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I love these!! Before and after, Fat to Fit.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Rockslinger said:
Studies have shown that slightly overweight people live longer than thin people.
Could you please provide links or refs to those studies? I simply do not believe it is true. Go visit your granny in the old age home - anyone over 80 is skinny. I cannot recall ever seeing an overweight person over the age of, I don't know, 70? And of course, the biggest difference in those younger than that is......quality of life and freedom from overall health. Skinny equals healthy. Skinny equals longer life. Skinny equals better life. Rationalize all you want, but get fit and eat better, and you will be healthier and live longer.


Apr 24, 2005
CapitalGuy said:
Could you please provide links or refs to those studies?
I started a thread on this subject on June 20, 2009. Some info there. Also, Margaret Wente wrote a column on the same subject in the July 25, 2009 Globe and Mail. These studies have been suppressed by the multi-billion dollar "weight loss" industry for obvious reasons.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Cycleguy007 said:
ME TOO! :eek:

In 2006, before becoming "Cycleguy"- I weighed in at 228 lbs...

After I became "cycleguy"- 168 lbs

Lost 60 lbs in about 5 months... It was a complete lifestyle change! And... its been 3 yrs now.
How do you manage to keep your bike from being stolen?

I'm not being sarcastic. I had mine stolen and since then I'm extremely leery of buying another one.
djk said:
How do you manage to keep your bike from being stolen?

I`m not being sarcastic. I had mine stolen and since then I`m extremely leery of buying another one.
It did get stolen!

I bought a new bike with the insurance payout a couple days later, and this bike gets LOCKED even while IN my garage.
toughb said:

Agree with most of what you've said except I found that having a trainer on and off at a reputable gym and seeing my doctor every three months was a very safe way to go.

No offense meant but you lost too much weight too fast and that could do damage to ones inner organs.

That said your sperm count is definitely up. More kids...
I DID see my doctor and he told me, that in my case 2 1/2 to 3 lbs a week was fine, especially because I was losing weight naturally! By that I mean eating properly and exercising everyday.

When I started my lifestyle change, I ate 3 meals a day and included a few snacks as well (usually fresh cut veggies e.g. carrot sticks, or fresh fruit e.g. an apple, a banana etc.). Caloric intake was around 1500- 2000/ day, but I was burning a lot more than I was taking in, through regular and sometimes rigorous cardio training, hence the weight loss. I started by walking in the morning and evening for about 7 kms... then once the walking got too boring, I jumped on my bike! The rest as they say is history. :)

In fact, my doctor told me that I was in extremely good health, and that if all his patients were as healthy, he'd likely be able to play a lot more golf! I haven't even had a head cold in 2 1/2 years. Even my co-workers cannot believe I have not been sick in so long!

IMHO, trainers and gyms are merely another way to motivate you if that's what you require. I did mine without the extra expense required for all that. I chose to educate myself and motivate myself... that is why it is a life stye change and NOT a diet. Live fit/ LIVESTRONG is NOT just my sig line... it IS my lifestyle now, and has been for just over 3 years.

Oh, and BTW, my sperm count is 0. I'm shooting blanks now! ;-)


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Cycleguy007 said:
It did get stolen!

I bought a new bike with the insurance payout a couple days later, and this bike gets LOCKED even while IN my garage.
That sucks. I live in Mississauga and I find it`s less bike friendly than Toronto (eg. I noticed those metal stands to loop your bike lock around, none here).

Almost everyone I know that is a hardcore biker has had their bike stolen. It`s unreal. If cities want us to reduce using our cars, they need to step up and help us regarding theft.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Regarding bike theft: they did shut down that used bike dealer that had thousands of stolen bikes on his premises and in a storage garage.

The thing is: you have to buy a good lock and even then, secure it to something. When you buy a light as a feather bike, that means the crook doesn't have to work so hard carting it off lol....

As for losing weight: try a clear liquid diet works wonders! lol. I was on one for almost a year and went from 185 to 125.....(not voluntarily lol).....
djk said:
That sucks. I live in Mississauga and I find it's less bike friendly than Toronto (eg. I noticed those metal stands to loop your bike lock around, none here).

Almost everyone I know that is a hardcore biker has had their bike stolen. It's unreal. If cities want us to reduce using our cars, they need to step up and help us regarding theft.
FYI... I live in Cambridge... but I understand that the situation is much worse in TO...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
timy said:
what is good for abs when you have a bigger belly since I am doing cadio on my treadmill 40-60 mins a day. thanks.

timy, targeting the stomach muscles does not reduce belly fat. Fat is burned from around the body by increasing activity overall, so keep doing the cardio. Targeting the core stomach muscles will tone them and build some underlying muscle mass, which will burn overall body fat, but targeting exercises to specific body parts does not burn fat located there.

The whole system is based on your blood stream and how it moves energy around your body. The muscles don't directly draw on energy stored in fat located nearby, they get from the blood first, then start attacking their own proteins and breaking them down if the exercise is too strenuous, despite stored fat being readily available near by.

For an over-weight guy who has struggled most of his life, I know a lot about this crap. The only thing that works is limiting calorie intake, and types of calories (ensuring a good protein/carb/fat mix is essential for well-being an for weight loss) combined with regular exercise (again a good mix of cardio versus resistance: muscle burns fat even at rest so it magnifies the impact).

Now, to just get the time and impetus to get the exercise in! I've lost 60 lbs. through diet, need to lose another 60 and will only get there through exercise!
moresex4me said:
timy, targeting the stomach muscles does not reduce belly fat. Fat is burned from around the body by increasing activity overall, so keep doing the cardio. Targeting the core stomach muscles will tone them and build some underlying muscle mass, which will burn overall body fat, but targeting exercises to specific body parts does not burn fat located there.

The whole system is based on your blood stream and how it moves energy around your body. The muscles don't directly draw on energy stored in fat located nearby, they get from the blood first, then start attacking their own proteins and breaking them down if the exercise is too strenuous, despite stored fat being readily available near by.

For an over-weight guy who has struggled most of his life, I know a lot about this crap. The only thing that works is limiting calorie intake, and types of calories (ensuring a good protein/carb/fat mix is essential for well-being an for weight loss) combined with regular exercise (again a good mix of cardio versus resistance: muscle burns fat even at rest so it magnifies the impact).

Now, to just get the time and impetus to get the exercise in! I've lost 60 lbs. through diet, need to lose another 60 and will only get there through exercise!
VERY WELL SAID Moresex! Congratulations BTW 60 lbs! AWESOME! Sounds like you used the exact same method as me, but perhaps through a different application.

In other words....

Move more, eat smarter!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Cycleguy007 said:
VERY WELL SAID Moresex! Congratulations BTW 60 lbs! AWESOME! Sounds like you used the exact same method as me, but perhaps through a different application.

In other words....

Move more, eat smarter!
I'm moving more because I have young kids now, just not in an organized fashion, which I need to do. Most of it was diet, used South Beach, have slipped lately but haven't gained any weight back.

The 3 keys I've heard recently, and I was just reminded of, to weight loss are:

1) Limit intake
2) Exercise
3) Monitor your weight regularly (for me it's daily first thing in the morning)

If you can do 2 of 3 regularly, you will lose weight. Although I think #3 is really to keep you on track with 1 & 2.

Edit: And 2-3 lbs per week is healthy weight loss (it will be accelerated the first couple of weeks as you lose retained water). Any more and there are risk factors involved including released toxins stored in fat doing organ damage.
moresex4me said:
I'm moving more because I have young kids now, just not in an organized fashion, which I need to do. Most of it was diet, used South Beach, have slipped lately but haven't gained any weight back.

The 3 keys I've heard recently, and I was just reminded of, to weight loss are:

1) Limit intake
2) Exercise
3) Monitor your weight regularly (for me it's daily first thing in the morning)

If you can do 2 of 3 regularly, you will lose weight. Although I think #3 is really to keep you on track with 1 & 2.

Edit: And 2-3 lbs per week is healthy weight loss (it will be accelerated the first couple of weeks as you lose retained water). Any more and there are risk factors involved including released toxins stored in fat doing organ damage.
I also weigh myself every morning- straight out of the shower... and 2-3 lbs is exactly what my doctor told me as well.

I'm afraid I am not familiar with the "South beach" diet... I counted calories and eliminated all processed foods... to regulate my intake.

OH and drink LOTS OF WATER! About 2 litres a day...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Cycleguy007 said:
I also weigh myself every morning- straight out of the shower... and 2-3 lbs is exactly what my doctor told me as well.

I'm afraid I am not familiar with the "South beach" diet... I counted calories and eliminated all processed foods... to regulate my intake.

OH and drink LOTS OF WATER! About 2 litres a day...
South Beach basically gets rid of anything processed. Back to fresh proteins (fresh meat/fish, prepared yourself), lots of veggies, whole fruit in moderation (fruit juice is just as bad sugar wise as soft drinks), whole grains (no "white" bread). Carbs are what is probably watched the most, particularly simple-sugar carbs.

First two weeks are very strict as the diet breaks most people's addiction to simple carbs, then you start adding back whole fruits and whole grains. The simple rule: the more processed a food, the less our bodies have to do to get at the calories, the worse the food is for us.

With the increase in whole grains and whole wheat products, it has never been easier to follow, even when eating out (and I don't mean DATY... or wait, maybe I do!).

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
djk said:
Almost everyone I know that is a hardcore biker has had their bike stolen. It's unreal.

How to stop bike theft

1 Buy a cheap bike.

2 If you are hardcore and have you have that $1000 machine paint it with florescent stripes !

Nobody would steal it as it would never sell

It is also safer as you will be seen by cars quicker
moresex4me said:
South Beach basically gets rid of anything processed. Back to fresh proteins (fresh meat/fish, prepared yourself), lots of veggies, whole fruit in moderation (fruit juice is just as bad sugar wise as soft drinks), whole grains (no "white" bread). Carbs are what is probably watched the most, particularly simple-sugar carbs.

First two weeks are very strict as the diet breaks most people's addiction to simple carbs, then you start adding back whole fruits and whole grains. The simple rule: the more processed a food, the less our bodies have to do to get at the calories, the worse the food is for us.

With the increase in whole grains and whole wheat products, it has never been easier to follow, even when eating out (and I don't mean DATY... or wait, maybe I do!).
OK, then that's exactly what I did then... (but I didn't know it was called the "South Beach" diet... I just came up with it after watching Supersize Me...)

I practiced this right down to LOTS OF DATY! (And STILL DO!) It was an integral part of my sexercise routine with Mrs. Cycleguy! ;)


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
Lisa of Toronto said:
before 220, after 140
I know I have ragged on you in the past, but this is one of the best achivements I have seen you make.

Great Job Lisa!
My own Before/ After pics

I figured a picture is worth a 1000 words... Here's my before and after shots...

The pic on the right was taken on a cruise in 2005, I was so overweight, I wouldn't even tuck in my shirt! The centre pic was taken earlier this summer wearing similar clothing, and the far right is getting ready for a ride...



Apr 24, 2005
Cycleguy007 said:
I figured a picture is worth a 1000 words... Here's my before and after shots...
Thank goodness, you are not naked :eek: in these pics. I can tell you were holding in your breathe in the "CycleGuy 09" pic.
Rockslinger said:
Thank goodness, you are not naked in these pics. I can tell you were holding in your breathe in the "CycleGuy 09" pic.
LOL... Just tryin to make a point about weight loss, not scare the bejesus outta anyone! :eek:

And actually I was sucking in my gut AND holding my breath in the Summer 2005 pic! (Didn't help at all- LMFAO!)
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