No i meant ANY legitimateproduction. Catz, any theatre, etc film school etcTell me where I said that. Bold and underline it.
Easier said than done. How do I find a production? I can't just google "porn shoots Toronto" and then expect to waltz onto set.
ALL entertainment in Toronto has a porn connection.
Any crew if there serious will have worked on some kind of porn
You dont voluteer for porn you volunteer for films.
Your be asked for porn in a couple of weeks if your any good.
Showcase for example, had you been interning with them, did a show about making porn and you now be in the porn biz.
W, women channel. back in the day. used to do a porn thing about once a year. I remember lots of SWs from tdot who where in it.
Porn has the problem its hard for them to get talented people because of the stigma and restrictions it causes for main stream productions. Nobody cares about interns.
However, many jobs photography, grip etc are union area and volunteering in some fields will get you blacklisted.
The largest porn production I know of in Toronto ever had over 1000 volunteers but most did not know they where doing porn.
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