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I have a question


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
bizkit_dip said:
If you need an ambulance, call 9-1-1 and tell them you have had several hours of chest pain that has not resolved and that you can feel it radiating to your back and shoulder. They will act as quickly as possible, and you will get seen at whatever hospital they deliver you to.

Excellent advise. I had a heart attack about one year ago while I was at work and, like you luv4lust, I was not sure what was happening.

Call 9-1-1.

GirlFriends Toronto

Established since 2002
Jan 24, 2003
North York
luv4lust said:
funny thing i can't afford an ambulance fuck fuck fuck FUCKKKKKKKKK
I will pay for the ambulance.

Take chest pain seriously!

I had a very good client who often had panic attacks and always rushed himself to the hospital. One day he thought he was having "just another panic attack" ... he was wrong. :(


It's been good to know ya
Personally if Scarborough Grace behaved in that manner I think everyone on this board should head to thier nearest pay phone and keep cursing them for what happened. They would then get calls from so many different pay phones they would not know what is going on. Seriously they should have more respect for life than that. :mad:


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Chest pain is serious business. Prolonged chest pain even more so. Most people who end up having a heart attack initially thought they were having indigestion. Go to the hospital NOW they will do tests. I can't understand why you would have had to wait so ong and been treated this way if you went to a hospital er complaining of chest pain. This sounds very weird to me unless for some reason they thought you were completely nuts, even then, crazy people get heart attacks too, and probably more often than non crazy! Go back immediaely, preferably by ambulance. Tell them your personal physicians (Dr. Terb) insisted you go to the ER to rule out a heart attack . NOW. Go .


Nov 11, 2004

I am shocked that that's how you were treated at the ER. While waits can certainly be long, one of the reasons you can wait a while is that they are supposed to triage patients -- ie. prioritize them. Very shortly after arrival, a triage nurse is supposed to sit down with you, check BP, pulse, temp, and get a history. Based on that, they assign a number that determines your priority. While you are waiting, you're supposed to advise the nurse of any changes in your condition, as that can change your priority.

If you show up with a broken arm, expect to wait a while because everyone who has more "pressing" issues is going in ahead of you. Yes, your arm may hurt like a sonofabitch, but it isn't going to kill you. The problem is that the symptoms you presented with are supposed to move you to the top of the list. Once you get this sorted out, I'd get in touch with the administration at the hospital to complain.

I do hope you get checked out soon, 'cause this is nothing to fuck around with.


New member
Jan 7, 2005

Common Heart Attack Symptoms

Any unusual chest pain, angina, or other suspicious symptoms that do not clear up with medications is a signal to go to the hospital in people with known heart disease. (It should be noted, however, that only about 20% of heart attacks follow long-standing angina.) The sooner one is treated for a heart attack the better the outcome. ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THEY ARE HAVING A HEART ATTACK SHOULD NOT HESITATE TO CALL THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTEM.

Some signs to watch out for are as follows:
Pain experienced as a crushing weight against the chest, which is accompanied by profuse sweating. The pain may radiate to the left shoulder and arm, the neck or jaw, and even infrequently to the right arm. The arm may even be numb.

Chest pain, usually precipitated by exercise or stress, that does not clear up when medications are taken or when resting.

Mild chest pain with unexplained fatigue and ill health. Depression may be present. In patients with known heart disease, such symptoms have sometimes been reported within a month of a heart attack.
It should be noted, however, that degree of pain and the specific symptoms before a heart attack vary greatly among individuals.
Some people may feel severe pain; others might feel only a tingling sensation. Some people may only have a sense of fullness, squeezing, or pressure in the chest.)

A feeling of indigestion or heartburn is common, as are nausea and vomiting.

Some people report a great fear of impending death, a phenomena known as angor animi.
Atypical Symptoms in Specific Populations

About one-third of all heart attack patients do not have chest pain at all, putting them at much higher risk for a misdiagnosis. Women and the elderly are particularly more likely to have atypical symptoms (although they can certainly have classic heart attack symptoms as well.)
A 2000 study suggested that heart attacks might go undiagnosed in people over 65 who do not have a history of angina or heart failure. Any older person with unexplained weakness, a rapid heart beat, difficulty in breathing, or a sudden drop in blood pressure should be evaluated for a heart problem.

Symptoms of angina in women are also often not typical. Before a heart attack, women are more likely than men to be nauseous and experience pain high in the abdomen or chest. Their first symptom may be extreme fatigue after physical activity rather than chest pain. Chest pain in women is also more likely to be caused by non-heart problems than the same symptom in men. Because of these reasons, women are less likely than men to be tested aggressively for serious heart problems when they enter the emergency room.
Actions that the Patient Should Take at the Onset of Symptoms

Individuals who experience symptoms of a heart attack should take the following actions:

For angina patients, take one nitroglycerin dose either as an under-the-tongue tablet or in spray form at the onset of symptoms. Take another dose every five minutes up to three doses or when the pain is relieved, whichever comes first.

Call 911 or the local emergency number. This should be the first action taken if angina patients continue to experience chest pain after taking the full three doses of nitroglycerin. Anyone who has heart disease or risk factors for it and experiences heart attack symptoms should contact emergency services. It should be noted that only 20% of heart attacks occur in patients with long-standing angina.

The patient should chew an aspirin and be sure that emergency health providers are informed of this so an additional dose isn't given.

Chest pain sufferers should go immediately to the nearest emergency room, preferably traveling by ambulance. They should not drive themselves.


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
thanks everyone i'm ok still in pain i had a nap took some asprin i'm going back to bed i'll take a couple more asprin before i do i plan to see my doc first thing in the am he will make sure i'm looked after i am very upset at both hospitals in my area and believe you me when i'm back to my old self watch out shit will hit the fan in more ways then one see you at 5 am thanks again luv


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001

I don't mean to be insensitive here, but it is time to stop being silly and get a grip. Give your head a shake. You've had hours of chest pain. It hasn't gotten any better. Chest pain can be a key symptom of something VERY wrong. Many of these things can KILL you, or leave you seriously sick. Maybe you say "well I'm OK now (except for this horrible pain) so it can't be anything serious. You know there is one thiing in common with all people who die. THEY WERE ALL NOT DEAD A FEW MINUTES BEFORE!!! Many of them felt not so bad. This is why we have emergnecy rooms. To look after potentially life threatening problems. You went to the emergency room, and were treated in a way that upset and pissed you off. So you leave. That'll show them. No actually it wont. The only person you are hurting by wallowing at home because the emergency room nurse wasn't nice to you and ignored your very real complaint, IS YOU. Go back, go to another hospital. Tell them you ahave had several hours of chest pain. Tell them that you are worried that it might be something very serious, like a heart attack. You say the shit is going to hit the fan. Your shit is going to hit the fan if you don't do something about it.
The doctors who look after heart attacks have a saying. Time is muscle. As soon as the blood vessel in the wall of your heart is blocked, heart muscle starts dying. Every second, more muscle dead. The reason it is important to get there in a hurry, is that they can fix it. Don't be embarrassed. Don't think "well that bitch was so rude to me I'll show her", the potential cost is too great.
Hey maybe you are not having a heart attack. The fact that you are a young female argues against it. However can you tell? Can we? No. ONLY THE DOCTOR AT THE ER CAN. Even if it is not to do with your heart, it could be something else VERY BLOODY serious (eg blood clot in the lung-a real possibility and somthing that does happen to young women, gallstones etc) both of which can also kill you. Go now, stop fcking around.
Sorry for not being a bit more sympathetic, but you need to get a reality check here , this is your health, life here. No time for Mr nice guy namby pamby. There is no reaon not to seek emergency medical attention. Your feelings can be hurt later. You can make sure nobody else is treated badly like you later. Look after yourself for gods sake, if you wont, how can you expect somebody else to???????
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New member
May 30, 2005
Don't wait, go NOW. Your situation is urgent.

Dear luv4lust,

I must second massman's post. Time is muscle. Even if it's not a heart attack, chest pain is nothing to ignore, it could be several things (many of those things serious) and there is no way to tell what is going on other than to seek medical attention. You need to be seen urgently. If the next E.R. you visit gives you a hassle, tell them you've had chest pain for 10 hours (or however long it has been), that it is radiating to your back, that it hurts terribly and feel like crushing/stabbing/etc. and it has not gone away despite several aspirins. If you have high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, are a current or former smoker, have a family history of heart disease, have diabetes, or a personal or family history of lung disease, blood clots in the lung or legs, etc. now is the time to tell them.

Forget the scarborough E.R.s if they are giving you a hassle. Present yourself to a downtown hospital, or the east general, or wherever the ambulance that you MUST call right now takes you. This is not something you should ignore. It's nothing something an E.R. should ignore either, but you've already been through that. Sorry to hear it, it sucks, but your life is more important than rude E.R. staff. So call 9-1-1 and get seen tonight, this morning, ASAP, whatever. I'd bet my lunch money that if you wait and talk to your doctor in the a.m. when his clinic opens (and assuming you are still able to speak) he will send you to the E.R. himself.

If it ends up being nothing, you haven't lost anything. If it ends up being something, the outcome will be worse the more you delay.

So don't wait anymore. Go. Go the minute you read this. Go. Now. NOW!!



The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
massman said:
Does anyone have her#??? Give her a call and talk soem sense into her.
no need!! i read your post and went to the ER at 12 am i just got home it is now 5 am good news is i'm not going to die. thank god all thats wrong is a bruised chest wall from moving the damn meat cutter at work. seems it took a few days to hit me i got some nice pain killers and a few days off work
again thank you everyone it's good to know people care :eek:


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
luv4lust said:
no need!! i read your post and went to the ER at 12 am i just got home it is now 5 am good news is i'm not going to die. thank god all thats wrong is a bruised chest wall from moving the damn meat cutter at work. seems it took a few days to hit me i got some nice pain killers and a few days off work
again thank you everyone it's good to know people care :eek:
Glad to hear you are fine


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Great. Sorry I was a bit blunt and critical of you, but sometimes things are important.


New member
May 30, 2005
Nice to hear you are well

That's good news. Same thing actually happened to my dad many years ago. Rest up, enjoy the relaxation, and be well.



Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
luv4lust said:
... thank god all thats wrong is a bruised chest wall from moving the damn meat cutter at work.
Glad to hear that you are better but must admit given your "lust for life" don't like the sound of that meat cutter at work!!!!!


Oh, you meant your other job :D


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
Shades said:
Glad to hear that you are better but must admit given your "lust for life" don't like the sound of that meat cutter at work!!!!!


Oh, you meant your other job
rotflmao i just can't give up handling meat:p


I'm Back
Feb 11, 2002
overlooking an old mill
Well I hope you got enough attention and used up enough bandwidth to satisfy your need to be...whatever it is you need to be.
Most people would just go to the Hospital/Clinic and sit and wait, not leave, but wait. If you leave, how can they look at you...oh wait, I forgot, if you are at the hospital, how can you post on this board and get the all attention that you seem to need.
Luv, I wish you a good happy life, but really, you won't find it here, and you won't find it by being a drama queen.
Glad yer OK.

Pedro Sanchez

Vote for Pedro
Feb 9, 2005
Does anyone else have hair growing on their toes?

i just noticed that i have several little hairs on my toes.
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