So I like to think I am generally health with just a couple of ailments but looking at my medcitation list, that might not be the case.
I didn’t realize until yesterday when it was pointed out, maybe I take too many?????
For my morning - I take 15 pills total. 5 are vitamins, the rest are prescription medications. Then through out the day is another 7 prescription pills and at night I take 3-5 other prescriptions, before bed depending on sleep issues. This does not include the odd time I need muscle relaxers which I have a supply of, or another pain medication meant for break-through pain. This also does not include medical marijuana or advil either which I also take daily.
I have an appointment booked for a full yearly physical in a couple of weeks. So I will discuss some of these meds, make sure I still need all of them but based on what they are all for… I think I do. Which then leads me to wonder - what the fuck would I do without all this medication? Would I even be able to function?
None of these meds would be null based on lifestyle change. Like high cholesterol for example that can be changed by proper diet.
LOL, You should see when I have to give a list of meds for something. Some of the looks for being being as young as I am (40s is still young dammit!!!!), and having this much of a list. I actually use the health app on my phone to list them all and I have doctors notes and shit saved on my cloud just so I can share proper medical history because it is that extensive.
If I told my younger 20 something self that I would be willingly taking all this medication, I would never have believed you. I don’t know why, maybe young and dumb, but I never wanted or agreed with pills. Stupid I know, but that is way I was.
Anyone else on a lot of meds? Anyone refuse to take medications? How often do you check with your doctor to see if you still need it? Are they life long medications now?