How much medication do you take? How many pills a day?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Like myself, I always ask questions about prescribed medicine. My doctor knows me well about side effects and my concerns so everytime she gives me a prescription, she will tell me what it does and if any chance of side effects.I can say I'm not fit but I can say, I'm at least decent fit. no heart problems, no high blood pressure, no traces of diabetes and luckily no cancer.I dreaded pills because they can really do damage to kidneys and liver. I do watch my diet. No soda, alcohol and cigarettes for me. I smoke weed almost every night before sleep and gives me a good long sleep and relaxed. waking up feeling great too.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
It doesn't sound like you take muscle relaxants often. But as a doctor friend once told me, be careful with them, your heart is a muscle.

I'm one of the lucky ones who's on no meds. Other than cough syrup if I have a nasty cold/cough and can't sleep, I never take any over the counter meds. I've broken bones and never so much as taken an Advil or Tylenol.
I knew a guy who hated the idea of being "frozen" during dentistry. He would have fillings, root canals, and other serious work done without any anesthetic. Told me he would start to see colours when the pain got real intense...


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Im fifty and take absolutely nothing. I eat clean(except for my cheat day), work out every morning completing calisthenics, climbing and train on a heavy bag. I stress my body with various labour intensive work and projects. I smoke weed every morning.

I dont take meds unless absolutely necessary. the last med I took was an anti biotic since I had a tic on me for a couple of days. otherwise I liet my body fight off colds and flu.

I never really get sick.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008

i medicate on this..........yep i like wimpy ballads, but it sure beats Advil when i want to relieve pain


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
So I like to think I am generally health with just a couple of ailments but looking at my medcitation list, that might not be the case.

I didn’t realize until yesterday when it was pointed out, maybe I take too many?????

For my morning - I take 15 pills total. 5 are vitamins, the rest are prescription medications. Then through out the day is another 7 prescription pills and at night I take 3-5 other prescriptions, before bed depending on sleep issues. This does not include the odd time I need muscle relaxers which I have a supply of, or another pain medication meant for break-through pain. This also does not include medical marijuana or advil either which I also take daily.

I have an appointment booked for a full yearly physical in a couple of weeks. So I will discuss some of these meds, make sure I still need all of them but based on what they are all for… I think I do. Which then leads me to wonder - what the fuck would I do without all this medication? Would I even be able to function?

None of these meds would be null based on lifestyle change. Like high cholesterol for example that can be changed by proper diet.

LOL, You should see when I have to give a list of meds for something. Some of the looks for being being as young as I am (40s is still young dammit!!!!), and having this much of a list. I actually use the health app on my phone to list them all and I have doctors notes and shit saved on my cloud just so I can share proper medical history because it is that extensive.

If I told my younger 20 something self that I would be willingly taking all this medication, I would never have believed you. I don’t know why, maybe young and dumb, but I never wanted or agreed with pills. Stupid I know, but that is way I was.

Anyone else on a lot of meds? Anyone refuse to take medications? How often do you check with your doctor to see if you still need it? Are they life long medications now?
I dont take any pills.

The only time I'll take a pill is when i have a really bad headache / migraine and need an advil or Tylenol..


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
Thread is a great illustration of why not to take medical advice from an escort discussion board.
The member buy-in is dependant on how the question is baited. As well, for some here, this board is all they have, and sadly there is no pill for that.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I knew a guy who hated the idea of being "frozen" during dentistry. He would have fillings, root canals, and other serious work done without any anesthetic. Told me he would start to see colours when the pain got real intense...
That's my Dad. He's never had any freezing for dental procedures. No idea how he can stand that kinda pain. Ugh, not me!


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I take a daily calcium supplement and an Omega 3 pill, drink 2 cups of coffee, use conditioner in my hair and fluoride in my toothpaste.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Alternative medicine is just medicine that has not been tested or proven yet…

Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been tested and proven? Medicine.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I knew a guy who hated the idea of being "frozen" during dentistry. He would have fillings, root canals, and other serious work done without any anesthetic. Told me he would start to see colours when the pain got real intense...
I remember as a kid back in the 50's they didn't use freezing for fillings. Plus they used the old drilling contraptions with pullies and cables which ran in slo mo.
Don't know about root canal. The story was that they didn't freeze you because they didn't want to hit a nerve....? So the dentist represented dread to me. Didn't go for 10 years. Next time it was in the UK. They had changed dentistry completely. Freezing for fillings. High speed drills. Never experienced pain from dentistry again. Thank you science.
5 pills a day for other blood pressure and heart ailments.

Mena Mahan
Aug 26, 2020
Downtown Toronto

The world is way over-medicated.
It’s all about money.
Disabled people exist, Indiana. If is didn’t take my meds I would literally die.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Haha thanks babe. But honestly I feel like I’m talking into the void sometimes with a lot of these terb members lmao
Welcome to my world. Been doing it here since 2014. LOL.

Thanks for the support.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Mango Dragonfuit lemonade, no chunks, light ice and biggest size and a banana bread from starbucks. That is all i take every morning, no pills, no anything else.
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