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How to get a woman to instantly like you


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I used to be a sugar baby and let me tell you, one of my most important skills was being able to identify watches. the $60 swatch isn't going to cut it, eh? LOL...


Meretrix Fututor
Aug 19, 2017
I would say these days, I only get comments from other guys. The ladies I date dont notice or care (not that I wear them for them), and I have stopped wearing nice watches when visiting escorts after losing one.
Can relate. I had forgotten my watch at spas and with escorts at least 4 times.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
"be in therapy"???
You like guys with addiction/mental issues?
I agree.

Most women would not be interested in a man who was actively "in therapy".

And speaking for myself, I would tend to avoid any woman who was in therapy, or even on anti depressants.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
That is considered one way to meet someone . She is walking her cute dog and you yours and dogs bring you together.

I say fuck the dog, just say hello while watching for signals that she is interested

If you fall short of being the suave debonair 007
you imagined you would be , do not worry about it. Success usually comes as a result of failures
Show the lady, the money, the willingness for generosity and be a gentleman. This approach works in the vast majority of cases, magically almost instantly. The wealthy independent ladies will know that you are not after their money. Caveat Emptor, guys should be aware of the gold diggers, bawds and scam artist type of ladies.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Depends on age. For a teenager, it's best to be a jock or musician.

My beloved teenage daughter was distraught yesterday after she found out that she's just a sidechick. I didn't know what to tell her. I figured that this is becoming an acceptable form of relationship in the modern era. So, as a dutiful father, I explained to her that "sharing is caring" and that if she worked hard enough, she could grow to become a happy sidechick. I don't know if she'll listen. I told her to avoid the jocks, the rockstars, and other bad apples but obviously that didn't work haha.

For those of us well past our prime - a fat wallet, a gold watch, the keys to a Ferrari, and a smile goes a long way to instant likability.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Basically if she doesn't like how you dress,look,where you work or what you drive.....who cares. Move on. Lots of fish in the sea.


Mar 26, 2018
Just open up your wallet. That usually does it. lol

Big Rig

Well-known member
May 6, 2009
Show the lady, the money, the willingness for generosity and be a gentleman. This approach works in the vast majority of cases, magically almost instantly. The wealthy independent ladies will know that you are not after their money. .
Other than looking sharp, this is the other reason to wear nice clothes. It shows you got some money and will spend it.

Most women understand $ and will respect your prudence in spending it wisely

If she is a goldigger then I say good riddance.

But insist on paying for everything on the first date. If she wants to share expenses after that fine but not the first date
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Mar 26, 2018
From a trusted source: First thing a girl looks at to see if a man has money are his watch and shoes.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
From a trusted source: First thing a girl looks at to see if a man has money are his watch and shoes.
-"I can't afford you, Sandy." :|
-"I'm not a hooker!" >:d
-"Then I really can't afford you" :|


Mar 26, 2018


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Not only women will like you or even fall in love with you but EVERYONE ELSE will also like you if you could do the followings:
Stop thinking about yourself like start every sentence with an 'I'
Be a solution not a problem to others
Being inclusive not trying to being exclusive
Be a good listener as you learn meditation
Open your heart not your wallet to everyone.
Don't ask what people can do for you but ask what you can do for them
Stop thinking of 'how to get women' but just focus on improving yourself

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
Not only women will like you or even fall in love with you but EVERYONE ELSE will also like you if you could do the followings:
Stop thinking about yourself like start every sentence with an 'I'
Be a solution not a problem to others
Being inclusive not trying to being exclusive
Be a good listener as you learn meditation
Open your heart not your wallet to everyone.
Don't ask what people can do for you but ask what you can do for them
Stop thinking of 'how to get women' but just focus on improving yourself
In other words - kill your ego but increase your empathy and self-esteem. I have often wondered about MDMA. It is supposed to make you feel empathy, self-love, reduce your ego during tripping because of seratonin uptake but I wonder if the memory of a MDMA trip stays wih you affecting your personality to the better. It is used in psychotherapy and will be legal shortly as medicine after it passes test trials

You lie on a couch as a therapist guides you to your own conclusions like I imagine how Freud did it.

Psychedelics and MDMA are the only known cure for PTSD, and addictions, which is great news as half of us will experience trauma IE accident, death, assault etc as well as addictions. You do not have to be in a war zone to get PTSD or get addicted to pharmaceuticals pushed by drug companies

I got my fingers crossed on MDMA as it goes through phase 3 studies and pray they do not find negative side affects like memory loss. It has been established as non addictive, as have been all psychededlics, nor can you OD.

MDMA has great promise, as does other psychedelics, although MDMA is not a psychedelic in the true sense as you do not trip into the cosmos and find God as the material world vanishes and you become pure energy which is what true psychelics like LSD and DMT do to you

Feeling empathy, being a listener, having self-esteem, a desire to be active and live life instead of living it vicariously through movies and sports - these are attractive qualities to any females of substance and superior to the almighty $
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