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"I Love What I Do!" - A Thread For Thought!



A Question For Hobbyists!

Ever notice when tripping through various SP sites, either Indy or Agency, or when your fingering through the ads in Eye, Now or the Sun, or when you finally succumb and sign into RZ, how many of the ladie's bios suggest the following;
"I like what I do!"
"I love my job!"
"I really enjoy what I do!"

Do you really believe them or do you see such statements as enticements?
Are the ladies trying to convince a potential client or are they trying to convince themselves?
Such declarations would suggest to the hobbyist that a stellar performance is implicit!
Have any of you made your decision to see a particular lady because she "enjoys what she does" and then found that she is less than enthusiastic?

A Question For SP's

For those of you who use such a statement, is it said tongue in cheek or is it absolutely truthful?
Hobbyists enjoy what they do for the variety, the sex, the company, the addiction!
Do SP's enjoy what they do for the variety, the company, or do you also become addicted to the sex??
How many of you grit your teeth, endure the encounter and then leave a bit happier for the money now in your pocket?
Can you really enjoy being with men of all shapes, sizes, hygienic habits and looks on an ongoing basis and honestly say "I like what I do"?
Do you have to place yourself in a certain mindset in order to continue?
How many are really disenchanted, and, given an opportunity for other employment with the same earning potential, would leave the business?
Quite a few I suspect!

Don't know why I asked these questions! Maybe something the wife said or did!

Willywants (the real truth of it!)


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
Honest question = Honest Answer

I will leave for the day on this note...

I do love what I do... I went back to doing it by choice...

Mind you I do have some issues... I hate it when people try to talk me down on my rate... I hate it when people are rude on the phone... I hate it when people call once and hang up... Hello I have a life too! I hate it when people forget... That I am a person too!

The thing is... That it has happened once when I did not manage to figure it out on the phone... Other then that... 99% of my bookings are great... I like the person... And quite frankly... I would not stay if I didn't... Trust me I have walked out more then once... And refused bookings more then once...

I honestly like the people I see... I just regret that sometimes the 30 people on the phone before that person really pi$$ed me off... And I end up loosing my paitence with someone who is a really nice person.


New member
Feb 8, 2002
Ok girls:

If money were not involved, would you yet do it? Almost a rhetorical question, but I am curious as to how you feel on this one.

See, I like meeting new, sensual, attractive, exciting people and flirting with them shamelessly. To me, enticing in a courtship game is a form of an art. Now, if I REALLY like it, I don't need to charge money for it, especially if "the hobby" is being done on the side. Additionally, I, myself, pick who I deal with. By being very selective, I am trying to refine my tastes and the person chosen could truly feel as someone special and long awaited. Otherwise, it's a business transaction. Your motivation to do what you do changes, so does the quality of "pleasure".
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New member
Feb 8, 2002
I am sure that some of clients could be quite skillful and plain good technically (so could non-paying boyfriends) depending on the luck. However, try not to charge your clients for a month and ask yourself if you really love what you do. If you still do, you are truly one of a kind.
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New member
Feb 8, 2002
Sorry to be brutal again, but perhaps this is the illusion us, SPs, engage in. Some of us can have lower self-esteem. Getting into a biz helps somehow to remedy it temporarily. After all we ALL hear that we are beautiful and goddess material, right? And never had they met anybody like us before, etc. The egos get fed accordingly.

The client is paying for his time. He hopes to capitalize on his monetary investment. You should be friendly and responsive. Complements are in order. Additionally, he does not want to feel like a fool that he paid for something he's not fully satisfied with if the girl is not completely what he had pictured. So, to justify his choice and feel right, he embellishes the object of his desire a bit. The result is that he feels happy with his purchase and the girl feels like a goddess for an allocated time.

Why is it that the girls don't hear all of those words of admiration on everyday basis from men who don't pay (I mean they do hear complements, but not to the same exhilarating extent)? I sort of could see how it might be thrilling to know that somebody is dying to be intimate with a stranger for money, but it also could be that they are simply "desperate" or very horny at the moment.

Not to stir any negative emotions here, I just wanted to point out to other possibilities.


New member
Feb 8, 2002
Re: Right on! Right on! Right on!

benrath said:
Why the F do it for free with some jerk you met in a bar, just for fun???

I wouldn't do it either, even if he paid!

Do a search on her posts and you will see what she really thinks of the hobby and hobbyists.

That depends on your interpretation.

Hey Alanis are you hot now?

Always been...


An Unexpected Result!

Hi Ladies!
This thread was started due to a curiousity, not as a devious means to draw the real foxes out of their dens!
A smarter me might have realized that the only ladies that would respond would be those who do honestly enjoy what they do!
Okay! Jenn, Alanis, Siobhan, have you seen on many sites that which I mentioned? The so called declaration of enjoyment!
Do any of you use that on your sites or would you?
Wouldn't it be more rewarding for the client to find out during an encounter just how much you do enjoy what you do rather than having it suggested up front and thus, perhaps, raising the client's expectations??

Willywants (to work this one out!)


Complimentary Willywants!

Now there is a bit of double entendre!
Charge me for services rendered and I will raise you to the status of Aphrodite with my compliments!
Provide me with complimentary services and I will raise you to the status of Aphrodite with my compliments!
When a man has an uncompromising love of women, he will compliment them under any circumstance, as the woman warrants!
When in a more intimate setting, a man is bound to be more generous with his compliments! I do believe it is an integral part of who and what we are!
I love giving positive strokes, literally and figuratively!
Hey! If a lady is down right ugly, I won't tell her so, nor would I suggest that she is something she's not, like beautiful!
Unless, and this slays me, that the beauty of the lady transcends the physical!

Willywants (to control his fascination with some ladies!)


The Real Foxes!

Hey Benrath!
I should have referenced "Vixxxen" instead of "Fox"!
Post your ass off!
I just didn't want the ladies to think I was trying to get a fix on those that really do enjoy their job!
The pursuit is cerebral, not physical!



New member
Feb 8, 2002
siobhan said:

I do not hear anything from clients that I am not told every time that I am out...
We all do since we need to be decently attractive to be in the biz, but my point was that the clients' comments are way too exaggerated and coloured by momentary emotions. How many drop dead gorgeous and sober guys at a club, for instance, would keep on coming to you every 15 min and calling you a goddess quality in a matter of 2 min ? If they did, then I guess I was at the wrong club.

Pretty much all of the clients that I see are very good looking, intelligent and articulate men...and the majority are not "desperate" as you put it.... and yes, they are horny at the moment, but they could also go out and get it for free....

Well, if it were true we would be out of business. Yes, there are some classy/elite men out there, but -by definition- they constitute a minority. More importantly, somehow they are not even able to get if for free from the person that claims she does it mostly for the pleasure.:mad:

You have also mentioned on your site that you don't engage in any "bare" activities because no money is worth health risks. Go figure why money is in the sentence.

I am not trying to pick on you Siobhan. It's good to think about the stuff. I am just challenging what other people say, as much as I am being challenged myself.

I have "fooled/played" many men as a MPA into believing that I loved what I did and really got into it. They knew it, so did I. Nobody ever complained, yet they kept on coming back for more. Some of them perhaps fooled me as well. Additionally, some I genuinely liked as other human beings. But never did I deny that it was all about the money at the first place. Yes, sometimes it was quite pleasant physically only, but even then not earth shaking as with bfs.
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Sep 11, 2001
What a Curious Question...

Willy wrote:

Hobbyists enjoy what they do for the variety, the sex, the company, the addiction!
Is it so far fetched to believe that women might enjoy it for the same reasons, with the added bonus of cash thrown in?

I have a good friend from college who, to quote her on this matter, "fucks like a man". She enjoys the thrill of picking up guys, fucking them, and going home. I wonder if any of her conquests ever assume that she doesn't *really* like what she is doing? Or do they not even consider this, simply because she's fucking them for free? After all, free=fun, paid=faking it, right?

Last time I checked, no one begrudges professional athletes paid compensation for doing what they love. Do you approach Michael Jordan and say "Hey, if you really loved basketball, you'd be playing in pick up games at the school yard (where I can watch you for free), instead of being a paid athlete".

Honestly, this one should be a sticky, because I doubt there's a SP out there who hasn't been told that she can't *really* enjoy working in this field. The implied assumption, of course, is that we are all faking it, and that all clients are so hideous that this job must be akin to working with lepers...

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Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Alanis, thank-you for being so upfront. Referring back to Willy's question, from the hobbyist's standpoint, I do see statements as "I love what I do" etc. as an advertisement. This is not to say that they are not truthful, but remember...first and foremost, it's about money. BTW...there's nothing wrong with that notion either. Personally, I don't think they would entice me to see a lady, unless I was predisposed to booking her in the first place.


Out Of Context!

C'mon Morgan!
I am in no way suggesting women in the "biz", or otherwise, don't or should not enjoy sex!
I am just trying to determine who the SP's using such statements are trying to convince!
Never had the pleasure of your pleasure sweetheart, but you sound like one raunchy lady to me, who evidently enjoys her romps in the hay!
But please don't deny that there are women in the business, who, despite the remuneration, would rather be anywhere else except in bed with a stranger slathering all over her! Perhaps twice maybe even three or more times a night!
Yet her bio may read "I like what I do!"
Give me a break!

Willywants (to call a spade a spade!)


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
Oh heck...

I confess...

I am an addict... To physical touch... I don't like to have emotional attachments on a long term basis... It takes too much out of me.

The people I see come as close to me emotionally as either of us allow it... But if I was to just pick men up at a bar... They actually expcet me to call the next day...

Hello problem... I like a lot of variation when it comes to people I spend my time with... But I find it hard to remember to call every couple of days... And make time to spend with one person... That takes a lot of work... And is a lot more difficult for me then it is to do what I love to do and have a perk thrown in...

I am tired of the question comming up... Would I do this if I was not paid...

Quite frankly... It is almost a sure thing...

Why? Because even though I can be told how pretty I am, or how great my tits are... I just don't always want to pick up the phone and call the next day... I don't want to be expected to change my plans to include a S.O. and most of all... Who could really handle my need for space and freedom while at the same time put up with my opinionated self?

I think that when I choose to enter into a relationship again it may be different... But for now... I get my own personal variation of the BFE... LOL ... The short term gratification with out the strings... Right guys.


New member
Feb 8, 2002
Back on Willy's topic...

Ok, if I wanted to experience a variety with strangers with no money implicatated, I think I would apply for a membership in some swingers club or adult friend finder...Then I could be surer that people I meet are pure pleasure seekers nimpho sex maniacs like me. How's that Willy as an option?


Sep 11, 2001
Re: Out Of Context!

Originally posted by Willywants

I am just trying to determine who the SP's using such statements are trying to convince!
Well, maybe they're trying to convince the men who keep saying to them "C'mon, you can't really like being an escort!". Think of it as a disclaimer: "Before you bother to ask me, YES, I do enjoy my work".

one raunchy lady to me, who evidently enjoys her romps in the hay!
Well, I'm a big advocate of raunch, but I prefer sheets to hay. I'm prone to hives :) But I never deny I love the money, too. Capitalism is our friend, or so says my bank manager, at least.

don't deny that there are women in the business, who, despite the remuneration, would rather be anywhere else except in bed with a stranger slathering all over her! Perhaps twice maybe even three or more times a night!
Well, let's put this into perspective, shall we? Read the following statement:

"I'm a man who gets paid to have sex with women. Women, some of them simply gorgeous ones, pay me to do all kinds of nasty, wonderful perverted things with them. Some of them can't wait to s*ck my c*ck and tell me how much they love doing it! If I'm not in the mood to work, I just don't, because I'm my own boss, but if I am - I can have a babe over here in five minutes ready to f*ck me silly! Some of them are less hot than others, and sometimes I'm tired or cranky, but hey! I get PAID to have sex with women! I have the best job in the bloody world!"

Would you believe *him*? And if so, think about why you'd believe a man who says that, and not a woman. Think about what that really means, deep inside, your views about women and sexuality are.

I'm just playing devil's advocate here, Willy. I've never heard from a single person who's met you that you are anything but a gentleman.




A Gentleman! To Be One or Not To Be One!

Whether I am a gentleman or not is irrelevant to the topic at hand! Mind you, it is always nice to be thought of as such!
In the piece you put forward to provide a "male slant" on things, who is the male provider trying to convince that he has "The best bloody job in the world!"?? Himself perhaps???
I don't choose to engage in a war of words here!
To boil the original intent of this thread down, I will ask the same question again, but in simpler format!
Are all the ladies in the business, whose bios suggest they "enjoy what they do", being totally honest with the reader and with themselves???
That is all I was really asking!
The question only relates to those who do include this qualifier on their sites or in their ads!
We both know that there are those in the business who thoroughly enjoy it, and there are also those that don't!
How many of the "don't's" try to convince themselves that they do, by telling the world they do?

Willywants (to get off the merry-go-round!)


Sep 11, 2001
Re: A Gentleman! To Be One or Not To Be One!

Willywants said:
Are all the ladies in the business, whose bios suggest they "enjoy what they do", being totally honest with the reader and with themselves???
I can't speak for anyone but myself, Willy, but why not simply take them at their word?

I don't think anyone can claim to 'love their job' every single day - I'm sure even those with the world's most enviable profession have days where they'd rather stay in bed with a cup of cocoa and a nice book. But, sure - why not? Why not assume that this statement means "Most of the time, if you're a nice guy, I really love having sex"?

I think that the rollercoaster you feel you're on has to do with the fact that you think that (most of ? some of?) these women are lying, and I want to give (most of? all of?) them the benfit of the doubt. I don't know them, so why should I assume they're lying?

Maybe you're just a realist, and I'm an optimist. Beats me.




I'd Love To Be An Optomist Too!!

Thank you Morgan!
You are a joy to converse with!
I fully understand your response to my thread and appreciate totally where you are coming from!
The benefit of the doubt should always go in favour of those being doubted!
My intent was certainly not to label those ladies who use the "suspect" claimer, or disclaimer, as the case may be, as liars or lying in there bios!
I was just questioning if, perhaps, there might be a little misrepresentation on the part of some!
I hope you have a wonderful day and don't get any hay in your hair! Lol!
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