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I thought

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Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Sheik, I knew you could toss me for the Hitler remark. You may disagree, but I am not an idiot. I am having a problem with expression here. If you review, I just wanted to know if anyone thought how I did. I did not mean to get on anyone's back. I just felt a certain way and I wanted to know if anyonelse felt the same. I apologized for not starting a different thread. But does that really change anything? The ladies can charge wha they like. But surley, the Hobbiest can have a reaction and can speak of it. No?


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
On review, I guess I have to backtrak.. I made myself abuntantly clear, repetively, in fact. Not one Terbite picked up on my meaning. Including Sheik. Let's just leave it at that. If I say what I want I will most assuredly be banned. May be that would not be a bad thing. After all I make my living beating up ignoramasus in this so called society.


Active member
Aug 16, 2007

Yeah I suppose discussing prices may make us look cheap. I think the ladies should not take offense to us discussing price. I guess I may be wrong, but I just assumed that this was a Site where hardworking guys that need to get out once in awhile could compare girls so they know what to expect and hopefully avoid disappointments.

So lets say we never mention the price. Are you SP's going to start taking offense to us discussing the services offered? Oh it's degrading to tell everyone what's on the menu?

Seams like a lot of time is wasted just bitching back and fourth about nothing. I guess I don't REALLY know the rules to this board I just try to keep myself in check so I don't get told. I guess if things get too censored and pathetic I (we) will have to find another board? I'm a member a CERB but always used this site, think I just like the layout better.

Oh, call us cheap all you want, I'll spend whatever I want (anywhere from 180 to 250) but I won't be shamed into it.


Active member
Aug 16, 2007
oh another thing

What the hell is wrong with the Hail Hitler Remark?


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Try search

purpleshaft said:
What the hell is wrong with the Hail Hitler Remark?

Hitler = German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945)

I sure wouldn't consider that a compliment....


New member
Dec 17, 2008
oh contraire

discussing a ladies prices just makes you look cheep.
-I said look cheap, I did not say you are cheep. I am under the understanding that haggling or complaining about price implies cheep.
I could be wrong...
-I can't even tell you how many ways the hitler remark is wrong. sheesh


New member
Dec 17, 2008
oh contraire

discussing a ladies prices just makes you look cheep.
-I said look cheap, I did not say you are cheep. I am under the understanding that haggling or complaining about price implies cheep.
I could be wrong...
-I can't even tell you how many ways the hitler remark is wrong. sheesh


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
Mable said:
First off I apologized for not starting a separate thread and second, I guess so much for free speach and freedom of expression. So be it. YOU have expressed the view of this board. Well done. HEIL HITLER
Mable - with respect: you are becoming tiresome. You also sound cheap.

1. Sheik's board, Sheik's rules. Free speech doesn't apply on private property.

2. Free speech* comes with strings - you are breaking several of them - "don't interrupt", "be appropriate", "know when to stop talking".

3. Rule 1 of the Internet: if you have to try to win an argument on the Internet by invoking Hitler, you automatically lose. That has been around since the late '80s.


*Do I really have to remind you that "Free speech comes with the responsibility not to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre"?


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
When you say an SP provided bad service (i.e. give them a review where you rate their service as poor) are you not, in fact (albeit indirectly) criticizing the rates they charge? And is your review therefore now a statement that they charge too much for that service?

If you think the rate and minimum hours cannot possibly lead to a pleasurable experience commensurate with said terms, is it not your right to say so, and/or ask others to see what the consensus is?

As to the car dealership analogies and such as that, it's called "haggling" and is expected in certain cases.

Seems a little insecure to me.

But, that said, I'll pay the requested rate every time but return business is solely up to the service provider and, I suppose, that is (or should be) the bottom line.


Apr 21, 2008
Loving this thread

You will always have some criticism on something that isn’t the norm (some cases even the norm will be criticized). Personally I could care less what the lady charges…but it’s stupid to think no one will complain. Someone’s has to draw the line, I think I would have to step in and say something if a lady was charging a million dollars an hour. Ok…maybe not, I would just ignore it…but someone will say something, and I will laugh.

In a perfect world no one would complain… a lady would not be overcharging…we would not be insulting our brothers in Ottawa…there would be no enforcer on this board…and there would be peace in the Middle East. But this is not a perfect world. So people will get the boot for voicing their assholish opinion…and some bitch will charge a million dollars an hour.
Well I’m sick of the a$$holes that complain about the a$$holes that bitch about some bitch’s rates. Everyone’s an a$$hole but me.

p.s I’m only kidding, don’t boot me for this


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
I'm actually in favour of banning the topic of price haggling (but not banning mentioning good deals or mentioning prices).

If you look on CL, the charges have come down significantly in the last 2 weeks.
Jul 28, 2006
Jul 28, 2006
No need to apologize I was simply pointing out that they weren't legit.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Drama makes good press

Mable - keep up the good work!
The occasional drama on this thread makes it a real page-turner. I love it! I love the discussion and subject 'cuz it's dear to my cheap-ass heart. I'm the guy who started the $ pole that got deleted. I've had my nuts caught in the door a couple of times for bending the rules on this board. The board is somebody else's pool, so they don't like it if you piss in it. That being said, I still believe the core subject was legitimate regardless if the board likes it or not (notice I'm not specifically condoning the collateral conversation). I've learned that slamming/cajoling/teasing the ladies for a highly optimistic rate is not tolerated here. But, if you were to review the lady and include your opinion on value received is ok, ain't it Mod?


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Secret_Admirer said:
I am not sure you are referring to that particular (controversial) thread because apparently that thread was deleted by the thread originator (and you say the thread got deleted). I don't remember this particular thread either and I was looking for it myself for a while and then I came across this comment.
I was referring to this thread

The $ poll thread was okay, I think, as no SP name was mentioned in it (to the best of my memory). In fact the results were interesting but I can't find that thread either!!!!.
The $ poll was deleted by Mod


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
Mable said:
First off I apologized for not starting a separate thread and second, I guess so much for free speach and freedom of expression. So be it. YOU have expressed the view of this board. Well done. HEIL HITLER
LOL free speech? This is Shiek house and he can choose what he wants

I dont always agree with him but hey I dont care, we are not dating LOL

But like Shiek said if you have problems with pricing you start a different thread and I am glad you acknowledge that you erred in that and hopefully learnt for next time.

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
purpleshaft said:
Yeah I suppose discussing prices may make us look cheap. I think the ladies should not take offense to us discussing price. I guess I may be wrong, but I just assumed that this was a Site where hardworking guys that need to get out once in awhile could compare girls so they know what to expect and hopefully avoid disappointments.

So lets say we never mention the price. Are you SP's going to start taking offense to us discussing the services offered? Oh it's degrading to tell everyone what's on the menu?

Seams like a lot of time is wasted just bitching back and fourth about nothing. I guess I don't REALLY know the rules to this board I just try to keep myself in check so I don't get told. I guess if things get too censored and pathetic I (we) will have to find another board? I'm a member a CERB but always used this site, think I just like the layout better.

Oh, call us cheap all you want, I'll spend whatever I want (anywhere from 180 to 250) but I won't be shamed into it.
Talk about price all u want but it is hate and vile remark and tone that a guy make that make every hobbier in ottawa look bad. sure Canada is free speach. many go crazy saying why pay hooker and bitch all that money. why get rile about it if you know you wont pay price of sp. no point in going loco my friend. be respectful and you get all in return. and if you think you can put price cieling on ottawa sp good luck. dont think for minute that you guys here on board are only people who see sp. think about guys who arent memeber here. people will pay what they want and it all depend on what they think is right and how much money they have to spend.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
I took a hiatus for a few days. Thanks to all those who support me and even those who do not. If you read my original post you will see I just asked a question. If you note the most recent ads on EC you will see that even if the lady has no experience here she want $300+/hr. It is just out of control and I don't understand why this is such a taboo subject. Whatever. I thought the whole idea of a review board was to discuss rates and services. But politics has reared it's ugly head.

Hobbyists, just think for a second before you indulge these ladies at their exorbitant rates. Some of you may be independently wealthy but so what. I personally can afford anythying I want but I choose not no cater to the craziness going on here in Ottawa. You guys can do what you want. Cheers.

By the way no one has yet to answer my original question.

And thanks to Shiek for not turfing me. I suppose he has the right and I was prepared for it but I am not so sure it would have been appropriate. Anyway thanks.

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
Mable said:
I took a hiatus for a few days. Thanks to all those who support me and even those who do not. If you read my original post you will see I just asked a question. If you note the most recent ads on EC you will see that even if the lady has no experience here she want $300+/hr. It is just out of control and I don't understand why this is such a taboo subject. Whatever. I thought the whole idea of a review board was to discuss rates and services. But politics has reared it's ugly head.

Hobbyists, just think for a second before you indulge these ladies at their exorbitant rates. Some of you may be independently wealthy but so what. I personally can afford anythying I want but I choose not no cater to the craziness going on here in Ottawa. You guys can do what you want. Cheers.

By the way no one has yet to answer my original question.

And thanks to Shiek for not turfing me. I suppose he has the right and I was prepared for it but I am not so sure it would have been appropriate. Anyway thanks.
I dont anyone is fault you personaly for your coment but it is other people who get so angry about what sp charge and the coment they make that make mod upset. maybe it make hobbier feel bad cause they want to see high sp but cant aford or dont have enough $$. so what if they charge 300+. if they get it more to them. if they dont they have to change price. we dont deicde. market does.
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