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How Far Kamala Has Cum


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Ah, the GOP campaign in a nut shell. Imply that Harris isn't qualified because:
  • She's a woman
  • A minority
  • An she must've sucked a lot of dick to succeed...
What a pathetic, misogynistic world view you hold.

Then you think Trump is some "self-made" success story, despite all the loans and luck he got. The man has had more business failures than virtually anyone. The only reason he remained relevant was the Apprentice. I mean, I can promise you, very few business school graduates would think working for the Trump Organization would be a great way to build their careers. It's only those now who want to be close to that sphere of potential power that are sucking up to Trump.

Let's face the hard reality here: Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, fucked over his own brother, and nearly pissed away the family fortune more than once. If he took Fred Trump's money and invested it in the S&P back in the 70s, he would've been a legit billionaire today. Mind you, he would have probably invested in Enron and WorldCom and other companies that fell apart....
So let me get this straight...the left talking point:
-Trump is a liar
-Trump isn't a self made billionaire (although he was able to keep the wealth going)
-Trump is Hitler (even though he didn't commit genocide)
-Trump is a rapist (he wasn't convicted as one)
-Trump will start WW3 (it didn't happen during his 1st term. in fact there was no Ukraine-Russia and Gaza-Israeli during his 1st term)
-Trump is a liar

But...the Democrat pulling the biggest lie of all (Joe is in the best shape he's ever been) only to eventually decide that the people can't be fooled anymore so they kick him in the curb...
Is lying really a problem?


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
So let me get this straight...the left talking point:
-Trump is a liar
-Trump isn't a self made billionaire (although he was able to keep the wealth going)
-Trump is Hitler (even though he didn't commit genocide)
-Trump is a rapist (he wasn't convicted as one)
-Trump will start WW3 (it didn't happen during his 1st term. in fact there was no Ukraine-Russia and Gaza-Israeli during his 1st term)
-Trump is a liar

But...the Democrat pulling the biggest lie of all (Joe is in the best shape he's ever been) only to eventually decide that the people can't be fooled anymore so they kick him in the curb...
Is lying really a problem?
No, I think a more accurate way of talking about Trump is:
  • He is a liar (you got that one right)
  • He's a convicted felon (cry bitter tears)
  • He is authoritarian and wants to roll back rights for workers and women
  • He's old as fuck and isn't mentally competent to run a Subway, let alone the US
  • He has a very long history of saying incredibly stupid things...and then having his fart catchers like Fox spin it as some kind of joke....
  • His handling of the US economy was a joke. Tariffs don't hurt China, and tax cuts for the wealth ballooned the US deficit...
So, if you thought Biden should be disqualified for running because he was to old....what say you on Trump? Please tell me how he is in so much better shape and mental capacity.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
This is just what I'm talking about your doing exactly what is expected you shape a narrative and call a woman a skank for having a normal life. And I'm sure "Lad" that your Neanderthal views on woman have served you very well in your private life
I have been divorced 2 times so you may hace a point 🤣

But we are also on an escort review board where we ultimately pay women to blow/screw us. Youre telling me youre an angel Mr. Deeds?

Again, i applaud kamala for being able to use her body to get to the top. Its a compliment!!!


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Funny, for someone who claims to be a billionaire, why is he so desperate for donations? Why did he have such a hard time putting up collateral for his legal issues? I don't think a legit billionaire would have that much difficulty financing a bond...yet, he sure as fuck did. And is Forbes the authority? I mean, they let him lie to them for decades about his net worth. So, I would take that with a grain of salt. Now, is he rich? Yes, he certainly is. But how rich....that's a very interesting question...
Didnt he have to put up something insane like 350 million in CASH because of the Obama appointed judge? Many billionaires invest their money in assets in order to beat inflation.

Desperate for donations? What presidential candidate doesnt accept donations? I would be upset though if one donated to Biden before they pushed him down the stairs:


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Didnt he have to put up something insane like 350 million in CASH because of the Obama appointed judge? Many billionaires invest their money in assets in order to beat inflation.

Desperate for donations? What presidential candidate doesnt accept donations? I would be upset though if one donated to Biden before they pushed him down the stairs:
Yeah, but you could put stock or other things up as collateral. Why couldn't Trump? Is it because he has a history of vastly overstating the value of his properties? Or, maybe people realized they aren't worth that much.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Yeah, but you could put stock or other things up as collateral. Why couldn't Trump? Is it because he has a history of vastly overstating the value of his properties? Or, maybe people realized they aren't worth that much.
Name a real estate owner who doesn't do that?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Um.....when they're going for bank loans or insurance, I'd say most. Not doing so could lead to fraud charges.

At any time a property is assessed at various prices. There is what you bought it for, what the bank thinks it's worth if it's remortgaged, what a real estate agent would list it for, what the city assesses it at, what insurance assesses it at. All use an inspection and tables. Then on some cases the market adds or subtracts. B

Right now my house is assessed much less than it's market value for my taxes as an example. As is yours. Are you running to the city to demand they increase it? If you put your house up for 1 million, someone offers you 1.2, would you say "oh no, that's fraud" to accept more?

If insurance comes to you, says we value it at X for the purposes of fees, do you argue? When you go to get a credit line, is it on you or the bank to determine the house value?

That's why the charges were stupid. Because real estate doesn't have a fixed value, how can you charge when two parties AGREE ON THE PRICE for whatever the transaction is,?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Ah, the GOP campaign in a nut shell. Imply that Harris isn't qualified because:
  • She's a woman
  • A minority
  • An she must've sucked a lot of dick to succeed...
What a pathetic, misogynistic world view you hold.
Looks like they are going to run with this hard until they figure out something else. (It will stick around after that, but not be the focus, I would guess.)

Expect a LOT of it.
Some will try the "Oh, but you know her reputation will get brought up" as if it is just something out of their control.
Others - the stupider, more easily led ones - will start posting more and more slut memes in various threads.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005

At any time a property is assessed at various prices. There is what you bought it for, what the bank thinks it's worth if it's remortgaged, what a real estate agent would list it for, what the city assesses it at, what insurance assesses it at. All use an inspection and tables. Then on some cases the market adds or subtracts. B

Right now my house is assessed much less than it's market value for my taxes as an example. As is yours. Are you running to the city to demand they increase it? If you put your house up for 1 million, someone offers you 1.2, would you say "oh no, that's fraud" to accept more?

If insurance comes to you, says we value it at X for the purposes of fees, do you argue? When you go to get a credit line, is it on you or the bank to determine the house value?

That's why the charges were stupid. Because real estate doesn't have a fixed value, how can you charge when two parties AGREE ON THE PRICE for whatever the transaction is,?
I think that you caught the bull by the tail. Read the list of fraudulent activities by Trump with respect to the blatantly misleading valuations of his properties that even enabled him to get up to 4 percentage points less of interest on his loans. Moreover, his Mar-a-Lago property was valued at $735 Million, although in reality it should have been closer to $75 Million. His Golf Courses, Trump Towers etc. were no less fraudulent:

But remember that our properties for the sake of property taxes are evaluated by the local councils. They upgrade the valuations after a certain number of years. But if you knowingly made such misleading and fraudulent valuations in Canada, then no doubt that you would be in prison!!
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I think that you caught the bull by the tail. Read the list of fraudulent activities by Trump with respect to the blatantly misleading valuations of his properties that even enabled him to get up to 4 percentage points less of interest on his loans. Moreover, his Mar-a-Lago property was valued at $735 Million, although in reality it should have been closer to $75 Million. His Golf Courses, Trump Towers etc. were no less fraudulent:

But remember that our properties for the sake of property taxes are evaluated by the local councils. They upgrade the valuations after a certain number of years. But if you knowingly made such misleading and fraudulent valuations in Canada, then no doubt that you would be in prison!!
You are missing the point. It's not up to Trump to establish the value of the Property. It's up to the city and the lender or service provider.

And real estate developers get special treatment because the banks want to loan them money.

Here, I will microcosm it for you. You own a house and want a credit line for 200,000. The bank says accorded to the net worth we assessed and your equity we can only give you 175,000. You request that your track record of loan payback/banking relationship , income, and whatever else they give you the 200,000. The only way the loan officer can do that is fudge the net value of the house by X amount. Which in a high market could actually be the net value in say a year.

Both parties agree to this. That's not fraud. That's just business. The banks, at any time, could have Said no, We have reservations. They didn't.

In Trump's trial the banks Said, there was no fraud. We willingly knew what we were doing. That's what happened.

Same with property tax. You own property right? Should you be charged because you didn't report it as undervalued? And if negotiations are allowed, and the city, once again, agrees with the lower value, when they can go out, inspect the property, and are THE SOLE DECIDER of its value, why is it fraud?


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Name a real estate owner who doesn't do that?
"Who me?"

"No, I don't defend Trump at all. Even perceived imperceptible slights."

"Whatever, do you mean?"

"I'm too progressive for my shorts, too progressive for my shorts ......"


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You are missing the point. It's not up to Trump to establish the value of the Property. It's up to the city and the lender or service provider.

And real estate developers get special treatment because the banks want to loan them money.

Here, I will microcosm it for you. You own a house and want a credit line for 200,000. The bank says accorded to the net worth we assessed and your equity we can only give you 175,000. You request that your track record of loan payback/banking relationship , income, and whatever else they give you the 200,000. The only way the loan officer can do that is fudge the net value of the house by X amount. Which in a high market could actually be the net value in say a year.

Both parties agree to this. That's not fraud. That's just business. The banks, at any time, could have Said no, We have reservations. They didn't.

In Trump's trial the banks Said, there was no fraud. We willingly knew what we were doing. That's what happened.

Same with property tax. You own property right? Should you be charged because you didn't report it as undervalued? And if negotiations are allowed, and the city, once again, agrees with the lower value, when they can go out, inspect the property, and are THE SOLE DECIDER of its value, why is it fraud?
You have missed the point of Trump's False Evaluations that were designed to obtain much lower interest rates. When evaluating your property up to around ten times than it's actual valuation is the considered to be a fraud. I gave you that actual example that you deliberately chose to ignore with respect to the Mar-a-Lago property of his. Remember that Trump had to certify the truth and accuracy of his documentation, and if you cannot decipher the difference between $75 million and $735 million, then is he capable of serving as a President when Trillions of dollars are your responsibility?

He was legally found liable and convicted of 34 felons. Yet the righties were desperately trying to make excuses and instead accuse Biden of worse crimes, although goodness knows what they are!!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You have missed the point of Trump's False Evaluations that were designed to obtain much lower interest rates. When evaluating your property up to around ten times than it's actual valuation is the considered to be a fraud. I gave you that actual example that you deliberately chose to ignore with respect to the Mar-a-Lago property of his. Remember that Trump had to certify the truth and accuracy of his documentation, and if you cannot decipher the difference between $75 million and $735 million, then is he capable of serving as a President when Trillions of dollars are your responsibility?

He was legally found liable and convicted of 34 felons. Yet the righties were desperately trying to make excuses and instead accuse Biden of worse crimes, although goodness knows what they are!!
Yes. Again. The banks stated in court they were not defrauded. They agreed with the deal. And all money was paid back.

So where is the crime?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
"Who me?"

"No, I don't defend Trump at all. Even perceived imperceptible slights."

"Whatever, do you mean?"

"I'm too progressive for my shorts, too progressive for my shorts ......"
So you think all the other real estate moguls in New York should not be charged for doing the exact same things for 100 years? As several went on TV and actually admitted to these nefarious crimes as daily business there? Just Trump?

And btw you just literally admitted the Justice system should be weaponized for political purposes. Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud. My politics have no bearing on this.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
So you think all the other real estate moguls in New York should not be charged for doing the exact same things for 100 years? As several went on TV and actually admitted to these nefarious crimes as daily business there? Just Trump?

And btw you just literally admitted the Justice system should be weaponized for political purposes. Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud. My politics have no bearing on this.
Corruption should be eliminated starting at the very highest level:

Deutsche Bank’s decision not to report the transactions is the latest twist in Mr. Trump’s long, complicated relationship with the German bank — the only mainstream financial institution consistently willing to do business with the real estate developer.

Congressional and state authorities are investigating that relationship and have demanded the bank’s records related to the president, his family and their companies. Subpoenas from two House committees seek, among other things, documents related to any suspicious activities detected in Mr. Trump’s personal and business bank accounts since 2010, according to a copy of a subpoena included in a federal court filing.
Mr. Trump and his family sued Deutsche Bank in April, seeking to block it from complying with the congressional subpoenas. The president’s lawyers described the subpoenas as politically motivated.
Suspicious activity reports are at the heart of the federal government’s efforts to identify criminal activity like money laundering and sanctions violations. But government regulations give banks leeway in selecting which transactions to report to the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.

So once again you are condoning corruption on just the Trump side of the spectrum. The Presidency position should definitely be above the level set by Donald. If not then The Justice System should have every right to investigate this level of corruption. This is false to state that it is a "Weaponization of the Justice System". More like the Justice System having the right to conduct their daily duties without any political interference or evil allegations against them for doing so!!
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