How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Jun 6, 2009
There are a fair number of working ladies who come here and add their two cents on topics.

My guess is that since confidence and self improvement have been mentioned there's not much more to say.

Time to change the Brut aftershave or your soap on the rope? Auras? Pheromones?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Evilbaga: please clarify the " ...and is yet short that confidence ...." My point exactly. If you are socially aware , & I am, you can notice the subtle idicators of interest from women. I am part of that 20-30 % that does not meet the minimum standard of attractiveness. I see more men like me around than women. Women are by far more selective/picky. Fat ugly women even manage to get half decent looking mates if they live life a little & don't hide in the house. Sure, they got it hard. YUP there is 20-30% of us guys who are totally out of the pickings.
BS if you say 1/3 ro 1/5 guys are undateable then why are all my friends, family and co-workers who are of the dating age in relationships or married? Trust me my gene pool isn't that deep and my circle of friends are not that exclusive and my job is not glamourous.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
This is a case of misery loves company.

Some guys want to hear that they are undateable so that they can give up.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Awesome word! I can't believe I learned something in the lounge today!

Whatever level you are at there are people to date.

And the cold call/door to door approach is for the birds. Agree with an earlier poster that meetups are a cool way to meet people who share an interest. But dating events or methods are one better because you know the other person is interested in dating.


Jun 6, 2009
This is a case of misery loves company.

Some guys want to hear that they are undateable so that they can give up.
Kind of like FUJI but in reverse. I'm a lying cheating slim ball, but so are you, so it's ok.

If your batting that far south of the Menudo line, quoted at 1 in a 100, then i'd check you personality. Not that it's bad, but just needs that somrthing.

What that jewish proverb, you'd better work on a personality because your looks will only last so long?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Kind of like FUJI but in reverse. I'm a lying cheating slim ball, but so are you, so it's ok.

If your batting that far south of the Menudo line, quoted at 1 in a 100, then i'd check you personality. Not that it's bad, but just needs that somrthing.

What that jewish proverb, you'd better work on a personality because your looks will only last so long?
Ha I thought you were going to refer to that baseball player who's batting was so bad they created a line with his name. Can't remember the guy.

EDIT: googled it ..... some guy name Mendoza had the Mendoza line named after him in baseball.

Maybe the the guys who are giving up should look at it another way.

On terb lounge people are quick to cut people up, put them down and pull no punches (as it's easy to do this anonymously).

So when a bunch of random guys are trying to be encouraging and not making this into how big of a stud they are...... why not listen to some of the advice instead of just shooting it down without even giving it a chance?!!!???

The advice has been reasonable things that anyone can do.

Personally, I'm surprised people haven't come on and said that you degenerates should go into hiding, face the most certain thing in life and die. I'd say that this thread has been reasonably mature for terb.


Apr 24, 2005
Too many damn posts to read them all or even most of them. True story. I met this government tax auditor a few years ago. Late 30's , short, chubby, very slightly phyiscally challenged, etc. He went on vacation to Thailand and "fell in love" with a Thai woman. He is now married to her, 2 kids and her mother and brother are also living with him. Everybody happy.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Again a guy whose success was based on opening himself to more opportunities rather than holing up in a basement. :)


Nov 13, 2011
Over the years I have noticed there is 3 types of guys when it comes to attracting the women. All are nice guys, not p.u.a. or super humorous, charmers ets. The guys that are hot ( I got 2 buddies like that) They don't have much of a personality but dialy have women come on to them. The average Joe guys that once every 2-3 months manage to meet some woman that takes interest in them. Then the guys like me that know they are far off the mark: maybe get a woman showing interest 1x every 10-15 years !!!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I knew a guy with cererbral palsy who could get dates with regular girls (and reasonable ones at that). They dumped him because he was a dick not because of his disability. By dick I mean verbally abusive.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Over the years I have noticed there is 3 types of guys when it comes to attracting the women. All are nice guys, not p.u.a. or super humorous, charmers ets. The guys that are hot ( I got 2 buddies like that) They don't have much of a personality but dialy have women come on to them. The average Joe guys that once every 2-3 months manage to meet some woman that takes interest in them. then the guys like me that know they are far off the mark: maybe get a woman showing interest 1x every 10-15 years !!!
What have you tried to do to meet women. IF you expect the fish to jump into your boat you are fucked.

Why is it you can't be in 2 out of those threee categories?

I know you've been shy to say what you think your problem is but come on this is anonymous. It might actually help the discussion.


Apr 24, 2005
Again a guy whose success was based on opening himself to more opportunities rather than holing up in a basement.
Sometimes one has to leave the hood and go offshore. Hee, hee, hee.

BTW: Rockslingers (and we are a huge extended family in all 4 corners of the world) have mated with ladies of all nationalities, height, weight, etc., etc. Their common traits are strong personality, intelligence, competence, stubbornness, assertiveness and refusing to suffer fools gladly. You do not want to mess with a Rockslinger woman.


Nov 13, 2011
I did try pof for 3 years. No dates. But justlive life regular like the other guys. The truth is, woman take interest in you. You do not go out there , show interest & off ya' go. Just be out there & meet women. I see this all the time out there. Women meeting men & showing interest. these are just regular Joe's , nothing special. Like the poster said 20% of us & just unattractive to huge majority of women. Some can change those unattractive aspects & some cannot.


Jun 6, 2009
Ha I thought you were going to refer to that baseball player who's batting was so bad they created a line with his name. Can't remember the guy.

Maybe the the guys who are giving up should look at it another way.

On terb lounge people are quick to cut people up, put them down and pull no punches (as it's easy to do this anonymously).

So when a bunch of random guys are trying to be encouraging and not making this into how big of a stud they are...... why not listen to some of the advice instead of just shooting it down without even giving it a chance?!!!???

The advice has been reasonable things that anyone can do.

Personally, I'm surprised people haven't come on and said that you degenerates should go into hiding, face the most certain thing in life and die. I'd say that this thread has been reasonably mature for terb.
Actually this thread has more good advance than many 'HELP' threads.

Actually your right. It's the Mendoza line. That's what get for trying to multitask today.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
In today's age of feminism and equal rights, does Hypergamy work in reverse? I would love to marry-up to a high-achiever career bitch who is smarter and makes more money than me so I can stay at home and take care of our children. Unfortunately, some of these women are not that attractive physically, which means I'm likely gonna have challenges fucking them to make children (and if they are super hot, they are most likely my fav lipstick lesbo variety who are untouchable to any man).

Bottom line: don't fuck with evolution and always let nature take it's course...even my generation can't change these rules!


Apr 24, 2005
Hey guys, you do know that 83% of all White women are lesbos:Eek:, right? Ever wonder why all the White men are marrying Asian women? Hee, hee, hee.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
POF has the downside that it was free. Not sure if it still is. Pay sites are better as it weeds out the cheap ass dudes. To send a message to a girl we are talking a dollar or two on lavalife. Not sure if there is something mroe popular these days.

Or maybe look for a specialized site for example there's a site for jews to meet each other or one for people into geeky thinks like sci fi and fantasy or people into lifestyles like goth/bdsm.

Now on POF how many messages did tou send out. I used Lavalife and sent out a lot but spent less than $50 to $100 in a year. I would read their bio and write a message showing that I had read their bio by mentioning details and asked them a few questions to give them something to write back about. Decent formula. I could not have spent money on dating any better than that. But hey Dating about 6 girls a year for me is much better than 0. And typically I was the type to only have one on the go at a time and if it fizzled out start again. So perhaps it could have been higher.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Actually this thread has more good advance than many 'HELP' threads.

Actually your right. It's the Mendoza line. That's what get for trying to multitask today.
LOL I thought it was a different line because you werer saying 1/100. Anyhoo I agree. The irony is that the OP probably wanted to hear people with similar stories instead he got decent advice in a non condescending and attainable way.


Jul 2, 2010
Evilbaga: please clarify the " ...and is yet short that confidence ...." My point exactly. If you are socially aware , & I am, you can notice the subtle idicators of interest from women. I am part of that 20-30 % that does not meet the minimum standard of attractiveness. I see more men like me around than women. Women are by far more selective/picky. Fat ugly women even manage to get half decent looking mates if they live life a little & don't hide in the house. Sure, they got it hard. YUP there is 20-30% of us guys who are totally out of the pickings.
Fat ugly women even manage to get half decent looking mates if they live life a little & don't hide in the house.
Its not just that fat ugly women get half decent mates - its that for women as a whole, they would rather be celibate (or get ONSs if possible) than be with someone they are not attracted to. On the other hand, a significant percentage of men would take anything. Hypergamy is the word.

If you are socially aware , & I am, you can notice the subtle idicators of interest from women.
Perhaps it doesn't apply to all women, but when a woman likes you, from what I see, she generally isn't that subtle about it. Hide it from others, yes. Subtle with you, no.
Like the three guys I know - if you dont get these IOIs first, your chance of making headway are close to 0%. Its not talked about much because its deeply shameful to men to admit that they are so powerless in such a vital area.

please clarify the " ...and is yet short that confidence ...."
Im not sure what you mean but... (whine-fest/bitch-to-brag ahead - you have been warned)

*I grew up in the Middle East in a sex segregated school. Plus the culture was one that talking to women is evil/taboo/you name it.

*It was also illegal to have a job. That lack of independence can f**k you up in subtle ways.

*When I first came to the west, it was at an alcohol fueled dormitory at the age of 17. I actually ended up attempting suicide while on drugs (as you can guess I survived). Yet here, I had quite a few women interested in me... though I couldn't comprehend why. A stickler was most wanted a relationship, while people in the next room were having all out sex with multiple partners, while I was thinking virginity or even celibacy was special.

*Men bully shorter men. Men double bully shorter men who they think women like.

So, theoretically I could get confidence and get a girl or something, but apart from not knowing how... Im not sure the game is worth it.
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