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how much does the avg lawyer make?

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004

xx There are good and bad lawyers, just like there are good and bad people. How much they make depend on what they do. If a lawyer does not care about anyone but himself, then he can make as much as he can grab. I know of a old lawyer that works out of a dusty and dingy office, he only takes cases where you are the underdog fighting an unfair situation. Money is not his main objective. He will not take cases from wealthy people sqaubling over money. Then there are the lawyers that will make their client right even when they are realy in the wrong.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
superman said:
ive heard mixed things, i know some idiots that have become laywers and id like to think at 27 they arent making more than 100K?

i know some that make 200K, but whats the average?

I was told directly to my face last week by the owner of a large elevator company that elevator repairmen make more than lawyers with their overtime, which is quite frequent since elevators have to work 24/7 and for some reason they always break down outside normal business hours. lol He told me they have a very strong union. :D

I had to lighten this thread up, can't believe some of you guys arguing over trivial things. We all work hard if we're good and dedicated at what we do, whether you're a lawyer, farmer, or waiting tables. If you're committed to your job, you put in the long hours and work hard, period. There are also lazy workers in each profession.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
Mia.Colpa said:
I was told directly to my face last week by the owner of a large elevator company that elevator repairmen make more than lawyers with their overtime, which is quite frequent since elevators have to work 24/7 and for some reason they always break down outside normal business hours. lol He told me they have a very strong union. :D
Many SPs and MPAs make more than lawyers too, I think.



Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
chrispalen said:
Many SPs and MPAs make more than lawyers too, I think.

I wouldn't say many, but I know of a few and they deserve to, they are gorgeous and work hard as well at being good at what they do, just like lawyers.


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
chrispalen said:
Many SPs and MPAs make more than lawyers too, I think.

True. But their earning phase is quite limited (19-30?).

For professionals like lawyers, their income generally goes up with time.


Nov 8, 2005
Reminds me of a joke I heard.

What do lawyers and sps have in common?

Answer----They are both involved with Briefs:) .

Lawyers have to often write them and sps often have to take them off!


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
squash500 said:
Reminds me of a joke I heard.

What do lawyers and sps have in common?

Answer----They are both involved with Briefs.

Lawyers have to often write them and sps often have to take them off!
Actually, the more common joke is, What do lawyers and sp's have in common??

Answer: They both screw you, but needless to say I prefer doing business with an SP!:D


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
I have several acquaintances who are lawyers and they put in a lot of hours and often seem to be struggling. They can have very high overhead with secretaries, offices etc. I have one acquaintance who was an officer in the army reserve, got sent to Iraq and in the year+ that he was gone had his private practice totally disappear.
Saying this, I try to avoid getting involved in any legal issues because of the cost of lawyers, it can wipe you out.
Years ago I got divorced. I was in what would be considered a blue collar job and when I gave my financial statement to my lawyer he was amazed because I was making more than he was. He told me we should try to reach a settlement because once the judge saw that I was making as much as the judge if not more he would not be too sympathetic.
I don't begrudge Lawyers their wages, but I don't want to get trapped into paying them.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
tired old perv said:
I'd love to see any white collar clown work a real job for a week and then they'd realize what hard work is all about.
And I'd like to watch your average blue collar worker try to run a city/government and see how in over their heads they are. It's so easy to be an arm-chair politician when there's absolutely zero ramifications or responsibility.

But seriously, this blue collar-white collar bullshit has been going on since forever. All it shows is your own insecurity. :rolleyes:

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
tired old perv said:
Why would be envious of snobs like you? You live in a concrete jungle, sit in traffic jams daily, pay way to much for everything to be where the action is, rip off the average working class that is the backbone of this country, pass stupid laws, whine about pollution and how we need to save the planet, have to go to a gym, cause thats the only exercise you'll ever get, etc etc
Wow. You must be a real gem to live with.


New member
Jan 5, 2007
I hope that I fall into the "good" lawyer category ;) I don't think I have a fin and I haven't worn a goalie mask recently!

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
One of the basic, underlying reasons that lawyers take so much shit is that most people are (relatively) unhappy with their own lives and secretly/subconsciously envy the money, power, and respect (yes, respect... you don't see people badmouthing their own lawyer when they get hip-deep in shit) that lawyers get. They make 2, 3, 4 times what joe-average makes and they do it by using their brains. That makes insecure people very, very upset.

Now granted, there are other reasons to dislike lawyers. They are expensive and quite often people need them so they have to pay their fees. But the truth of the matter is that you get what you pay for. If you want a good lawyer, you're going to have to pay for it.

Also, a lawyer's job is basically to argue on behalf of their client in an adversarial legal system. That means lawyers quite often make arguments that are unpopular or unusual.

When I was younger I considered being a lawyer but (luckily) I realized that it wasn't for me. I had no desire to devote my life to the firm and that's what you have to do to truly make the big bucks. The number of alcoholics and divorced lawyers is staggering. On top of that, at the time I made my decision I had never met a lawyer who could unequivocally tell me they loved their job.

Now I routinely work with several lawyers. All I have to say to the naysayers is, "walk a mile in their shoes." If you can, that is. They work obscene hours and always have to cater to the whims of their clients. They have to make arguments in court that they sometimes know are losers, then take their clients' shit when the case falls apart.

It's not an easy job and I don't begrudge them the money they make. I am secure enough in myself that I can say, hey, that job's not for me but if someone else wants to do it and make the big bucks, more power to 'em.

What our society needs less of more than anything else is not lawyers. It's people that have a negative opinion about something and spread that negativity around for no other reason than deep down inside being unhappy with their own personal situation.


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
Keebler Elf said:
They would obscene hours and always have to cater to the whims of their clients.
My friend works for a big downtown law firm and as a matter of regular hours, he works till 8pm every day. Then he's also doing 3-4 hours on a Sunday.

It's insane.

edit: he doesn't argue in courts. He's a 'behind the scenes' kinda lawyer.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Oh yeah, one other thing. Law is, more often than not, not for women. Ladies, take note. Something like 60% of the people in law school are female but in the practicing community they disappear and almost become token females in law firms.

Is it a boys club? Maybe. But it's certainly a club where you have to be able to work endless hours and that doesn't leave time for children or a family.

I would never encourage my daughter to be a lawyer. If she wanted to, great. But I'd be sure to let her know what she's in for.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Serpent said:
My friend works for a big downtown law firm and as a matter of regular hours, he works till 8pm every day. Then he's also doing 3-4 hours on a Sunday.

It's insane.

edit: he doesn't argue in courts. He's a 'behind the scenes' kinda lawyer.
I agree. And there's a lot of those types of lawyers who specialize in the research vs. the presentation. Or it could be that he's just junior and doing the grunt work for the time being (and to advance, you have to do a heck of a lot of grunt work).

I remember talking to a couple lawyer colleagues and they were telling me how their firm basically churns through articling students and junior lawyers, knowing full well they'll never advance. They're simply (relatively) cheap labour to do the grunt work. You really have to be a high performer to advance in legal firms.


Nov 14, 2006
blopar said:
Lawyer = just talking, easy work, it's all a scam, anyone can do it.

Doctor = Don't really know what they are doing, just guessing what is wrong with you, and get to play golf on Wednesdays.

Accountant = boring work, just numbers, and no social skills or contribution to society

Investoment bankers = just a bunch of backslapping self-interested boys, easy work, insider traders, and anyone can do it.

CEO = just sit in corner office, have others do the work, anyone could do it.

PM = just smile and yap, tell lies, don't change anything, take care of your friends, get a high paying job after you quit.
I'd like to see what you think when:

1) you get injured and your personal injury lawyer gets you decent compensation
2) a doctor saves your life after a road accident/stroke/cancer/infection (or anybody related to you)
3) an accountant saves you $000s in taxes - today and in the future
4) investment bankers - when your company does an IPO and you suddenly become a millionaire
5) CEO - when you own stock and stock goes from $4 to $20 - see Yamana gold for example
6) PM - no comment. Why are Canadians cursed with sucky leaders?

And really...if anyone can do it...well, why don't you? I'd certainly invite you to have a go at it. Hell, do all of them while you're at it.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
Keebler Elf said:
Oh yeah, one other thing. Law is, more often than not, not for women. Ladies, take note. Something like 60% of the people in law school are female but in the practicing community they disappear and almost become token females in law firms.

Is it a boys club? Maybe. But it's certainly a club where you have to be able to work endless hours and that doesn't leave time for children or a family.

I would never encourage my daughter to be a lawyer. If she wanted to, great. But I'd be sure to let her know what she's in for.
More and more company chief legal officer positions are held by women now a days. Many more hold senior counsel positions below the chief legal officer level.

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