I think I have Warts...


New member
Nov 30, 2003
I don't know alot about STD's. Up until know I have led myself to believe that I couldn't get anything.

I have a wierd looking cluster of red dots on my penis. Some of these have white heads.

I went to two doctors. the first one told me that they were Warts, and treated me with some sort of iodine looking substance, he told me to come back in one week. Nothing happenedafter a few days. So I decided to go to another doctor, She told me that they do not look like warts, but treated it like it was. She said it looks like pimples.

So with that in mind I decided to squeeze one like it was a pimple, and white puss did come out of it.

I have never had pimples in that area before, and it doesn't hurt like pimple would.

I believe I got this from a body slide at a massage parlour. by a very popular attendant. I usually won't get that close to someone, but I got caught up in the moment, and she appeared to be very clean. I guess that was my first and second mistake.

If you enjoy Genital to Genital type body slide my only suggestion to you is think about the Consequence.

Has this ever happened to anyone?

Does anyone know what I may have?

Does anyone know how I can treat it?


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
If the second Dr treated them like warts, did she freeze them ?

That's what they do for molluscum, which is very common and fairly easily cured as long as you don't spread it.

From your description the "cluster" formation sounds like it and they do resemble small pimples, but look more accurately like tiny blisters with a slight redness and indentation in the centre.

Your dr's should know though. I'm purely speculating.


New member
Nov 30, 2003
pool said:
If the second Dr treated them like warts, did she freeze them ?

That's what they do for molluscum, which is very common and fairly easily cured as long as you don't spread it.

From your description the "cluster" formation sounds like it and they do resemble small pimples, but look more accurately like blisters with a slight redness and indentation.

Your dr's should know though. I'm purely speculating.
Yes She did freeze them. That sounds alot like what I have. She said if the freezing doesn't work to see her in a week.

I will have to do a google search on Molluscum, I haven't heard of that before. Is there anything I can treat it with at home?


New member
Nov 30, 2003
Love_da_Booty said:
Did you recently shave your balls...could be ingrown hair...happened to me a few times ...and they do get infected and puss up if not promptly attended to!

No, unfortunately this is not that simple.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Willowdale, if it is what you have then the best thing you can do is not touch them, as it's highly contagious and can spread. Generally it does stay fairly contained and is little more than a nuisance. I'd venture to say it's one of the more common STD's ( classified as such due to the area it usually effects ) in and outside the industry due to it's highly contagious nature.

Whether it's what you have or not, if she froze you then the area of skin will scab and fall off in about a week. If, it's molluscum, hopefully one treatment will take care of it, otherwise you may need another.

I would think that she would have said it were molluscum if that is the case, but who knows.

Good luck, and you may wanna get a third opinion at a clinic. Self diagnosis is none too reliable.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
A cluster of small blisters? I guess herpes is another possibility.

As far as molluscum, is that another term for crabs? Crabs would be itchy and be situated in your pubic hair. I don't think you'd get blisters on your penis itself.

Apologies if I'm spreading false info here. I'm no expert, just another inquiring mind.


Oct 5, 2001
go to a dermatologist

Derms are trained in all these things. Go NOW


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
Sometimes it is as simple as an adverse reaction to the oil used by the attendant. Oily skin causes pimples if you pores get clogged, and not all oils are created equal.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
A couple of years ago pimple like bumps started to appear on my dick. Not a lot but enough for me to be concerned about. I went to see my doctor and he told me that it was just pimples probably from the detergent I was using and it should go away. I changed detergent - from Sunlight to Tide BTW, and a few weeks later it went away and hasn't come back since.

This may not be what you have but I know it makes you nervous. You already did the right think by seeing your doctor and even by getting a second opinion.

No offence to anyone on the board but unless they ('ve) had the same exact symptoms then the best advice is from the medical field.

Try not to panic, stop hobbying, and get a third opinion if you don't trust you doctor.

Back Burner


Apr 5, 2002
To me it sounds like molloscum, which I had once - it spreads quite easily, and I ended up having some on my chest - but initially I had three small "pimple-like" spots on my penis. From what the dermatologist told me, it is not necessarily something that is caught sexually, although that is possible - all it takes is skin to skin contact. I think I remember reading that it can lay dormant in your system before surfacing. The freezing gets rid of it, but you'll have some temporary reddening, which eventually fades. Not a big deal in the scheme of things, just a temporary nuisance.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Back Burner said:
No offence to anyone on the board but unless they ('ve) had the same exact symptoms then the best advice is from the medical field.
None taken, BB : ) ... I suppose I should have mentioned, I speak from experience ( long before hobbying ). That's partly why I bother to respond to threads like this, so that people can gain some balance in their notions of certain STD's ( at heart I'm a Dave wannabe )

Kiarra, from what I understand HPV actually looks like the more general perception of "warts" and can become more like a growth as opposed to molluscum which is more likely mistaken for a pimple.

The time I had molluscum, I thought for sure it were herpes as it looked almost identical to certain types of herpetic blisters. The Dr took one look and right away knew it were molluscum. I figured out the difference later. Molluscum being characterised by a slight indentation, but still it amazed me how quickly he knew and how sure he was.

These things are hard to diagnose without a trained eye, let alone without even seeing them. It's entirely possible they are just pimples as BB implied.

Anyway, these threads are good to keep us on our toes and "educated", but at the same time shouldn't cause undue panic. I know it's easy to say, but worrying can't change much ...


New member
Sep 17, 2003
I've heard of doctors who are unfamiliar with STD's treating herpes like warts.

Your best bet would be to head to an STD clinic. They're experts in the field.


New member
Nov 30, 2003
After checking the web sites last night, I went to another doctor today...I was told that there is a good chance that it is indeed molluscum. He wants to see some test results before telling me that they are for sure.

Now I am paranoid that this is spreading all over my body. I have two red dots on my face, and one under my arm pit. I am now washing my hands more often in a day, than I have washed in most months.


Lt. General of Nastiness!
Apr 19, 2002
I sympathize with the problem... But, c'mon if you got this at a popular MP WARN US!!!!



pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
What's he going to "warn" us about ? That he may have contracted an STD which could be of due concern or could be virtually harmless or it may just be pimples, but who really knows ... and it possibly could have been any one of a # of mpa's at any # of given spas

Unless he's only been seeing one MPA or visiting one spa, I don't see how he could narrow it down within any possibility worth sharing without causing undue hysteria. Even then it would be only speculation unless the MPA were both aware she had it and admitted it, assuming that she still even has whatever it is ...

Of course I'm only speculating ...
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