How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Nov 13, 2011
I am just curious to know how many guys go this route because they gave up on dating figuring they are just too unattractive to a vast majority of women. AND what traits make you that way: way too ugly, hidiously fat, short, a nationality that too few in this country find desirable? I myself am one of those guys BUT NOT going to say what traits make me undesirable to 98% of women BECAUSE I do not want to influence the direction of this conversation. Maybe later on. P.S. Not implying there is not other reasons for hobbying, just curios about how many for this reason & what makes you that unattractive.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Same here.

But, I also figured that women cost money. So in order to meet my financial goals, it's just as well (saves me the cost in time and money).

And I think it's better all around. Just do whatever you want to do. If you meet someone along the way, great. If not, then that's fine too.


Jul 29, 2011
I would say I can get dates, but not with women who look as good as the nicer SPs.

On top of that, women who are not getting paid expect you to be a good lover and be socialble.

SPs pretend we are all great and hung like horses and hansom and acceptable.

I can lie to myself about it all, but the truth is simple. We lack other things, so we bring money.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Dating is a jungle. Just because they are hot, doesn't mean I want to date them.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Attitude is much more important than looks in the dating world. I'd guess giving up is easier than the emotional risks and fears but there are benefits to the struggle.

That being said, my visits to strip clubs definitely go up when i'm too busy at work to spend time meeting women.


Nov 13, 2011
Ok, BUT what traits, esp. physical make you so undesirable to vast majority of women that you give up because it is too low a success rate? Curios to see how many & the raried reason or maybe see how many are quite common.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
The secret to civilian hunting is....................more often than not, they pick you. The ironic thing is that when there are more than one giving you the go ahead, the others get more interested. So, I just wait for the signal.


Nov 13, 2011
Ceiling cat, I agree with you ( & been proven in Sociology studies ) BUT we are talking about the guys that get NO signal. Thus the guys that are aware they are unattractive to a huge percentage of females, for what ever reason.... & what are the reasons: too fat, too ugly, too short, a nationality very undesirable to most North American women etc.


Jun 6, 2009
Same here.

But, I also figured that women cost money. So in order to meet my financial goals, it's just as well (saves me the cost in time and money).

And I think it's better all around. Just do whatever you want to do. If you meet someone along the way, great. If not, then that's fine too.
I've pointed this out before, but it's worth repeating. The trick is to have them pay your way.


Jun 6, 2009
Ceiling cat, I agree with you ( & been proven in Sociology studies ) BUT we are talking about the guys that get NO signal. Thus the guys that are aware they are unattractive to a huge percentage of females, for what ever reason.... & what are the reasons: too fat, too ugly, too short, a nationality very undesirable to most North American women etc.
Do you know Cute & Bald? Just askin'.


Off TERB indefinitely
Oct 31, 2010
Ceiling cat, I agree with you ( & been proven in Sociology studies ) BUT we are talking about the guys that get NO signal. Thus the guys that are aware they are unattractive to a huge percentage of females, for what ever reason.... & what are the reasons: too fat, too ugly, too short, a nationality very undesirable to most North American women etc.
Add a poll.

MayDay Malone

New member
Oct 26, 2010
I am just curious to know how many guys go this route because they gave up on dating figuring they are just too unattractive to a vast majority of women. AND what traits make you that way: way too ugly, hidiously fat, short, a nationality that too few in this country find desirable? I myself am one of those guys BUT NOT going to say what traits make me undesirable to 98% of women...
Going out on a limb and saying your apparent total lack of self confidence is one of those traits that women find unattractive.

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
- Henry Ford

True in any aspect of life, including love.


Jul 29, 2010
Going out on a limb and saying your apparent total lack of self confidence is one of those traits that women find unattractive.

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
- Henry Ford

True in any aspect of life, including love.
I was thinking about the exact same point regarding confidence.

In terms of the original question, I would say there are a lot of other reasons why people see SPs. There was another thread recently about a wife finding out that a husband has visited an escort site. A number of people responded that the husband visits these sites because he is not getting enough sex from his wife. I'm guessing that is probably a more common reason for going to an SP, compared to the giving up reason.


Active member
Aug 24, 2008
Do you know Cute & Bald? Just askin'.

I can understand from the OP's point of view. I haven't had much luck in the dating department, get a date now in then but nothing long term.
That's why I'm on the site!
I haven't given up but take breaks from dating now and then.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I am just curious to know how many guys go this route because they gave up on dating figuring they are just too unattractive to a vast majority of women. AND what traits make you that way: way too ugly, hidiously fat, short, a nationality that too few in this country find desirable? I myself am one of those guys BUT NOT going to say what traits make me undesirable to 98% of women BECAUSE I do not want to influence the direction of this conversation. Maybe later on. P.S. Not implying there is not other reasons for hobbying, just curios about how many for this reason & what makes you that unattractive.
What ? You need to open your eyes and look around. There are many fat guys who are married, same with short guys, same with ugly guys.

Some chicks like Nerds ! They do, not every chick wants a he-man for a hubby.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Ok, BUT what traits, esp. physical make you so undesirable to vast majority of women that you give up because it is too low a success rate? Curios to see how many & the raried reason or maybe see how many are quite common.
I don't kiss butt. I don't need anybody-I sleep just fine alone. I don't like BS people-telling people want they want to hear. I don't want kids-ever. I like pretty gals but not stuck up gals. I don't like the ones who play hard to get--sorry but it doesn't feel any better to me. In fact many SP's are better in bed then those gals who can count on one hand how many partners they have had.

I won't say I gave up, I just don't try very hard to get a date


Nov 13, 2011
S.C Joe this is true & some win lotto 649's. Does not mean odds are not extreemly low. I am just asking who has given up because their odds of dating an attractive woman ( I mean not just one date ... but dating... with sex involved) are SO LOW. And 2) the reason they perceive for their universal unattractiveness.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
I pretty much blame myself for it all though.

Maybe I'm trying for stuff that's out of my league to begin with.

Women my age are looking for long term relationships but I'm greedy and like variety or can't settle for just one.

I'm a Brown guy into white chicks but the only guys most seem to be interested in these days are either Black guys for NSA or White guys to take home to their parents.

Any other races are the exception rather than anything close to a norm.

Low self esteem and lack of confidence with contributing factors being PE, low income and a job way below my potential/qualifications.

I'm not the worst looking guy as I've been hit on several times by Gay guys.

I'm not interested in the women who are interested in me and their misreading our friendship as something more has lead to me breaking things off as it makes me uncomfortable.

I don't get out much and even when I get looks, I don't act on them because I'm afraid of rejection.

Instead of trying to change these things to increase my chances I've just said Fuckit.
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