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How do you get a man to not cheat on you ?


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Cheating is wrong by its very definition. If you make a choice and commit yourself to monogamy, cheating might seem as a good solution, but the consequences of discovery are too much to contemplate. There are plenty of men who don't cheat, so something can stop men from cheating. Integrity, maybe?
Or maybe, if they just received more sex from their supposedly, SO !!!


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
S. W. Ontario
I was married once
I cooked I cleaned
I gave bjs and sex everyday
we chatted about life our future
we laughed a lot
we went out lots of places together
we argued about small things
i weighed 115 pounds when married
he still cheated
then we split up
he wanted me back
i said fuck you
so i became an escort lol

How do you get a man to not cheat on you? is it possible………… does monogamy really exist or is it just bullshit
Sounds like you did everything right, all that would work on me. The thing I see missing is mutual respect, expressions of mutual love and that he did things for you. Love and Respect are the glue of marriage, doing things for one another way to express these emotions. It looks to me that you did the mechanical things (cook, clean, fuck his brains out) but I don't see you going any deeper and certainly don't see what he did for you. In the long run, you're probably better off, and escorting might give you the chance to find Mr Right (you'll see through the crap and find a diamond)


Dec 1, 2012
Sounds like you did everything right, all that would work on me. The thing I see missing is mutual respect, expressions of mutual love and that he did things for you. Love and Respect are the glue of marriage, doing things for one another way to express these emotions. It looks to me that you did the mechanical things (cook, clean, fuck his brains out) but I don't see you going any deeper and certainly don't see what he did for you. In the long run, you're probably better off, and escorting might give you the chance to find Mr Right (you'll see through the crap and find a diamond)
ya i guess i forgot to mention that i loved him a lot lol and your right escorting has opened up my eyes to what i want and don't want in people …..i'm still hanging onto hope that the right guy will come along one day……… Thanks for the sweet words


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
ya i guess i forgot to mention that i loved him a lot lol and your right escorting has opened up my eyes to what i want and don't want in people …..i'm still hanging onto hope that the right guy will come along one day……… Thanks for the sweet words
Hang in there love. No guarantees in life.Forrest Gump was right about life.

Sometimes you can fall in love with the crappiest of folks and you wonder why love, and your heart did this to you.

Often the heart gives you no choice in the matter on who you fall in love with.

The brain can steer you away off course but lead to to that loveless but supposedly "happy" relationship.

I know I've fallen in love with some pretty unsavoury characters to say the least.

I've never regretted loving, as many people are incapable of this,and to love is one of the greatest things any human being can do. I think love, respect and mutual understanding, but most importantly TRUST, are important attributes of a relationship.

I'm glad for those who've entered into relationships based on other things besides love and trust like practicality, family pressures and financial security and are not fettered or anguished by the compromises necessary for it to work.

But, you gots to know when to move on.

The hardest part is getting back up and continuing along your journey, but you can, as many others have.


Apr 15, 2014
Maybe we are all cheaters maybe we were born to cheat
This is the very reason I do not believe in monogamy. Men cheat, women cheat, we all cheat if monogamy does not suit our personalities. This is why I choose to live a more honest life and have more sexually open relationships. Monogamy works for a small percentage of the population. In reality, most cheat or the ones who don't, exist in their sexless relationships miserable because they don't know that there are other ways to have relationships. Cheaters find that it's just easier to lie.. and it is.. but if you don't have to... why not cheat together? because then it is not really cheating is it?


Apr 15, 2014
I've cheated on every guy I've ever dated. I admit it - not sure why. Variety I guess.
Same here! Not that I really wanted to do something to hurt or harm in any way... I wanted variety and did not know I had the option to not have a monogamous relationship.


Just doin' what I do, man
Mar 15, 2002
Miami, you dumbass
Same here! Not that I really wanted to do something to hurt or harm in any way... I wanted variety and did not know I had the option to not have a monogamous relationship.
I thought this would upset me - but I think it`s kind of hot! :)


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
I really hope integrity plays a major role. What's your opinion on polygamy by choice, more specifically, one man who marries multiple women?
Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. - Oscar Wilde.

I couldn't resist sharing that one. Let the chips fall where they may.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I really hope integrity plays a major role. What's your opinion on polygamy by choice, more specifically, one man who marries multiple women?
I never understood that concept, I mean, why marry them, when you can do this.
And even if a guy had five wives, he'd probably cheat on them. Think about the consequences then :Eek:


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Well here's the thing... It's the norm for them. They all believe in the concept. What I'm trying to say is cheating is not "cheating" for this man as he, as well as his wives, believe in polygamy. What I wonder is... Do women stay "loyal" under these circumstances, and what is the meaning of loyalty in their mind?
A little brain washing can go a long why on the part of the man. Also, I've always wondered if some of these women might not be bisexual. Which would take care of both cravings. Just thinking out loud here!


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
Well here's the thing... It's the norm for them. They all believe in the concept. What I'm trying to say is cheating is not "cheating" for this man as he, as well as his wives, believe in polygamy. What I wonder is... Do women stay "loyal" under these circumstances, and what is the meaning of loyalty in their mind?
I have a distant relative with 2 wives. The women are Dependant on him financially and socially. So he could get away with cheating on his wives on theory. He's from a part of the world where there is no government safety net and jobs are hard to come by for women. Also divorcee women are looked at unfavorably.

And it's really not the norm from what I can tell. Not many men can afford it. You need to have a separate dwelling for each wife.


First he has to be a loyal partner. That's the first thing. Once you have that covered you just Feed him, sex him and support his hobbies. If those 3 don't work, he's just an asshole lol

From my experience men really are quite simple.


Dec 4, 2007
To answer the original question, I wouldn't cheat if my SO gave me all that. When we first married, cheating never crossed my mine. It wasn't until many years later when she stopped having sex with me that I thought about cheating. It took several years of frustration and some mild depression on my part before I gave up on my SO on the sex front. I still love her but having sex with myself was boring so I eventually got into the hobby. I'd like to believe that I would stop if she ever changed her mind and started having sex with me again.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
First he has to be a loyal partner. That's the first thing. Once you have that covered you just Feed him, sex him and support his hobbies. If those 3 don't work, he's just an asshole lol

From my experience men really are quite simple.
Where have you been all my life !!!!! I luv the "sex him" part !!!


May 13, 2011
I thought about this for a while since this was posted and I think the answer is quite simple to answer but almost impossible to find.

The answer is find somebody who loves you as much as you love them, maybe even more!

The problem is that many of us settle!

"Love is alwayse patient and kind. It is never jelous. Love is never boastful or coincided. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offence. It is not resentful."

This is why we cheat...guys and girls...
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