With all due respect, especially for the hard work you put in to make your point, but I disagree.
The volume of posts OG2 has put out is staggering, consider he was not posting with nonsense, so the seem-to-be overwhelm post concerning Flirt is not really a surprise to me. What else he would be talking about if he goes to Flirt 2 times a week average? Take me for example: I like Flirt, I have seen a few girls there (especially Melody), but I haven't seen Anna despite all the good thing he said about her. She is just not my type, then I have no reason to doubt his word on her. IF he was a shiller, he failed miserably.
If a poster reports in favor of a provider or a spa/agency it means he like her/it not necessarily shilling. Shilling happens when anyone deliberately tries to deceive other member, most likely for his own benefit, as I understand it.
Again I would like to thank EVERYONE here for chipping in, both sides,especially the Mods. For anyone to chip in, it means to me that EVERYONE has some level of care for TERB, and in their way want to make this THE BOARD OF CHOICE. To me personally, the board has not been the same without OG2, for the worse. I like to believe that everyone deserve a second chance, for what he seems to have committed : definitely.
The decision rests with the Mods and ultimately with Fred, NO DOUBT! THIS is a plea, a petition NOT a questioning.