Garden of Eden Escorts
Toronto Escorts

Hurricane Isabel



Kitty said:
[BIs this all media hype or do I have something to worry about here. [/B]
Maybe.. if you live in the Carolinas or Virginia

It is no longer a hurricane... now it is only a tropical storm


New member
Sep 14, 2003
Nine times out of 10 worst case scenario's don't happen. The coast could still get hit very hard. Just don't park your car under a tree if the winds hit 100kms/hr here.


New member
Dec 17, 2001
Re: Re: Hurricane Isabel

WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
It is no longer a hurricane... now it is only a tropical storm [/B]
Actually, she's still a category 3 hurricane as of Tuesday morning.

Hopefully she won't have too much fight left in her by the time she reaches us.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I find it funny how some Americans wonder in amazement how we could live where it's so cold, while they live in areas that annually have hurricanes (S/E) and floods (along the Mississppi), might fall into the ocean or at least have major earthquakes (Calif) or have dozens of tornadoes a year (Texas/Oklah) and appear to think nothing of it. Granted, we may have the odd tremor or quick twister but they're much more frequent and severe in the U.S.

If I get cold, well I can always dress a little warmer, but at least my house won't float away or be blown up to Oz. My life will not be in danger as they would be with those other occurrances as long as I dress properly.

Editor's note: This is in no way meant to bash or make fun of Americans. I just wanted to point out something I've heard many Americans say over the years and thought was interesting if you look at things from different perspectives.


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
Shack, you ugly anti-American bastard! :D

What you say is very true. The most amazing part is people who lose their house in a hurricane, and rebuild in the same spot. Hello! Did you miss the wake up call?

Isabel is still a dangerous catagory 3, not expected to weaken further, hitting the North Carolina barrier islands on Thurs/Friday, then tracking due north through PA and NY into Ontario. By the time it hits Toronto, it will be a really windy rainstorm, nothing more.

Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
MuffinMuncher said:
Isabel is still a dangerous catagory 3, not expected to weaken further, hitting the North Carolina barrier islands on Thurs/Friday, then tracking due north through PA and NY into Ontario. By the time it hits Toronto, it will be a really windy rainstorm, nothing more.
That's what they said about Hazel in '54 and she was only a category 2 when she hit North Carolina. Hazel was still able to cause over 80 deaths and $100 million (1954 dollars) in damages in Southern Ontario.

Not to say that's going to happen here but we won't really know until Isabel makes landfall. However, after the year Toronto has had I wouldn't rule it out.


Oct 30, 2002
shack said:
I find it funny how some Americans wonder in amazement how we could live where it's so cold, while they live in areas that annually have hurricanes (S/E) and floods (along the Mississppi), might fall into the ocean or at least have major earthquakes (Calif) or have dozens of tornadoes a year (Texas/Oklah) and appear to think nothing of it. Granted, we may have the odd tremor or quick twister but they're much more frequent and severe in the U.S.

If I get cold, well I can always dress a little warmer, but at least my house won't float away or be blown up to Oz. My life will not be in danger as they would be with those other occurrances as long as I dress properly.

Editor's note: This is in no way meant to bash or make fun of Americans. I just wanted to point out something I've heard many Americans say over the years and thought was interesting if you look at things from different perspectives.
Thanks for the dis,this one we will send right up through carolina.New York to Toronto,for your enjoyment.8


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
ok, so it will be windy and rainy... like this is a problem??? for the most part I dont think there will be any huge problems with isabella in toronto. maybe some overflowing storm pipes and big puddles in strange places.

should be a good excuse to have a party tho. :>
Toronto Escorts