your opinion and I respesct that you might disagree with me. Welcome to a democracy. But the mods on this board are not like minded. You might think I have committed murder or something. I will not succuum to trivial politics, here or elsewhere. Read my posts. There is no subtrefuge here. When I was 10 I Woould not be bullied. I won't be now, either.

Listen to the plaintiff cries. All the evidence is before you and the other hobbyists. Read it and listen. Help yourself. And no I will never give it up. It is not who I am. I have spent a life time beating up bullies and the state. And I will continue to do so 'till I die. Thanks Jabba you sound cool. And do not forget the irony here. You notice people are afraid to comment. Yes. Review the thread. Top to bottom. Consider the lack of comment to date, other than your own. Pm me if you wish, but be careful, they are possibly monitoring this as well......


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Ok, Shiek. You want me to leave the issue alone??? I really thought one could ask questions and present issues here. It is what I thought distinguishes this board from the others. I got to tell you man I do not know what to do. I sincerely do not understand why you are so upset. I have read your posts so don't accuse me of not being up to date. Ok, I will start a new thread regarding rates. With no one in specific referred to. Ok? Common, rates here in Ottawa are obscene and you have heard this from others. Surely we can talk about it. And how we feel? No?
Jul 28, 2006
Mable, with all due respect... don't get the lack of comment to mean people are afraid to speak, it's likely that people don't want to get mixed up in what appears to be a conflict between you and the Fred Zed via Shiek. The analogies that have been made are pretty clear and easy to understand.

Simply put, no one is forcing you to stay, you've made your point several times, that hobbiests as a collective should think twice before visiting a provider with higher than market prices, ok fair enough thanks for the advice, we will take that into consideration . But if we choose to visit one of these providers that is our choice, just like it's your choice not to see her, and just like it's the SPs choice to charge the price, and if the market can support it, then so be it.

I think think this is one where we might all have to agree to disagree and move along, this thread does no one in Ottawa any favors.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003

Mable said:
Well Jabba maybe I should win or not. I am not sure I understand your comments. Let me absorb them for a bit and I will get back to you. What is refreshing about you is that you have not attempted to shut me down. You may disagree and that is ok. I respect you for your opinion and I respesct that you might disagree with me. Welcome to a democracy. But the mods on this board are not like minded. You might think I have committed murder or something. I will not succuum to trivial politics, here or elsewhere. Read my posts. There is no subtrefuge here. When I was 10 I Woould not be bullied. I won't be now, either.

Listen to the plaintiff cries. All the evidence is before you and the other hobbyists. Read it and listen. Help yourself. And no I will never give it up. It is not who I am. I have spent a life time beating up bullies and the state. And I will continue to do so 'till I die. Thanks Jabba you sound cool. And do not forget the irony here. You notice people are afraid to comment. Yes. Review the thread. Top to bottom. Consider the lack of comment to date, other than your own. Pm me if you wish, but be careful, they are possibly monitoring this as well......
I second Secret & Cowboy's thoughts - they did a much better job at articulating what I was thinking. You're a high-count and interesting poster. I for one would like to see more of your reviews of the ladies.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Secret_, Cowboy and Jabba, you guys are cool. Thanks for your comments. They are appreciated and I understand. A tip of the hat you you gents and apologies for causing such a disturbance. If I want to pursue the pricing issue I will start a different thread with, perhaps, directions from Shiek:eek:

Shiek: Yes, I guess I am a pain in the ass and probably breached certain protocol here. I apologize for it.


Active member
Aug 16, 2007
Stupid Question, but I'll press on regardless

Why are we so concerned with what we say here and what we discuss? Look what we are all talking about here? We're pushing the envelope on what's legal and moral to begin with...........who we kidding?


Why keep beating a dead horse?

purpleshaft said:
Why are we so concerned with what we say here and what we discuss? Look what we are all talking about here? We're pushing the envelope on what's legal and moral to begin with...........who we kidding?
Legalities and morality have nothing to do with it. Fred owns the board. Fred decides what he allows here. If folks want to be here they play by Fred's rules. Considering what we pay to use this very useful resource I think Fred is quite generous.

He makes it clear, with the help of his mods, what he considers acceptable. He also generously provides a PM function to allow folks to talk about things that aren't allowed to be seen publicly.

Use PMs to talk about whatever it is you would like to and stop whining. If you feel oppressed here you could always start your own review board and make your own rules. But to be here you must follow the rules set forth and no amount of bitching will change things.

Sorry if this seems harsh but this is getting very tiresome. It ain't rocket science, read the stickys and move on. Please.
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