how much money do busy SPs actually make?


Active member
Jan 1, 2021
Bring something more to the table. Like honestly, loyalty, communication, safety, Humour, friendship, Overall companionship, Sexual interest in what makes her come not just you, strength, Emotional support, Maturity, nontoxic, or abusive.
And what do modern Western women bring to the table? Because all those things you just listed are considered "foreign" concepts to modern western women such as yourself.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
In any life endeavor there are people that make loads and there are people that are barely getting by. I am sure there are SPs that make boat loads of money and then there are some that make a few bucks here and there. Not all SPs make the big bucks. I actually know lawyers that make less than a school teacher. These are lawyers that are in low demand, they never built up a clientele and they never earned a reputation. These lawyers have to take contracts for 6-12 months to be persecutors in municipal traffic court. After that they are out on their ass if the city does not renew. For SPs it is probably the same, they have to build up a clientele.
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
In any life endeavor there are people that make loads and there are people that are barely getting by. I am sure there are SPs that make boat loads of money and then there are some that make a few bucks here and there. Not all SPs make the big bucks. I actually know lawyers that make less than a school teacher. These are lawyers that are in low demand, they never built up a clientele and they never earned a reputation. These lawyers have to take contracts for 6-12 months to be persecutors in municipal traffic court. After that they are out on their ass if the city does not renew. For SPs it is probably the same, they have to build up a clientele.
This is what I keep telling people but nobody believes me. Only the 20% do believe it.

wiskey bravo

Active member
Jul 14, 2017
Ok fine, but it’s typical for men to date down and women to date up. How can a man play his role if the woman already can provide everything for herself?
You got me curious enough to know your age? I don't mean that personally. I'm 47...not once have I had that thought or feeling you share. Maybe it's a generation thing? But if I had to guess you're atlaest 20 years younger. Anyways in a relationship the both of you should be adding to eachothers life. No man or women want's to date a dead beat which is obvious to all. Anyways in my case I dated up and she dated down by being with me. Life is good. One of my coleagues I work with recieved a Porche from his wife. She's a lawyer. He also dated up and she dated down:). Notice a trend here? Please, in all do respect, I mean this with sincerity - focus on perspective rather than perception. Your percetions create your reality. Perception is often clouded by personal biasis and preconsived notions.
Good luck.

Lv Wmn

Well-known member
Sep 16, 2009
Tell me you are horribly insecure without telling me you are horribly insecure.
UGH! I saw the title of the post and threw up a little. I really don't care how much she makes, I'm interested in the time WE are together nothing else.

Do I have friends that are providers who have talked about it in great detail? Sure, but that is between me and the provider I would not ever discuss something like this with anyone else.
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