Toronto Escorts

Housing market is hot


Active member
Jan 10, 2005
More and more immigrants come to this country every year, and most end up in Toronto eventually.

Low supply, high demand.

It’s a racket.
Exactly. Montreal is now affected thanks to that POS Trudope. I see so many Indians there now also. They come just to buy property and buy out businesses. They make no contribution to the economy. The floodgates got to be closed. The United Kingdom learned that a long time ago. Before Canada they were all going to London, UK till they shut down immigration.


Active member
Jan 10, 2005
Applaud Trudeau and Ford for the great job they’ve been doing with containment measures and measures in place for businesses And Canadian’s so far.
Lol I hope you are being sarcastic. Trudope is causing more damage with his socialist mentality. He is throwing free money everywhere encouraging people to sit home instead of working therefore encouraging the economy to stagnate. He opened the flood gates to mass immigration causing more poverty. He put us in big debt and believe me we will have new taxes making more people even poorer. He is doing all this just to buy votes and gain control of parliament. He is friendly to Cuba and Chinese communism. His new finance minister hinted on Trudope starting a Universal Basic Income (Create more dependency on the governement means easier to control and setup state owned businesses). He is a greedy power hungry POS. Trudope serves the United Nations not Canada. He should be arrested for being a traitor.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Exactly. Montreal is now affected thanks to that POS Trudope. I see so many Indians there now also. They come just to buy property and buy out businesses. They make no contribution to the economy. The floodgates got to be closed. The United Kingdom learned that a long time ago. Before Canada they were all going to London, UK till they shut down immigration.
You're an absolute outstanding model of what being a Canadian means. SMH at your ignorance.
This is a multicultural country more than likely chances are if you're not an immigrant yourself your family migreated here and the very high majority of Canadian's did the same. This country has been booming and strengthened for decades due to it's immigrant population.
As for buying property and business, that is great to hear and exactly proving how immigration, permanent residency and investor programs are working to the benefit of the coutnry. Contrary to your false belief that they make no contribution to the economy but purchasing properties and businesses is making a contribution to the economy.
I am glad it triggers the likes of you and you reveal your ignorant selves.

Lol I hope you are being sarcastic. Trudope is causing more damage with his socialist mentality. He is throwing free money everywhere encouraging people to sit home instead of working therefore encouraging the economy to stagnate. He opened the flood gates to mass immigration causing more poverty. He put us in big debt and believe me we will have new taxes making more people even poorer. He is doing all this just to buy votes and gain control of parliament. He is friendly to Cuba and Chinese communism. His new finance minister hinted on Trudope starting a Universal Basic Income (Create more dependency on the governement means easier to control and setup state owned businesses). He is a greedy power hungry POS. Trudope serves the United Nations not Canada. He should be arrested for being a traitor.
Absolutely 110% not being sarcastic. The measures Trudeau and Ford put in place as containment measures for businesses and Canadian's amidst the COVID-19 threat had a great affect on the economy so far and I applaud them for it. The USA specifically Texas, GA, FL are more inline with your views.
My post had nothing to do with our immigration policy and everything to do with COVID-19 preventive measures and government help to ease the pain on businesses and Canadians and the positive affect it's had on housing in Ontario.
But since you lack the knowledge about immigration and how our policies work here are some facts for you.

Our permanent residency program people have to qualify for, qualifications and who they let into the country is in those industries that we are lacking workforce in which is a great way to help those industries in need of workforce. If one cannot qualify from our regular PR program one can come through the investor program where each province has different guidelines for.
How that works in Quebec where you live and where I've had a family home in for almost a decade, as well as having relatives that have moved there recently using the investor program is this:

People from other countries who apply for the investor program in QC have to give the provincial government of Quebec a $1.2 Mln dollar payment to hold for 5 years interest free, in return they receive their ICQ and eventually their PR and move here. When they move here which for the very high majority is as soon as they receive their ICQ # and before receiving their PR status which sometimes could take years, they can not apply for any mortgages, loans, healthcare or any other program Canada or QC offers it's citizens. If they have kids and they need to send them to school they have to pay for their schooling, if you don't know what schooling costs it's almost $15k/child in Montreal for elementary school which is what they have to go through.

So meanwhile your on your priviledged attitude falsely claiming and I quote "they come just to buy property and buy out businesses. They make no contribution to the economy"
That is exactly what they are doing contributing to our economy a heck of a lot more than so many do.
I know this because I have family moved into QC as investors in the last couple of years, purchased their car, and home cash, paid porperty taxes, paid for schooling as well have health insurance. Now how many 40 something Canadians have just over $2Mln sitting around in their bank accounts that they can use tomorrow without it affecting their daily lives? And before you say this is an isolated story there thousands of new stories like this every year. The Canadian government understand the benefit they bring to our economy despite your lack of understand of it.

These people contribute to the housing industry as well as our economy on a daily basis across Canada and specially in Ontario and Quebec.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2017
There letting in the wrong kind of immigrants. Shootings murders have skyrocketed. Homeless people overtaking cities

There coming here and taking advantage of the social services hard working tax payers provide. Welfare Healthcare and education. Even these rich Chinese coming here they dont pay an taxes or make income in Canada.

Economic growth lol. Country going to shit have you looked at gdp last few years? Low rates are not the sign of a good economy!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
Trudeau has been terrible for this country. His immigration policies have made it impossible for homegrown Canadians to own a home realistically because foreigners are buying it up to park their cash. Its fucking bullshit. Im pissed about it even though it doesn't affect me. My father helped me with a down payment so I was lucky in that regard, so I am privileged enough to own a home. but regardless fuck Trudeau, he was born with a silver spoon and a fucking drama teacher so he doesn't understand what its like to not be able to afford to own a home in the place you grew up.

Vote conservative.
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