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how much money do busy SPs actually make?


New member
Nov 24, 2018
So theres a really nice SP that ive been seeing on a regular basis for the past few weeks. shes young, gorgeous, has a seemingly sweet and innocent personality, and acts a bit shy at times (cute af). im very attracted to her. i thought about taking her on an actual date, like take her for a nice dinner at a fancy place, try to impress her, etc. I asked her if she would be down to hang out sometime and she said yes. but then one day i saw her pull up to our meeting place in a high end luxury car (cant say exactly wat it is, but its over $100k) and it intimidated me. i realized that she probably makes a shit ton of money. it turned me off that day and I'm also having second thoughts about our date now. i only like women who make less money, way less than i do. im very curious how much money someone like her actually makes in a year?

assuming that she works 7 days a week, available 10 hrs a day, and charges $500/hr, thats near $5k a day if shes fully booked. obviously shes not going to be fully booked all the time, so lets make a safe assumption of only 2 hrs of work a day on average, thats still 1k/day and 30k a month, 360k a year? does that sound about right, for a busy SP?
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
So theres a really nice SP that ive been seeing on a regular basis for the past few weeks. shes young, gorgeous, has a seemingly sweet and innocent personality, and acts a bit shy at times (cute af). im very attracted to her. i thought about taking her on an actual date, like take her for a nice dinner at a fancy place, try to impress her, etc. I asked her if she would be down to hang out sometime and she said yes. but then one day i saw her pull up to our meeting place in a BMW i7 i believe. it intimidated me. i realized that she probably makes a shit ton of money. it turned me off and I'm having second thoughts about our date now. i only like women who make less money, way less, than i do. im very curious how much money someone like her actually makes in a year?

assuming that she works 7 days a week, available 10 hrs a day, and charges $500/hr, thats near $5k a day if shes fully booked. obviously shes not going to be fully booked all the time, so lets make a safe assumption of only 2 hrs of work a day on average, thats still 1k/day and 30k a month, 360k a year? does that sound about right, for a busy SP?
Ya, I’m sure there are no $500/h girls that are working 10h days with clients booked back to back.


Active member
Feb 19, 2024
So theres a really nice SP that ive been seeing on a regular basis for the past few weeks. shes young, gorgeous, has a seemingly sweet and innocent personality, and acts a bit shy at times (cute af). im very attracted to her. i thought about taking her on an actual date, like take her for a nice dinner at a fancy place, try to impress her, etc. I asked her if she would be down to hang out sometime and she said yes. but then one day i saw her pull up to our meeting place in a BMW i7 i believe. it intimidated me. i realized that she probably makes a shit ton of money. it turned me off and I'm having second thoughts about our date now. i only like women who make less money, way less, than i do. im very curious how much money someone like her actually makes in a year?

assuming that she works 7 days a week, available 10 hrs a day, and charges $500/hr, thats near $5k a day if shes fully booked. obviously shes not going to be fully booked all the time, so lets make a safe assumption of only 2 hrs of work a day on average, thats still 1k/day and 30k a month, 360k a year? does that sound about right, for a busy SP?
There are lots of ppl driving around in a fancy BMW and not a penny to their name and lots of wiser people driving a 12 year old mini van (me) who are financially secure.

And no way she makes that kind of money as u suggest. Maybe yu should ask her to treat yu to dinner. Lol. Isn't that what companies do for customers? Treat them to lunch/dinner. . :)


Active member
Feb 19, 2024
I see one SP on a regular basis (who seems to have a lot of customers) and remarked to me once she's having trouble paying last months rent.


New member
Nov 24, 2018
I see one SP on a regular basis (who seems to have a lot of customers) and remarked to me once she's having trouble paying last months rent.
That’s odd seeing as they can make thousands a week easily. But maybe there’s more expenses or more % going to their agency
Remember, whatever you pay in house fees goes to the spa, not her. What she makes is the “tips”.
No one is booked 10 hours a day back to back and no one works 7 days a week.
i figured agencies or spas would take a good portion of the fee, but isn’t it like 30-50%?


Active member
Feb 19, 2024
I saw a fairly popular, conventionally attractive escort in Ottawa regularly and for some reason she trusted me enough to show me her schedule book. She was making around ~$1500 gross per day on her visits to Ottawa. If you subtract hotel, ads and food that's probably around ~$1200 net. She worked 9-10 days a month so that's about 11-12k per month net. An employee would have to make 200-240k per year to net as much as she did.
You're underestimating her costs. Ads are not cheap. Website? Costs money. Transportation. Does she tour other cities? Clothing and makeup to make herself beautiful? You think she looks like that on the other days of the month. She doesn't net as much as u think


Active member
Feb 19, 2024
That’s odd seeing as they can make thousands a week easily. But maybe there’s more expenses or more % going to their agency

i figured agencies or spas would take a good portion of the fee, but isn’t it like 30-50%?
One SP I was trying to book an appt with changed her schedule bc she told me the hotel she usually booked was just way too expensive
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
So theres a really nice SP that ive been seeing on a regular basis for the past few weeks. shes young, gorgeous, has a seemingly sweet and innocent personality, and acts a bit shy at times (cute af). im very attracted to her. i thought about taking her on an actual date, like take her for a nice dinner at a fancy place, try to impress her, etc. I asked her if she would be down to hang out sometime and she said yes. but then one day i saw her pull up to our meeting place in a BMW i7 i believe. it intimidated me. i realized that she probably makes a shit ton of money. it turned me off and I'm having second thoughts about our date now. i only like women who make less money, way less, than i do. im very curious how much money someone like her actually makes in a year?

assuming that she works 7 days a week, available 10 hrs a day, and charges $500/hr, thats near $5k a day if shes fully booked. obviously shes not going to be fully booked all the time, so lets make a safe assumption of only 2 hrs of work a day on average, thats still 1k/day and 30k a month, 360k a year? does that sound about right, for a busy SP?
Obviously it various by extremes. I knew an sp who worked pretty steady in the week till she was "rich" and then burnt threw he money for the rest of the month, then back to work. Another Sp bought an upscale mansion fairly early in her career - quite a feat of organization. But like the Shakey lady who the Sun calculate at making a huge amount of money from begging on Bloor street, most sps will keep this stuff very private. Plus remember base pay does not include "specials"

As for clothes expense and what not - there are many professions that have clothing requirements. Its been my experience just like a fancy car some business people need to present that many of these luxuries are both needed for work and also wanted. Certainly on the sugar babe market and the guchi bag hunting, the clothing is both a prize, a mark of status, and a goal in itself as well as improving market value. Plus its optional - and OF girl might have outfits as there theme, but another theme might be wearing the same outfit everytime (which they have more than one copy) you can make money with both options.
That being said, you do need the full package, and that can break someone if they have a bad start.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Ok fine, but it’s typical for men to date down and women to date up. How can a man play his role if the woman already can provide everything for herself?
Bring something more to the table. Like honestly, loyalty, communication, safety, Humour, friendship, Overall companionship, Sexual interest in what makes her come not just you, strength, Emotional support, Maturity, nontoxic, or abusive.

I mean just to name a few. But dude, your mind is warped with how you are thinking. Get some counselling to work on those insecurities and then maybe you’ll see what you can truly bring to a woman besides money.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
That’s odd seeing as they can make thousands a week easily. But maybe there’s more expenses or more % going to their agency

i figured agencies or spas would take a good portion of the fee, but isn’t it like 30-50%?
It is like 40% on average.

And our pussy is not an open vending machine that can just be used over and over. You know nothing of the female body. We can’t fuck that much on a consistent and regular basis. Oh and guess what? We have a menstrual cycle once a month that makes it kind of hard to work. So we’re not working seven days a week, four weeks a month. We’re not seeing 10 guys in a day. Your math is totally fucked and wrong.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
So on average, how many guys do you roughly serve in a day?
Sometimes a few, sometimes none. I work when I feel like. I only take a certain amount men in a week. My pussy is not a tool that can be used often and all the time.

Some see more than me, but no escort is fucking 10 guys a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month. No escort is doing that. Most cap out at 4-6 at most and work only 3-4 shifts a week. And those are usually agency girls, because the agency wants to max their girls out. Indies - far less. Which is also why they charge more. So they can make the same as the average escort without having to fuck as many guys. The higher the rate, usually the less she sees.

Now I have a question for the men - why the fuck do you care about a) how much we make and b) how much we fuck in a day? Why is it any of your business? Not just you directly, this is a general question because this topic gets brought up ALL THE TIME. Do you ask your doctor how many patients he/she sees in a day and how much they make per patient and how much they make in a year? Do you ask you dentist or your mechanic how many cars he can work on in a day? How much he makes a year? Let me ask this - do we know if a mechanic works at CT, do they take a cut and if so - what’s the ratio? Or are they just paid hourly? These are the important questions in life that all people should know right????? It’s our business to know these things??? I think not. So why? Why do you guys want to know so badly and why are you guys so bad at hooker math?

Let me also ask this - I know you guys want to fuck 10 times a day and wish you could and get paid, but realistically - how many times can you cum in an 8 hour shift? Is it 10 times? I think not as well because your dicks can’t do that every day, all day. It would get sore and raw and there would be no way to sustain that. Our pussies are the same. Use some actual common sense here. Not just your rose coloured glasses.

Again I say you as in general to guys, not you directly and personally @Meep_meep
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Could be uhh cause men are curious? As for the hooker math I'm not interested. Was never good in math. The agency stuff is very interesting though. Seems like the goal for an agency girl is to work up the ranks to VIP. Higher rates/services less guys. Gives her pussy to cool down some?
Could be also seen as rude to ask someone how much they make, no? At least that is what I was taught as child because it is none of my fucking business what someone else makes.

Again, do you ask your mechanic or your dentist or doctor? Do you ask all your friends and family these types of intrusion questions about their jobs?

And again, why do you care about agency girls and their “goals”? Do you ask your Tim Hortons cashier what their goals are for working at a coffee shop? Are they looking to work up the chain, etc? Are they wanting to be a shift manager so they can hopefully work less for more money???

I’m going out on limb here and going to say that is a no to all my questions. Why? Because you know it is none of your business or rude to ask. Curiosity is fine but as adults, we’ve been taught to curb curiosity in certain situations. This is one of them.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Thank you for your toxic reply. Appreciate it
How is it toxic? I’m just curious about your curiosity. Or is that not allowed? I’m not allowed to ask questions in return? I’m not allowed to see where your head is at when you ask these questions? Why is your curiosity OK but mine is not? Why are your questions acceptable but mine are not? Why are my questions toxic but yours not?

At least I answered your questions. I told you how many I may see. So why can’t you answer my questions? Is it that you have no actual answer or your answers now let you know how intrusive your questions are and you would never be so bold and rude to ask your mom or dad how much they make/made in their careers?

I guess you are of the philosophy that what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander. Ask questions but don’t answer questions. Seems fair 🙄
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Uhh maybe because im interestes in the business and would like to own an escort agency someday or maybe its my own personal way of finding out research???? Did you ever think about that? Im gonna say no
And I’m going to say you are full of shit about that. If you wanted to find out about that stuff, a) there are threads on it and b) you would be asking more business related questions instead of personal escort related questions. It’s not rocket science to see this.

Now can you please answer my questions. Do you ask your doctor, dentist, mechanics, your local cashier, these same questions? Do you ask your family and friends these same intrusive questions? Why won’t you answer that? Because the answer is no. You don’t. Because you know better. So just do better here too.
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