Last year I lost my wallet on the bus. It must of fell out of my jacket pocket when I took out my house keys. I felt depressed for the next 1.5 weeks. I have never lost anything in my life even sunglasses or keys so I was pissed at myself. In the wallet was a few CCs, DL, Old school health card and a few other cards and $150 in cash.
So 3 weeks later a friend of mine suggested I call the transit lost and found. I never thought of this since I thought it was gone for good. I called and they informed me that it was turned in. After a few weeks the transit co turned it over to the Police so I had to pick it up at a Police station.
Got there verified it was mine and opened the wallet. Every single item was still there including the $150 cash. I felt a rush of different emotions all at the same time. Shock, relief and joy.
I asked the cop if the person that turned it in left a contact number as I would love to reward them. The officer said that they did not leave any contact info.
I thanked the officer and even offered to buy the officers there lunch but they said that they could not except. I thanked them again and just as I was leaving the officer says to me. ''There are still good people out there''
I hope your wallet gets returned to you